Ghostly Apparitions
caught on camera
Klaus Schreiber (right), retired German fire equipment inspector, claims to have gone one step beyond the recording of voices (from the dead) and to have captured on television the image of his deceased daughter Karin. (above)
The spirit of a dead child appears (right) with her father on a portrait taken by a clairvoyant.  Apparently, the girl was seen by the photographer when he took the picture, though she was not visible to others present.
The unidentified "extra" on the print (left), was photographed in Gloucester Cathedral around 1910.
The photograph below, of the library at Combermere Abbey in Cheshire was taken on 5 December 1891 by a lady who had been staying at the house.

When she developed the plate, she was startled to see the shape of an elderly gentleman sitting in the chair at the bottom left of the photograph.  The figure was later identified as that of Lord Combermere himself, but at the time the photo was taken, he was actually being buried a few miles away.
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