Chapter 1: Hello
I feel so peculiar I don't know what to say, but don't let me fool you, I'm not one bit afraid. One thing is for sure, what I would give to simply open my door and see your smiling face. Hello, won't you come right in? Step  into my world...~Hello - SugarBomb~
"Jessica Gallagher?" I heard someone call out through the crowds of people. I turned towards the voice and searched for it's owner. "Jessica Gallagher?" I heard again.

"Right here." I stated simply infront of a tall man with dusty, blonde hair. "You must be Matt Freemont."

"Yes ma'am. I guess we should get started quickly. We'll get your bags and then we'll head to the bus." He said in a rather business like yet fun tone. After claiming my bags and getting through the hell that they now call airports, I was escorted to a white van.

"Ok, here's the run down on what you will be doing for the next three months. Ready?" He asked. He had a jump in his voice and this sudden energy, like he was high on adrenaline. I would soon find out that he was adrenaline in the human form 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 52 weeks of the year. The man never stopped.

"I'm as ready as I'll ever be I guess." I replied. I had been waiting for this trip for months. I had even taken a year off of med school to do this. It was my last chance to see the world befoe I settled down and I was going to take it.

"You guess?"

"I know. Let's do this."

"Ok, Miss Gallagher, you will be Hanson's personal assistant throughout this tour. You will be the closest person to them. You will make sure they are where they need to be on time and that they are getting everything they need. You will be traveling with them on their bus and not on the crew bus and will be in the room next door to or adjacent from them when we stay in hotels. This close proximity with the band will allow you to get to know them, get to know their needs and wants, the nasty habits and the praiseworthy ideals. To keep you on track we will provide you with a cell phone, pager, lap top, and agenda."

I was then handed all four items and four different lanyards, each imprinted with the infamous Hanson symbol. I was not an organized person and I believe this guy was telling me how I would have to organize my life and the lives of three other people for the next three months. Ha! I laugh in the face of danger. Ok, so this isn't danger, but hey, bear with me here.

"The cell phone and pager are to be kept on and on you at all times. All the necessary numbers that you will need to reach any of the staff members on the tour or any one of the Hansons is already programmed in. I'd advise you to keep all of the hotel phone numbers in there as well. The lap top is for your own personal use, however, it is advisable to do background checks on each city and arena that we will be encountering and to store to-do lists and such, as well as notes. The agenda is for you to know when and where the boys are supposed to be. Learning sleeping habbits and routines for them will be crucial for you to keep them on time. Can you handle all that?"

I just stared blankly back at this man trying to digest all this information. Of course I can handle this...this is easy, right? I mean, it just requires being organized and on task for three months.

Without giving me a chance to answer the van stopped and I was ushered out to what I guessed to be the tour bus or busses as it seemed to be. I quickly tried to clip the pager on the back pocket of my jeans as I threw the cell phone in my messenger bag and grabbbed the lap top and agenda. Way too much technology as far as I was concerned. I mean, I wasn't completely against the new wave of technology, but having all of this was just absurd.

"Those lanyards need to be worn while on site of any performance arenas." Matt yelled at me as he went around to the back to get my luggage. These people are crazy, all crazy. Not that I was anywhere near sane, but, this was madness.

"Which bus is which?" I yelled back to him while staring at two large tour busses that looked exactly alike.

"The busses are numbered, Jessica. You are in bus one. You may board now and get settled if you wish. We will stop tonite around 11 and check in to a hotel in Sacramento. Upon arrival I need you to meet with me and the rest of the staff ASAP."

"Yeah. ok. Sure, not a problem. I'm just going to go over...." My voice trailed off as I spotted Taylor Hanson. Wow. Look what can change in 4 years. And I get to work  with that for the next three months. There is a God, and He likes me.

"Are you ok, Jessica?" Matt questioned.

"I'm fine, really. Just got a little overwhelmed." I replied trying to mask my blatant stare.

"Ok, well, Why don't you get settled on the bus and I will see you when we arrive at the hotel. Ok?"

"Souds great. Oh Matt, Thanks."

"For what?" He asked with laughter in his voice.

"For the job."

"Oh, I didn't choose you. They did." He stated as he pointed to the band's bus and walked off.

Wow, ok. That was good. All I need to do now is get to know the band and get organized and we will be good to go.

"Jessica Gallagher?" I turned around so I could see who was calling for me.

"Yes?" I asked

"Zac Hanson at your service let me take some of that stuff that the ringleader just gave you. No doubt he gave you enough to last you a lifetime. Oh, and our bus is this way."
sweet like candy to my soul, sweet you rock and sweet you roll
Yeah, he looks good. Yeah, he knows it.
Take me home...
Movin' on...
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