Chapter 7: Jaded
Once so innocent, now Jaded
Music to read by:
Jaded by Green day
Somebody keep my balance, I think 'm falling off
in a state of regression
The expiration date rapidly coming up,
Its leaving me behind.
Always moving forward, going straight will get you nowhere.
there is no progress, evolution killed it all.
We stood in the practice room talking (and wasting time) for about an hour. *yawn* I reallly wasn't in the mood to watch Mel and Zac flirt. everyone was engaged in the conversation, laughing and carrying on. Everyone except me, I dont know why. Maybe I wasn't so sure about my relationship with these guys, especially  after that episode with Taylor 20 minutes ago, and I wont deny liking it. Im just supposed to run the studio, but now I was getting involved. Don't get me wrong, he was kinda, well, gorgeous. I watched him laugh and talk. I watched how he stood, how he carried himself, and how damn good that boy looked in leather. He looked over at me, waking me from my deep thoughts and gave me a sweet smile.
"Hey Audrey, do you have any plans tonight?' Isaac asked.
"We're going out to dinner, this nice place uptown" Joey finished.
"Uh, I dont know guys, I have alot of stuff to do here, theres-"
"Pleeeeeeease Audrey!! That stuff can wait, you really need a social life" Mel interrupted.
What was with this sudden attack on my social life? I had a social life, I mean, I get out--sometimes.
"Come on, you can be my date." Taylor said walking over and grabing my arm. I looked over at him and got a cheesy smile and he did that eyebrow thing that guys do when  they want something.
"Argh!! Fine, I'll go!"
"Dont hurt yourself there Aud, its just a night out. " Zac laughed.
Finally the group dispursed. We agreed to meet back at the studio at 6:30.
I was upstairs getting ready when Mel arrived.
"Hey" i simply said, fighting with an earring.
"OMG, hey!!"
"What are you so excited about?"
"TONIGHT! Hello! Zac is so sweet, and cute, and..."
"Young" I interruppted. I saw the smile on her face start to fade.
Just then Joey waked in. Why were people randomly walking into my apartment?
"Hello my lovely ladies, looking gorgeous tonight as always." he complemented. And I must say he looked rather gorgeous himself. OK, heres the lowdown on everyone's attire for the evening: I was wearing a knee-length black dress with small beads embroidered in the top. Melissa was wearing a short sparkly red dress, and Joey had on black pants and a white oxford. We looked like we were going to a wedding or something, but we all looked nice. 
   Joey and I were sitting on my bed waiting for the rest of the group to show up. Mel cell phone rang and she went down stairs for privacy. Joey and I were left, alone. He smelled so good, and he was wearing his glasses. This was always the type of guy I wanted. I took a breath of his scent and almost melted into his arms. Control yourself Audrey. I took all of my will power not to kiss him, as an awkward silence hung in the air. I could feel that suddennly something wasn't right.
"Hey Audrey, the guys are here!" Mel yelled.  Saved by the Mel? Haha...I guess so. Joey and I made our way downstairs to greet the guys.
"Hey guys, are we hungry?"
"Oh yeah" Zac said. We mad our way outside, much to our suprise, Isaac had rented a limo for the evening.
"Wow, nice Isaac" Joey said, hoping in.
"Hey hott stuff." Taylor said as we waited our turn to get in the limo. "You look really nice tonight."
"Thanks, you too." He did, of course.
We sat next to each other in the limo. We were chatting and laughing on our way to the restaurant. Taylor reached between us and grabbed my hand. He laced our fingers together. Should I acknowlege this or just carry on?
We finally made it to the restaurant. Everyone got out of the limo and headed inside. Everyone except me and Taylor, he wouldnt let me, he just kept holding my hand. He breathed into my ear, "You are so beautiful." I looked over at him, looking into his deep eyes. I felt him kissing my neck, moving up to my ear, wispering "I want to kiss you". His warm lips meeting mine. I became dizzy and confused all of a sudden. Hands, lips, tongue, lips, kiss, feel,  touch. I wanted to scream, but I didnt want him to stop...
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