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July 15, 2011

The search for Kampong Chantek and Kampong Lorong Buangkok.

This is page two of The search for Kampong Chantek and Kampong Lorong Buangkok webpage.

What a coincidence! We met our colleague there!

The kampong-style signboard to Surau Kampong Lorong Buangkok (a
small kampong mosque).

A more modern kampong house with brick walls. The potted plants outside
is quite significant in kampongs.

In kampongs, you don't have to fight and pay for parking.

Kampong roads get really muddy after a heavy downpour.

Venturing deeper into the kampong.

A letter box with the address stated on it.

A kampong house retaining much of its glory. The wooden walls, doors
and windows.

Raihan feeling a little uncomfortable I guess. You can see only his upper
half is dry while his lower half is wet. Hahahaha.

The verandah is a part of the house which is very significant too. Imagine
getting out of the door and breathing the fresh morning air outside the

This kampong house looks like a kampong surau (a small mosque).

Cemented pathway alley in between houses.

Aliens sighted invading the kampong!

Queen Ikha discovered the door is unlocked and decided to take a peek.

This is the kampong's surau. I can't remember what was inside.

Zulfa is the name of a Muslim childcare centre/kindergarten. Well I didn't
know if the surau is also a kindergarten or childcare centre but this was
found outside.

A refugee at the kampong.

Asyur mutating into an alien.

A two-storey kampong house!

A cute rempit cat!

Some kampong people welcoming us to their house.

Inside the living hall.

It was already 1.17pm.

Arman said the kampong life is good!

The dining hall. The table is full of Hari Raya cakes!

Curiousity made the cat meddle with the camera and took photo of itself!

There's more cats than these actually!

So cutttteeee!!!!

A kampong kitchen and a table full of kampong stuffs. Lemongrass, tempehs
and dried chillis. The lady cutting dried chillis in the photo is the owner of the
house and a family friend of Banon.

Without feeling any shame, Queen Ikha opens up a kuih container and
started eating. Hahahaha!

Asyur after mutating into an alien.

Saiful is still wet from the rain. You can see his hair is still wet! Hahahaha!

Honey Cornflakes! One of my favourites!

Everyone tucking themselves into Hari Raya kuihs and the extremely
sweet Fruit Punch made by Banon!

Farhan telling us the expedition was great!

And fell asleep later...

Another cutie!!!

Juliati tried to take a photo of this cutie.

But she couldn't get a nice shot.

This cutie is camera shy!

In the bathroom. This huge pot (Malay: Tempayan) is used to collect water from the tap
before scooping water from it to bathe.

The kampong is already modernize. So you can sit on the toilet bowl while doing business
and play guitar at the same time. No more going out of the house to the toilet and squatting
over the toilet. No more carrying a pail of water from the bathroom.

Finally, quite a good shot of this cutie!!!

All of us were heavy hearted to leave. We decided to take a photo before
we go off.

Took another one...

And another one, which candid!

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