

Carlotta Giudecelli sat at her vanity in her dressing room. She was determined to enjoy her day off today. Perhaps she would stroll along the river banks with her lover, Ulbado (sp?) Piangi. Carlotta was an attractive woman but then again, everybody in the opera house knew that. The simple statement she made in her dress..made her want to push the attraction but she did not. Carlotta wore a dress made of a deep purple satin and a bow in her hair to match the ensemble. Slowly, Carlotta rose from her chair and made her way towards the door and opened it. Good. Nobody in the lonely corridor which was normally filled with gossipy ballet rats. She had no desire to be ambushed by them today. Especially Meg Giry. Carlotta sighed and continued on her way towards the opera foyer where she would exit the building.


Mdm. Giry rapped out the rhythm of the routine with her cane, watched the three dancers on stage go through the motions until the rightmost nearly put her foot through a prop tree. �Back to your starting places,� she said, strolling over to inspect the tree. �We will continue to run through this sequence until it can be performed without destroying the set.�

�But we cannot perform this piece with the tree there,� the klutz protested.

�The stage is set as it will be for the performance,� Giry retorted. �You will have to be less sloppy. I suggest you walk through your paces a few more times before we continue. If you cannot perform it, I�m sure one of the other would be happy to take your place for this number.� There was a hint of threat in her words and the klutz obeyed.


Christine made her way up the steps to the stage, curiously watching the three solo dancers. Madame Giry seemed to be having a bit of a problem with them, and Christine could not help but feel bad for them. It was no secret that she herself was not one of the best dancers in the chorus.

Christine gave Giry a small smile when she thought she had looked her way. She seemed unable to keep her happiness within her today! If only there was someone she could tell. And yet, it was a sort of delicious secret that she kept within her heart, that none should ever know of! What would her first lesson with the Angel be like today? Would he compliment her? Would he be happy with her? She was both excited and nervous about it.

Christine stood outside a ring of other girls and waited until Madame Giry was ready for her.


�Starting positions,� Giry commanded, rapping her cane heavily on the stage floor to get the dancers positions. �And again.� She rapped the beats while she watched, anticipating their moves before them made them, after all this was the eighth time they ran through this. She saw the mistake that led up to the klutz putting her leg through the tree.

The other two dancers helped klutz to her feet, but when the girl tried to put weight on the foot she winced. Mdm. Giry shook her head in resignation. She would need a replacement and one that was quick to learn. She glanced over at the others lined up in the wings, of all Christine Daae stood out of the crowd, slightly apart and dreamy eyed. Was this her idea of volunteering?

"Mlle Daae, do I take it that you are anxious to take Mlle Maupu's place in this number?" she asked as she stooped down and examined the klutz's ankle.


Christine's thoughts were with the Angel. How lovely and ultimately perfect was his voice last night! It seemed that she had dreamed it. What if she were to return to her room tonight and find that he never came? What if it really all was a dream? But even she could not dream up such a heavenly voice! Nor could she make herself slumber so peacefully.

"Mlle Daae, do I take it that you are anxious to take Mlle Maupu's place in this number?"

Christine gasped at the sound of her name and focused her attention on the voice. Madame Giry was speaking to her! She felt her face drain of color when she made sence of the words.

"Me? Oh, no! I mean, I didn't mean to make you that I--"

She stopped and swallowed nervously, realized she was wringing her hands nervously. She hadn't mean to volunteer by her inattention. Why would Mme Giry even think so? She knew Christine was not one of the best dancers! But then, would Giry be disappointed if Christine completely turned down the opportunity?

"I mean, if you need me to, if you want me to..."

She bit her lip again and hoped the other girls weren't watching her twitter about. Did Giry really wish her to dance in the klutz's spot? Or was she merely berating her for her inattention?

***This thread is currently in progress***

This thread is continued from Christine's Dressingroom

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