Mystic Circle (2/?)
Chapter 2: Anywhere is Home?

Dedication: the usual suspects

Disclaimer: not mine, never will be.

Distribution: my siste, Myst, Darkflame, anyone else please ask

More freaky wierd monolouges that come straight from lirpa's twisted psyche. Be afraid, be very afraid. ;) Just kidding. Enjoy, and, as always, I love feedback.

Mystic Circle (2/?)
Chapter 2: Anywhere is Home?
by lirpa

Ahh, so you've made your way to me, and you look a little shocked. They all do, you know. They can't seem to understand exactly what they've heard. It only gets harder from here, youknow. Don't worry, my story's not as sad as Rob's is, or rather it's sad in a completely different way.

I'm an imp. I don't know what you've heard about my people and I don't care. My people are not three feet tall, hairless, and ugly. In fact we're some of the most beautiful people who've ever lived. Marilyn Monroe was an imp, until she forgot what it was like to be one of us. She gave up her immortality to be human. She died because of it. But I think I've proved my point. My people are beautiful. We're also very much in tune with the land, and we look exactly like humans.

I'm several hundred years old, I've even survived the destruction of my forest. Not many of my people can claim that. Those that are all that's left. My people are characterized by our sense of humour, or love of jokes. It doesn't matter if you don't find out jokes funny. I supose we've never been able to appreciate the other's sense of humour.

I'd been gone for a while visiting my friends. I've always been something of a loner so I'd left no one to guard my forest.


I could hear voices, that in itself was unusual. Humans never strayed this far into my forest, they were frightened of me.

"What about the sprite?"

Yes, what about me? have you forgotten so ssom little humans? Have you forgotten what I do to tresspassers?

"We've been coming here for months, I haven't seen no sprite. He doesn't exist. Now let's finish the job we came here to do so we can get payed."

They've forgotten me already. Perhaps I better remind them exactly why they've left my forest alone for two hundred years.

I prepared to show the non-believer exactly whast he should be afraid of. I gathered my weapons, my bow and arrows, my magical charms,a nd prepared to go to war, so to speak.

I stepped out of the glade and the sun hit me right in the jface. At first I didn't realize, I'd only been gone a few years. As I looked about me I saw the effects of human progress ont he world. They had cut down my trees to build their buildings and to use to run their factories.

*End Flashback*

So you van see why I ha humans. I had lived among those trees for years, I knew keach and every one of them. And they were all dead. In five years they had been turned into firewood and factories. And the humans whodid that dared to call it progress. It wasn't progress for anyone but them, it wasn' progress for the Earth.

I left my forest, it was too painful for me to stay there, and I wandered. I was going nowhere, i had nowhere to go, There wer humans everywhere. They were all cutting down the forests for their cities and factories.

I wandered throughout Europe for twenty-five, maybe thirty, years. Then I decided I'd had enough of the smog, the people, the land.

So I got on a boat and I came to this land, and I found out the land of Dreams was only the land of Dreams for human ... for me it was all too similar to the land I had left behind.

I moved around a lot, I knew that I wouldn't be welcome in any one place for too long. My views on their wonderful industries were too different, too negative. Still I stayed.

Eventually I found my way to him. It's difficult ro explain, really. I was wandering around in a little nature preserve, trying to soak up the feeling of living things again, when I bumped into him, quite literally. I can still remember that conversation.


"I can help you."

"With what, human?"

"Do not mistake me for one of those creatures little imp. I am no more one than you are."

"So, what can you do for me?" I asked warily.

"I cannot give you your forest back..."

"Then what good is your help?"

He continued like he had no heard me, "I cannot give you revenge..."

I snorted.

Still he continued, "But I can give you a place among children of the night such as yourself."

"I am NOT EVIL!!!!!" I declared, outraged.

"Anymore than I am," he mocked me. "Yet all who have met with my true form have run screaming. Screaming monster, little imp, monster."

"Well that's too bad for you..."

"Do you think they will treat you any differently?"

"Look, I don't even know what you are..."

"I am a vampire, imp," he interupted.

"Whatever, you don't affect me. What happens to you doesn't affact me. We're nothing alike."

"Yet you are not human."


"If they will kill their own kind over patches of ground, if they will turn the ground they fight for red with theor own blood, if they will let their fellows blood run in rivers because they wish to prove their might what would they do to you?"

"They won't find out.."

"But they will, eventually."

"And if you could stop them?"

"Should they attck my people I would kill them."

I nodded, I could say nothing, nothing to take away the truthu of that statement, nothing to even twist it to my own purposes. And that is how I joined the WWE.

*End Flasback*

I have a name now, something I've never needed before. I had an impish name, of course, but no human could ever pronounce it and I've left that being behind. But everyone of the group gathered together and came up with a human sounding name.

They chose Adam from the biblical story of Adam and Eve, thrown out of the Garden of Eden. Let humans remember their sins. For my surname they combined my element, the land, with what they call my perseverance, my ability to cope. I am now Adan Copeland, but the only time I ever feel free is when I'm Edge.
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