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Dec 8, 2012

Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve

This is page two for Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve webpage.

A small Malayan Monitor Lizard. A very common sight in SBWR.

Another shot of the Malayan Monitor Lizard

An egret? A crane? A heron? But surely a migratory bird.

All sorts of water birds here.

Landing time!!!

A common insect in SBWR called the Cotton Stainer Bug.

I forgot the location of this place. Gotta ask Fazeli. Hahaha!

Sungei Buloh Kechil taken from the Tower Hide.

Sungei Bilabong Buloh taken from Tower Hide too. A strange Malay name for a river.

An unknown species of a bird.

Another encounter of the common Malayan Monitor Lizard.

A close up shot of the said lizard.

A very nice shot of a dragonfly.

A not so nice shot of the said dragonfly.

Fadilah walking through the trail. We are at 'Route 2' of the park.

A venomous looking spider guarding its web.

Upon closer look, it was identified as the Batik Golden Web Spider.

What is that swimming in the water?

The Tower Hide.

Another cute squirrel spotted crawling along a branch!

Crocodile! To be exact, it is the Estuarine Crocodile.

Can't identify what bird is this.

Another shot of the Estuarine Crocodile.

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