Lollipop's Pregnancy

Information Page


See a doctor or midwife as soon as you can. Proper prenatal care starts there. You need additional vitamins to ensure that your baby is getting what it needs. Also, eat healthy. Ask about birthing classes in your area. You will be able to learn what some of your options are, what to expect, and some techniques to help you through your pregnancy, labor, and post partum. Good Luck to you and may you have a beautiful, healthy baby!

Mommy Guide

Here are some links to baby sites that you may be interested in...

March of Dimes - An organization you can trust. At this link, you can request a free guide to planning a happy, healthy pregnancy. - Information all about breastfeeding & there's a link to get a breastfeeding bumper sticker too.

Baby's Story - Here you can keep your own free baby journal & send photo e-cards.

Tiny Love - This is a store packed with soft and developmental baby toys. I usually try to steer from the online shopping sites, but felt this one was worthy to add for new moms. Plus, they have a free online magazine with useful information.

BabyFit - 100% free to join their "healthy pregnancy & parenting community".  Nutrition, excercises, message boards, and so much more.

Mommy Guide - A very nice site with tips and information throughout. Prenatal, post-partum, newborn, infant, toddler, pre-school, school age, & breastfeeding.

Am-I-Pregnant - This site has information from preconception to child development.

Mom's Life - This site has lots of information. They even have a monthly baby photo contest.

Mothers' Center of the South Shore - This is the daughter center of Suffolk and is located in Sayville, New York.

My Mama Said - Here, you can learn, save, share, & shop.

Women's Health Boutique - Find answers here about breast feeding, changes that come with pregnancy, and more women's health issues.

Pediatric Services - This site contains articles for parents and professionals and is mainly geared for parents of children with developmental delays.

The National Parenting Center - Parental support for children.

Family Education - Parenting advice, child development, and family reference for children of all ages.

National Child Care Information Center - A site for links regarding quality child care.

National Resource Center - Health and safety resource site.

Growing Child - Parenting information for children of all ages.

Child Care - A child care resource site serving King County, Washington.  There is some information that may be helpful no matter where you live.

Families and Work Institute - Tips, links, and publications.

Zero To Three - A resource site for parents and professionals of newborns to 3 years old.

Family Help - Tips and information to help you with your children.

First Response - Here, you can register for a free "Planning A Baby?" guide, coupons, e-newsletters, and more.

Dancing Thru Pregnancy - A fitness program for pregnant women. Click on the locations directory to see if they have a center near you.

Pregnancy Today - Resources for parents from preconception through teen.

Club Mom - Become a member for free.  You can upload photos to create an online scrapbook, enter sweepstakes, read tips from other parents, and so much more.

Baby Zone - This site offers pregnancy, family planning, and parenting resources. A very informative site.

DONA - Doulas of North America offers birth links, help locating a Doula, and more.

Ross Products - Welcome Addition Online Club from the makers of Similac infant formula.

Baby Place - Information on pregnancy, birth, & babies.

FDA/CFSAN - From these 2 U.S. government agencies get information for women who are pregnant.

More sites you may be interested in. . .

Babies Online -- Win-Edge -- Childbirth.Org -- BEST - MLS -- Child Secure -- Disney Family -- Baby Center   -- Enfamil Family Beginnings 

The Labor of Love -- Pregnancy HelpDesk -- Sherry's Home Page

StorkNet -- Westside Crisis -- Huggies -- Babyworld -- Parents Place 

Pregnancy & Parenting Naturally -- The Babies Planet -- Pregnancy & Prenatal Care

  Zinc Absorption -- REX -- Crisis Pregnancy --  ACOG -- Sites of Interest

If you know of any other links that should be on this site,

just send an e-mail



                (My grandson)            (My 2nd grandson)

                     (Born May 7, 1999)                                (Born April 1, 2005)

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