Chapter 6: Feels So Right
When you look inside yourself, do you see me?
Music to read by: 
"Feels So Right" by Eagle Eye Cherry

Too lost to realize who.
Well, here's one clue, Im standing right in front of you.
Dont say no, cause I cant go.
Well, all I know is that you and I are meant to be
You and I are meant to be.

Feels so right,  feels so right,
It feels so right.

I decided that tommorrow we would actually start the recording with the guys, allowing everyone to fully recooperate from last night's events. I began to make a "to do" list for everything that needed to occur between now and then. I had yet to do soundchecks on any of the guys. I still needed to get some paperwork done and I needed to set up the mics according to each of the guys. Yippee skippee. None later than I had finished my thoughts, Melissa walked through the door.
"Ohla, Chica." she greeted.
"Hey, babe. What's shakin'?"
"Nothing really. It's very quiet in my life. Hi Joey."
"Oh, hey, Mel." He acknowledged before going back to his magazine.
"So, Audrey, last night...what happenned? You look like hell and well, Joey doesn't look much better."
"Let's just say we all got slammed, except for Isaac who actually loooks human today. Not to mention he's in the best mood out of all of us."
"That's lovely, really Audrey. What is it about getting completely drunk anyway? I mean, I see you guys like this and it just looses all of it's appeal."
"Gee thanks, Mel."
"Anytime, so there was this band that..."
She trailed off expectantly. "Oh, why yes. The band is in the recording room, but they aren't recording so go on in."
"Oh, cool. Hanson: Live in action."
"Oh brother."
Joey looked up from his magazine. "She looks pretty good today."
"Can we not talk about her?" Yeah, so she's georgeous. Compared to me she's like Miss USA.  I mean, we're the same height and build, but she just is so high maintenace. I'm "give me a tank and jeans" girl.
"You're uncomfortable around her, aren't you?"
"Joey, you're full of crap. She's my best friend. I just don't like to hear you all oogle over her."
"You are showing signs of a severe inferiority complex."
"Ok, I'm going to go in to join Melissa and the guys. You can either sit here and continue to patronize me to yourself or you can come with me."
"I'll choose the latter although sitting here and throwing cliches at a wall sounds quite amusing." Joey continued, amusing himself.

"So you have known Audrey for how long?" I heard Tay's voice through the crack in the door.
"Well, since elementary school. We just kinda stuck together and here I am and there she is. Hey Aud."
"Hi Mels, hi guys. What's everyone up to?" Laying on the smoothness. Inferiority complex, my ass.
"Well, Melissa came in here and introduced herself and we started talking." Zac replied, as he eyed Melissa. Oh, eww. I could go my whole lifetime without seeing some guy obviously check my best friend out.
"Actually, Audrey, we were just discussing you." Melissa added, with an award winning smile. I know that she means no harm, but she's a shameless flirt, although I doubt she notices it.
"Oh, ok. Well, I'm gonna go up to the lounge and grab some drinks. Does anyone want anything?"
"I'll take a sprite, A."
"And I'll join you." Taylor opted. Ok, I was ok with him coming with me and getting some beverages. Not like I'm gonna say "No you can't come" or something. Although that would be quite comical.

"You know, you still are so much prettier than her." I felt a whisper in my ear. My body tensed as I sensed Taylor push up against my body. Hot. Suddennly it was very hott.
"Oh, well um thanks." I replied shakily.
"Anytime, Audrey." I felt his whisper in my ear and heard his coy smile through his words, when as fast as it all started it all stopped. He was gone, taking his drink back to the recording room while I was left to take the rest back.
Take me home
Moving on
Talk to me
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