to my Webpage and also Index Page!
To have an Index Page, with all the different Links of an Webpage its a lot easier to get around. People can choose what they want to read and what they want to skip.
About Myself!
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My own Story about Fibromalgyia
My Kids and Grandchildren
Believe In Angels
My Friends
Gifts from my Angel Sisters
Support our Troops
My own made Cyberdolls
My bigger Cyberdolls
I started my second webpage, about Vietnam vets, poems, History etc. URL:
http://www.geocities.com/dreamzinlife2000/index.html Please go and visit this one as well. Thank you.
I opened my first store, to see how its going, 10 % of all sales will be going to Kids with Cancer, to help their Families and Children! Please go and visit, just click on the banner. Thank you. To come back to my website click the back button!
Please do sign my Guestbook, its appriciated. Thank you!
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