Mystic Circle (1/?)
Chapter 1: Full Moon Delight

Dedication: the usual suspects

Disclaimer: not mine, never will be.

Distribution: my siste, Myst, Darkflame, anyone else please ask

More freaky wierd monolouges that come straight from lirpa's twisted psyche. Be afraid, be very afraid. ;) Just kidding. Enjoy, and, as always, I love feedback.

Mystic Circle (1/?)
Chapter 1: Full Moon Delight
by lirpa

So he sent you did he? It's not suprising. You are not the first, but he sends more now, and they all leave afraid. Afraid of me, afraid of us, afraid of what they se inside themselves. But most of all, what frightens them the most is the dark, the night. And when you leave here, when you have heard the tales we are here to tell, you to will look into the night with fear. Only you won't be looking for us, you'll be watching for a different kind of monster.

I was borni n the summer, I don't know the year, or the month, or even the day. all I know is that the sun hung hot in the sky the day I was born. I was the youngest of nine, my father's pride and joy. I was his "Golden Boy." I did everything better and faster then my siblings. I had to though, after all I was the reason we didn't have a mother anymore. She has dided giving birth to me.

The guilt of someone's death is a lot for one samll boy to handle.  So I threw myself into becoming the best with abandon. And I became the best on the farm,  in the village, in the county. I couldn't read, no one could read, but I could work faster than anyone else.

I was maybe ten when I realized I didn't fit in, my family sdidn't fit in rather. While everyone around for miles locked their doors on the night of the full moon my fat6her did not. Instead he went out that night, sometimes he'd leave the door open in his haste. When I was around 14 I found out why.

The first tiem you change, I have no words to describe it. The call of the moon, the smell of the earth, and the trees, just the feel of being another animal. It was then I found out why my whole family, even my dear mother, and I, were werewolves. Loup garou. Creatures of the night. I cannot tell you the feeling of power that comes with the change.

We were peaceful werewolves, that is to say we didn't kill anyone. Livestock, yes, people, no. Stil the villagers and farmers around us became angry and suspicious. they would come visiting for no good reason, without telling us beforehand. Almost as if they hoped to catch us in the middle of some satanic ritual. They never did, of course. Not  because they didn't try hard enough, just because we didn't need rituals and our powers didn't, don't, come from the devil, they come from the moon. I was, and still am, a Christian

I remember the night clearly though. It's been burned into my brain. The sights and smells and tastes are something I'll never forget


"Hide here, son."

"Why, Father?"

"Don't question me, just do it."

And I did.

*End Flashback*

It was a strange time, that night, a full moon, the time we were at our strongest, the time when I still am. it made no sense to me then why my father had hidden me in the haystack.  I wanted to run with my brothers and sisters but I dared not move. My father would do terrible things to me if I were to come out of hiding I knew. Then I heard it...


I could hear the voices, dozens of them. They were angry and shouting, swearing and cursing. They were looking for someone.

"Where are they?"

"I told you, they're not human."

"I reckon you're right."

"Of course I 'm right."

"then what are we going tot do about it?" another voice from the mob called out.

"I reckon we'll have to kill them, " Voice number one replied.

There was a capohany of shouts, so loud to me as I fought the change that it nearly deafened me.

And then I heard the howls, my brothers and sisters, my father, were going to fight them.

*End Flashbck*

Now let me explain something, the common belief is that only a silver bullet can kill a werewolf. I wish, almost anything that would kill a human kills us, except for blood loss, simply because we heal so much faster than a normal human. Still, gunshot wounds will kill us if the hit an internal organ of importance, like the heart.


BANG! It was the fourth gunshot in as many minutes. I heard a yelp, anither of my family lay dying and I could do nothing. Nothing.

BANG! Another yelp, the smell of blood grows stronger with each bullet, the change harder to  repress. But I did it, I held onto my human form.

BANG! The smell of blood drifts to my nose, cloying.



BANG! They're all gone, dead. The farmers will not have missed from this close a range. Then I hear then again, through my anger and pain. "Where's the last one, the youngest?"

"If he knows what's good for him he's run as far away from here as he can."

"Should we search for him?"

"Nah," Voice number one answers, he seems to be one of the ringleaders.

With much grumbling the mob dispersed.

I crawled out of my hiding place and into the yard.

I changed, I couldn't fight it anymore. And the blood smelled so good, I just couldn't stop myself. I drank the puddles of blood pouring from the wounds of my family.

*End Falshback*

Perhaps you knwo begin to see what I mean by monsters. My family were not monsters, the people who kiled them , they were monsters.I never did see the faces of the men who shot them down, but I knwo the voices, they are burned into my brain. I'll never forget their voices.

My name, once it was Robert. Fir a while I didn't have a name, I was so lost in the pain and the anger. Then he found me, and he gave me the name Rob. Now I'm Rob Van Dam. Didn't expect it, did you?
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