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July 9, 2011

Pengerang Dirtbiking

This is page two of the Pengerang Dirtbiking webpage.

Cat A riders group photo.

This is nothing yet.

Quite dirty but still nothing yet.

The first session of the day was tiring enough! We had to take a break
under the shade of a tree but we're all smiles!

Saiful looked quite battered here but Asyur seems ok.

Farhan had to get the aid from cigarettes for stamina!

I told you. You can see he's much better now!

Cat B riders posing with their pocket bikes. All set to go!

While waiting for the rest, these Cat B riders posed for the camera.

We all know the 2 riders in front are all ready and excited. But how about
the one at the back?

Don't ever think that I'm a cat I can't play dirtbike ok!

Lunch break before the 2nd session. Spot anything strange?

Taken from another angle. Can you still spot anything strange?

The strange 'thing' I was talking about. This Mystery Rider can actually
eat his lunch without removing his full-face helmet! Strange eh?

Out lunch. Guess whose hand is this.

Create a dialogue. The lucky person with best dialouge will win dirt.
Juli: ____________________________________________________.
Mystery Rider: ____________________________________________.
Ikha: ___________________________________________________.

Asyur: Everyone look. 1 plus 1 is equal to 2. Get it?
Arman: Who's that dumbass who said 11???

Saiful: Whoever said 11 just now better own up! Else you will get a 11
seconds of bad luck!

The 2nd session of the day took us to the park again, before joining the
Cat B riders later on. Here we went to a nice location, a small shelter
where we can see some plantation down the hill.

Farhan making another appearance.

Which is the most powerful bike in this pic? Ans: None.

This IS the most powerful bike.

The park looks like an african desert.

The whatever plantation down the hill. Splendid!

The air is so refreshing!

Looking far and wide, Farhan analyzing the tough terrain we will be going
through. .

The sole of someone's shoe peeled off. Now, this IS something.

We all looked like we're stranded in a bus stop along some remote kampong!

Saiful: 1+1 equals to? Hmmm...

That's Saiful navigating the tough terrain uphill with his machine.

After eating alot of dust, tasting dirt, falling countless times, we made up
one of the many uphills, only to eat dust, taste dirt and fall off our bikes
again! Hahahahaha!

Another shot for memory's sake.

Later on, somewhere in the park, Cat A riders joined their counterparts
in Cat B.

The riders listening attentively to the instructor.

That's one badass helmet!

Those guys at the back thought the camera is on the right!

All of us knew where the camera was except for one.

The day at Tristan Park ended here. All of us just taken our shower. The
guy in blue at the back is one of our instructors.

I pity Farhan. He have been so stressful lately and staring blankly!

Chilling before taking a ride back to the Tanjung Pengelih Jetty.

Those 2 cars at the back will take us to Tanjung Pengelih Jetty.

Dewi and Asyur were all smiles. A sign they had enjoyed the dirtbiking

That is the office and the instructors and staffs.

At the Tanjung Pengelih Jetty waiting for the boat. You can see the boredom
in our faces.

No amenities. No shop, no entertainment. Toilet is far away. Pure boredom!

This has got to be the most boring part of the day. Waiting for the boat
for too long and going back to reality, Singapore!

We were just dragging our feet towards the boat. Sigh...

That's the end of the session. Everyone was happy, satisfied and tired.
A huge success! Kudos to the organizers!

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