Angels are among us!!
Why is it so hard for some People to believe, that there is Angels among us? They believe in evil things, why not believe in good, and that there is angels among us, to help people in need to cope with their Problems.  But most of the people have the attitude, what I cant see doesnt exist. Well you could argue that point, by saying, I cant see electricity, but yet it is there. My point is, its a matter of opinion.
I always believed in angels and love angels. They come in all shape and sizes. At least thats my believe. Or someThings happen, which make you think.
I got a call from my younger Sister, who lives in Germany. She has the same as I 4 Children. Yet hers are a little bit more on the wild side. One Day, my nephew who is 8 was playing on a roof of a barn with his friends. He wasnt suppose too. All of a sudden he fell thru the roof about 10 feet down, right under neath were he fell was a parked car, he hit his head on that as well. My Brother-in-Law, right away brought him to the hospital, my nephew was shook up and in a shock, but he had no scratch on him. The Doctors still ordered a catscan for his head and x-rays. The results came back negative they couldnt find no injury. Other then beeing shook up, they still kept him for a couple of days under observation, but my nephew was fine. One Doctor said to my sister, he sure had a Guardian Angel watching over him, with this fall the injuries should of been worse. And I believe it, that he had a guardian Angel.
We dont know what Angels really look like, but it really doesnt matter. My Believe is they are there.
This Teardrop is for all missing Children. May God be with them and if you want put one on your Page as well.
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Please let me know, your Opinion or what do you think about the existense of angels.
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