LP WithYou: You've been listening too long...

If you do 5 or more of these things, you listen to Linkin Park WAAAAAY too often! (Or Not...)

You own hybrid, and know ALL the words
You have burned copies of all of LP's tracks available on the net
You know all of the words to these tracks
Your friends that don't own the CD know all the words. 
Your mom knows all the words.
Your 3 year old sister knows the words 
You dream about them at night...like, a lot.
You get drunk with your friends and spend 45 minutes arguing about who's better: Chester or Mike. 
You show your mom a picture and make her pick the best-looking one... 
You have a Linkin Park tape, with all their performances, etc... 
You have spent �/$ 600 on merchandise
You talk to people like this: Rap, rap, SCREAM...rap, rap, SCREAM...  
Your getting the logo tattooed on your ass
You get ALL the logos tattooed on your ass
You get all the logos tattoed on your ass, as well as chester's flames and fishes on your arms
You get a lip ring to match Chester's 
Your hairstyle changes every time Chester's does. 
Your mate's changes every time Mike's does
You can name all the styles Chester has had his hair in order and in what time period
You can name all the colors Mike has dyed his hair in order and in what time period
You dress up as a soldier with dragonfly wings for haloween, 
You have over 3000 posts in the Official Message Board
You have over 3000 post on ALL LP message boards
You have home-made LP boxer shorts
You use up a whole ink cartrige in you printer purely on LP pics
You then spend 5 hours aranging the pics in an 8foot LP collage for you wall
You scream "i dont knooooooooooooooooooowwww the answer!!!!!!!!!" at your teacher
You mumble lyrics "high voltage" when mad and irritated
You have bought 5 copies of hybrid, because the first 4 got over-played
All of your other CDs are competely unscratched because you never listen to them
All of your other CDs are gathering dust in a box under your bed
You have no other CDs
You can happily listen to Hybrid theory non-stop for 6 hours and not get bored.
You put Hybrid on and mosh around your room screaming into a hairbrush every night, for relaxation
Your baby brother wants you to burn a CD for him
Your baby brother wants you to burn CDs for all his freinds
Your baby brother becomes a mini-mosher under your influence
You won't accept dates from anyone who doesnt like LP
You won't accept dates from anyone who doesnt look like LP
You won't accept dates from anyone who isn't LP
You read the same LP interview over 10 times and laugh at their jokes like its the first time you've heard them 
You have over 1000 articles of LP
You have EVERY article writen about LP
You have 3 tapes full of LP tv appearances
You have EVERY LP appearance on tape
You have every TV appearance AND every article
You have Travelled the country to see every show of the tour
You have travelled the world to see every show of the tour
You know more about the band than they know about themselves
You hear someone playing LP on their radio while your walking down the street and you flag them down and talk to them for a half an hour about LP! 
You accidentally call your boyfriend (or girlfreind) "Chester" in a fit of passion
You have all the lyrics to Hybrid written in your school notebook
You write the lyrics of Hybrid Theory and hand it in as your maths homework
You stay off school to sit and surf the net all day for LP stuff
You skip school to make sure you don't miss any new threads on the board
You can;t sleep without listening to LP
your friends stop listening when ever the names chester, mike, joe, brad, rob, or phoenix come up in conversation...which seems to be every 10 minutes 
Your notebooks are full of about 300 different LP logos 
You totally spass when your town's one rock station plays a LP song and have to stop what your doing bc you KNOW its soo much better to hear you fav song on the radio than on cd 
You harass a DJ for almost 5 hours because he didnt have Linkin Park, proceed to make him play at LEAST two songs off of the Hybrid Theory you had in your car, and argue with him for callin' LP "pop"
You have this site as your home on your browser
The only folders in your browser favourites are 'LP' and 'OTHER'
You play the guitar, and know how to play all of Hybrid Theoy 
You play the guitar, and you know how to play every LP song written
You play the guitar and the only thing you know HOW to play is LP songs
You bought a guitar especially to learn how to play them
You bought an ibanez guitar only because thats the brand that LP plays
You tell all your friends to SHUT UP WHEN I'M TALKING YOU YOU! when they try to interupt you
You eat nothing but Cheetos (in honor of Chester). Yummy! 
You fail all your exams because you were listeing to LP all though all of your lessons
You don't turn up for your exam because you can't take your discman into your exam
You decide to have six kids--all boys and name them Chester, Mike, Pheonix, Rob, Brad, and Mr. Hahn (must't forget the Mr!)
