Chapter 8: Got You Where I Want You
Off in the distance I heard a man clear his throat, causing Taylor to jump off of me.
"Miss, Sir, will you be joining the others?" The chauffer asked.
"Ummm, yes Yes we will, thank you, sir." I answere matter-of-factly as I fought to regain some semblance of composure. I could feel my face was completely flushed and walking into a high class restaurant looking like I just ran a marathon, was not my idea of "good" or "classy". I checked my compact to replace stray baby hairs and make sure I looked a little bit over decent as Taylor scooted out of the car. He offerred his arm as we made our way to the table. 
I heard Melissa and Zac's chitter chatter and then I saw Joey. If looks could kill, this could send you to hell.
As I sat down across from him I leaned over to whisper to him, well hiss really, "What was that for?!" I demanded.
"I see someone has won over the 'Ice Princess'." He replied bitterly.
"What is that supposed to mean?" Where was he suddenly getting the right too get upset with me? I did nothing wrong here.
"Audrey? What do you want to drink?" Isaac interrupted with a cheerful smlie.
"Something strong and slam worthy." I mumbled, soon putting aside the comment as I remembered the killer headache I had had only hours before.
"What was that, Audrey?" Zac piped in all to knowingly.
I eyed him as I spoke, "Water for the moment, please."
I tried to mask my anger at Joey in the mean time making girl talk with Melissa. I hoped beyond all hope this would get the seating arrangement changed so I would be by Melissa with Joey no longer across from me and Taylor no longer next to me. Although I liked Taylor, I didn't know what was up with Joey and I didn't want him more pissey than he already was. Lady luck was not rooting for me this evening. Melissa noticed my plea for distress. She stood up and announced "We're going to the ladies room." She grabed my hand and pulled me up.
"We are?" I said following her. When we made it to the bathroom (yes, we always have to go in groups) she put her hand on her hip and asked "What the hell is going on?!!"
"" was all I could manage.
"I am your best friend, you can tell me."
"Ok, Taylor kissed me in the limo, like REALLY kissed me, and when we made it to the table Joey went all pissey on me. I cant handle this Mel!" I said slamming my purse against the counter. She gave me a hug, told me it would all sort itself out, and not to worry about Joey, hes proably just PMS-y. All guys get that way. I wanted to cry. To just curl up in my bed sheets and cry, but I knew I had to go back out ther and face them. Mel took my hand and we walked back out to the table. She simply sat in my seat, saving me from myself.
"So guys," Melissa spoke up, "Do you all ever just hang out at your own house and rent movies and stuff?"
"Isaac? Do we ever sit down and enjoy our living arrangements?", Taylor inquired sarcastically.
"Well, there was the time...No. No that wasn't..But there was...oh well, there too. Gee Tay, I don't think so."Isaac replied, completely laced with dry sarcasm.
"I belive that is called rest and relaxation." Zac jumped in. "And to answer your question, we haven't done that in a long time."
"Why don't we all go to A's house tommorrow night and just hang out?" Joey asked. Was this payback? He knows I don't like big groups in my house. I almost never have company over. But I knew he knew I wouldn't object. Damn him.
"Damn you." I whispered across the table. His "na na na poo poo" grin only widened as his previous judgements of my reactions came true.
"Audrey, is that ok?" Isaac asked
"Oh yeah, sure. Not a problem."
Dinner went on uneventful as discussions of recording and procedure took over. I explained we would start the individual recording tommorrow, practice tracks, nothhing big and then next week we would begin to add instruments.

When Joey and I arrived at my father's apartment, my frustration and pent up anger got the best of me.
"What the hell is your problem?" I began. And in this corner, ladies and gentlemen, Audrey the bitch.
"My problem? I'm not the one that is hanging all over someone!." Joey matched my voice level. And in this corner, Joey the guy who is umm....grrr. I can't think.
"Hanging? If you are  suggesting that I am pursuing someone I am not. Why would it be your business anyway? It's not, Joey." And a hard left upper cut from Audrey injures the opponent.
"Because, Audrey." He tried to fight something. I could tell he was now going to choose his words very carefully. Audrey you are a bitch. I know he's thinking it...just say it.
"I love you, Audrey." He said stepping all the closer. My mind reeled. What the...? That was not, 'Audrey you're a bitch'! I believe the words 'I', 'love', 'you', and 'Audrey' all exited his mouth in one coherent sentence. Oh my, Oh my..what to do? What to do? I quickly tried to clammer for a response, but was soon stunned by yet another set of words.
"I'm going to kiss you now."
Take me home
Movin' On...
Talk to me
Musc to read by:
'Got you Where I Want You'  by The Flys

I think youre smart, you sweet thing
Tell me your name, Im dying here
ooh, I got you where I want you
oh yeah
I, ooh, got you where I want you
I want you, I want you bad
Tell me your name, Im dying here...
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