Regulars, Visitors And Other Bloods

Few places attract as many intresting and sometimes even influential people as the Beheaded Fiend Inn. In addition to the basic staff, a legendary group of planewalkers in their own right, Elle Helldancer and even Tarsheva Longreach have been known to drop by at this place from time to time. Here you can find the darks of many of them revealed. Some people migh kill us or worse, if we reveal more about them and for sake of our and your security, their darks will not be spilled here.

Too Many Names:


The Quick Chant

Here you will find all the essentials you need to know to deal with Tandra Fiendslayer. A basic layout of her background and everything else you want to know about a character.

Tale Of A Fiendslayer

Many planewalkers become renown, but few reveal the stories behind their success. Tandra shares her tale with you and asked the Mystical Old Bard to put it down, because he is far better at telling stories, than she is herself. After all telling stories is what Bards do.

The giant minotaurus Mir'Djanas is the oldest and first companion Tandra ever had and he still travels with her. In other times he serves as the Beheaded Fiend Inn's chief bouncer. Who wants to deal with an angry nine foot tall berseker wielding a two headed axe custum made for his size? His abilities are frightening and his origin is shrouded in the mists of the past.

Another long time companion of Tandra, Elandra is an inhumanly beautiful being, claiming to serve a power called Death. Most refer to her as a death angel. She has large powerful wings and a keen mind, that blasts other minds if she is seriously angered and her rules allow it. No-one but herself seems to understand more than the basics of her codex, but she sure as Mechanus lives it.

The newest member of Tandra's gang, the battelrager Dirkinigar has already introduced himself well into the group. Usually a friendly, sometimes even cheerful dwarf, his only flaw seems to be, that he is a little too much into strong spirits. Of course he is barmy enough to fit with the rest of the group, but that is not necessarily obvious until he charges into battle.

Elle Helldancer is a head hunter. On her home world she is a living legend and her reputation is feared far beyond those borders. If you pay her a sufficient amount of jink, you can be sure that the head she is paid to remove will roll. Most people seem to igonore her wizard companion and lover, even though the two have never been seen seperated.

A legendary planewalker and sorcress, she has created her reknown Almanach of Creepy Things, one of the best bestiaries adventurers can come across. She fights for the ideals of the upper planes and has even more enemies on the darker side of the great ring than Tandra Fiendslayer. Some say she is part of a secretive group of mages, trying to keep track and counteract many things going on in the darker planes. No matter what, there are few people as resourceful as this woman of undefinable age.

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