When walking down a long hall u suddenly feel like Mike in the "in the End" video so u start rapping and walking like he does in the video 
You get excitied every time you pass 'Lincoln Park'
Your sitting in class and the only words you catch of a lecture are "step," "closer" "crawl" "runaway" "shut up" etc... and you automatically start singin the song under your breath 
You got your cd player and over 250 cds stolen out of ur car ( and still havent gotten them back ) and just because they didnt take ur lp cd you didnt call the cops ,( and still havent) 
Your best friend puts in the lp cd you jump out mid-shower so you and ur best friend can dance in front of the stero for the WHOLE cd while your'e in a towel - LP are so much more important than showering
You listen to LP IN the shower
When an LP concert got cancelled, you were in such denial that you drove 3 1/2 hours to the venue, just to make sure!
You print out pics of Chester and his wife, cut out your head from another pic and put it ontop of her face
u sent MTV a nasty letter saying how this years VMAs sucked ass cuz lp didnt win anything 
You can't wake up unless Crawling is screaming out of your stereo
You can't wake up unless you've listened to the whole of Hybrid
You have filled your mobile up with ringtones, logos, texts, welcome notes, all to do with LP. You even bought a �25 LP phone cover
Your freinds think you have a 'thing' for Chester even though you have a girl friend
Your freinds are right
You tell your freinds that they are right
You are always telling other self-proclaimed LP fans things that they dont know about the band 
Your'e walking down the corridor and suddenly sing random lyrics like 'and open up my mind!', when you didn't even have the song in your head
Your freinds are used to you doing this frequently
You realise that the reason you do this is because you have Hybrid Theory constantly playing in your subconcious, and everynow and again when you are not paying atantion, a bit will leak through and you will sing to whatever bit is playing in your head
You hyperventalate, because you imagined just how different your life would be with the absence of LP
You get papercuts, and are more interested in the fact that it's an LP song that the fact that it is bleeding
You decide you runaway, purely becasue LP said so
You take Music as your main class, purely so you can have a lessong in rhythm management
You get mad at your dad when he doesn't wash your LP shirt every time he does laundry 
You put the TV on mute just so you can listen to LP while you watch it 
You walk around the house listening to LP 
You go insane when some guy drives by your bus because he looks almost exactly like Phoenix. And you haven't stopped talking about it eventhough it was about a month ago 
You had fish named Sammie but once you found out about LP you changed her name to Samantha 
You name your other fish Chester 
You can relate almost anything to LP in one way or another...even the letter Z (Zebra starts with Z. Zebra is a type of animal print and Chaz and Sam's room is kinda animal print...so neh!)
Your driving around and see a sign for the town "manchester" or "winchester" and you are am tempted to take get out and take a picture in front of the sign...just to say that you have stood next to Chester
You then get even more exctited when you get to "Chesterfeild", Wow! A whole feild full of Chesters... it sends you into orgasm.
You get all excited in the yearbook when some kid's last name is Parker 
You go on a fieldtrip to visit a school for you intro to elementary education class, and the only thing you remember and the only thing that got you excited was seeing a kid's nametag that said, "Christopher HAHN" 
You pull up behind a car with a license plate from from the dealership that says, "Brad Benson" and swear to god that a minute ago, it infact said "Brad Delson"... 
When LP comes on tv you run and sit in front of it and don't realize you're sitting on a shoe until it's over. 
You stay up till 4 in the morning just to see LP when you have 3 tapes of them already 
You have to watch all those tapes before you go to bed or you can't sleep. 
While you're watching LP, your dad has to get your attention by saying "Chester" or "Dave" or one of the other band member's names 
You invite friend to stay the night and she hears you saying LP lyrics and quotes from the band members in your sleep 
You show your grandmother your Joe wallpaper and she says "Oh, he's cute"  
You freinds can now only get your attention by calling you Linkin Park Girl. 
You think Chaz's screaming is soothing and put OSC on repeat to cure your headaches...and it works...quite fast. 
You to convert your boyfreind, you tell him: "If you are not into LP, then NO WAY are you gettin into me!"

...And the ultimate fan: You have actually spent the last 10 minutes reading this list.

Thanks to all the people who posten on the thread on the LP messageboard for alot of these! (I also made alot up - Liz, LPWY)

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