Lismore, NSW, Australia
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Map of Lismore and surrounds - page contains 1 photo (70k) and will take several moments to load. Thanks to Lismore City Council for the use of this map.

Map 1 - Lismore District     Map 2 - Lismore CBD

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map of Lismore and surrounds
As you can see by Lismore's location, it's not a bad place to be.
If you live or holiday in Lismore, it can be a great base for the surrounding region.
Many beach-towns are within 45 minutes, including Byron Bay, Lennox Head and Ballina etc. The Gold Coast is only 2 hours away.
If scenery (eye candy) is your choice, the far north coast of NSW contains rain forests and plantations with sugar cane, macadamia nuts, tea, coffee and tropical fruits etc.
More than 83% of people in the northern rivers region live in villages or small towns and many of them have their own distinctive character.

Map 1 - Lismore District     Map 2 - Lismore CBD
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