Welll- New contest Entries...new dolls, ummm
and LOTS of EM! Lets see,...I updated the contest rules
they make a lil more sense now- lol! Other than that-
nothing,. I don't think! UUHHH- well,. buh bye
c ya NEXT update!

I'd reallly LOVE to hear from you TAG ME!!!
Still accepting sis sites and Doll request

I LOVE to get e-mails they make me So HAPPY!
If you don't want
to tag me or you are bored
drop me an e-mail at [email protected]
1.Do NOT take my pixels, layout or anything else on my site to claim it as your own
2. NO cussing or using bad language WHATSOEVER!!!!!
3. This site is 100% totally COPYRIGHT...which means it's 100% MINE! No touchie!
4. HAVE FUN!!!
New Dolls
(click doll to go to base site)
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THIS DOLL IS NOT MADE BY ME!!!!! I requested it, and I had NO idea it would turn out this Beautiful! Hilary is an AWSOME artist so stop by her site!
Newest Gifts(to me)
This is from Lauren! OHHHHHHH I LOVE IT!!! It's sooooo CUTE! My VERY first B-Day Gift!!!!
Gifts For You
A gift from Gothicjade,.....THANX IT'S SOOOO CUTE!!!![lexis]
I love this cutie gift from JENNIFER,...Yea,. It's beautiful! I'm so lucky to have such a great sis!
What type of contest would you like to see here at KBB??

Yes,. someone made this cutie patootie dollie for ME! THANX, I'm soooo lucky huh? She's adorable! So DON"T ADOPT her! She looks cute but she'll beat your butt!
Base By- SCA,...I really like this doll, her boots are AWSOME! and I LOVE the Velvity(sp?) look of her skirt,...and the pattern on it!
Base by- SCA,...this doll is okay,...I like her boots,...and I like the design of her skirt(and the base of course) other than that- she's rubbish!
Base by- ILCK....CLick to inlarge the UGLY thing! MY GOODNES this doll is HORRIBLE! She's a WELL done MESS peice of rubbish!
Base by- Minion Dance,...this doll is very boring,...but that's the way she's supposed to be,. MEET Kayla Kurt- another charcter in my story.
ABse by- Bleeding Rose,...DON"T YOU DARE ADOPT! THis is for my AWSOME sis Jennifer,...she loves Elijah wood!
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