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Art is everywhere... the design of clothing, buildings, products and websites. Though, the one art that is most enjoyable to look at is a painting or drawing. Here we will look at the best science fiction fantasy artwork of modern artists. View artwork of comics in Comic Book Collection List: Cover Art Scans and selected links for related material. Link to larger images shown below are coming soon. If you have any questions/comments, please e-mail. Updated 2002-12-05

Note: Alphabetically ordered by surname. Please wait... images loading
Simon Bisley - graphic comic book artist known for his art on the Lobo mini-series.
Brom - information unavailable
Vincent Evans - one of his works is Time Slip for client Marvel Comics.
Frank Frazetta - works on Conan and other science fiction covers.
Against the GodsAtlantisBarbarianBran Mak MornCave DemonDark KingdomDawn AttackDeath Dealer IDeath Dealer VDestroyerDracula Meets the WolfmanEgyptian QueenEternal WarriorIndomitableJohn Carter and the Savage Apes of MarsMothmanSnow GiantsSun GoddessVictoriousWarrior With Ball and Chain
H.R. Giger - dark gothic nightmarish visualist/visionary known for the design to Alien. Works are called biomechanical art.
Joe Jusko - known for painted covers to comic book titles.
Ken Kelly - Painter to the following Conan poster titles: Attack From Above, the Protector, the Archer, Sea Venom, Feline Princess, Escape From Kahn, the Conquerer, Lion's Den, Man of War, Monstrous, Nina, and Revenge of the Viking.
Sam Kieth - best known for his artwork on Incredible Hulk and Wolverine in Marvel Comics Presents and Maxx creation.
Jim Lee - comic book artist best known for Uncanny X-Men and WildCATS creation.
Uncanny X-Men #275
Todd McFarlane - comic book artist best known for his work on Amazing Spider-Man and Spawn creation.
Spawn #1Spider-Man #1 (Silver)
Syd Mead - visual futurist known for the film 'Blade Runner'
Mike Mignola - an unique comic book artist known for his Hellboy creation.
Frank Miller - comic book artist best known for his work on Batman.
Moebius - information unavailable
Whilce Portacio - comic book artist known for the delayed Wetworks project.
Joe Quesada - comic book artist.
Alex Ross - known for his painted art to Marvels.
Steve Rude - one of his major works is Hulk vs. Superman.
Bart Sears
Marc Silvestri - comic book artist best known for his work on Wolverine and Cyberforce creation.
Barry Windsor Smith - best known for his work on Wolverine (Weapon X) in Marvel Comics Presents and Conan.
Boris Vallejo - does painted covers to science fiction novels; focuses on human form and muscle structure as seen in his Greek mythology art.

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