Title: Days Gone By
Author: Katie
E-mail: [email protected]
Disclaimer: I don't own 'em & I'm not claiming that this happened, only in my mind.
Distribution: Only at Castles in the Sky http://members.tripod.com/katemarie_1
Rating: PG-13
Het/Slash/Both: Slash
Summary: Bret and Shawn try to find their way back together.
Notes: For the purpose of this story, I completely screwed with the facts. I know Bret has other children but for the purpose of this story Blade is an only child. I also changed Blade and Cameron's ages.
Another Note: Thanks as always to AJ for betaing this

Bret's POV

I smile as I tuck my son into his bed. He looks up at me and grins before asking me for one last story. I know I shouldn't but I read him our third story of the evening. Looking down at him, I don't regret anything in my life. After he's fallen asleep I walk to the window and stare blankly out thinking about the past. Suddenly I feel years older than I am.

I can still remember everyone's reaction when I told them I was retiring from wrestling. They thought I was crazy but with the concussions I just couldn't keep doing it. I stare emptily out into the darkness and wonder when my life became such a big mystery to me. When I was younger, when I was in the WWF it was all so simple. I went out and wrestled my ass off to make the fans happy, to make myself happy.

I fell in love with an amazing man, then I met my son's mother and before I knew what was really happening I was married and had a kid and suddenly everything I had ever done had new meaning. I pushed the man I loved away. I had a kid. I had responsibilities. Maybe that�s why Montreal happened. Maybe it was his revenge. Maybe he couldn't stand being away from me. I almost laugh at the absurdity of that. Shawn Michaels? Jealous? Not when he had the Kliq. I hear they've grown apart. I'd be sad but whether he knows it or not we never could have stayed together as long as they were around. I still love the arrogant bastard. I tried hating him. I tried ignoring him. I've tried everything I know of to get him out of my mind but he's always there.

Kinda like my baby brother is. Only obviously in different ways. Of everyone who knew me I think Owen was the only one who understood me. Hell I never understood myself but he always could figure out what was wrong with me. He knew about Shawn and I. I'm not sure how because I know we were discreet but he knew. He never told on us. I don't think he ever would have. I guess we'll never know.

With another sigh I head downstairs practically limping from the feelings crashing down on me. I drop onto the couch and pick up my wine glass. I set it down just as quickly and look up at the ceiling. I really wish I knew how my life got screwed up.

Was it when I left the WWF, left Shawn? Or was it when Blade was born? I don't know. I know I'd never give my son up for anything in the world. He's my life. He's everything I live for. I look over at the phone and pick it up slowly. I shouldn't call him. He has a kid and a wife. I don't want to mess up his life. I really don't. But I miss him. I really miss him.

Shawn's POV

I smile as Cameron runs around his room. Rebecca is standing there practically tearing her hair out because she's been trying to get him to go to bed for the better part of an hour. I laugh as Cam crashes into his train set. He hops back onto his feet and smiles at me before taking off again. Yeah, that's my son all right.

Rebecca's glaring at me again. I don't know what I did wrong this time but as usual I'll let her whine and bitch at me and then I'll be the one to calm Cam down and get him to bed. For some reason he won't listen to his mother but he'll listen to me.

I roll my eyes silently as she tears into me about giving him ice cream after dinner. Hell, I only gave the kid half a scoop. She's the one who piled on the hot fudge and all that other shit. I shrug and call out to my son and he comes running into my arms. I know it's not good for my back to be picking my son up all the time but I can't help it. He's my baby.

A couple of stories, a trip to the bathroom to go pee and get a drink of water, a custom I'm not sure I get, later and he's sound asleep. I watch him sleeping and suddenly my reason for being here is suddenly so clear. I used to live to wrestle. I used to live for that adrenaline rush I'd get when I walked out and the crowd starting screaming. Or booing whichever they preferred to do when it came to me. He's my reason for living now. Oh I miss the ring and everything that came with it but I wouldn't give up my son for anything. 

I sigh and move over to the window. I stare out blankly into the starry night. With a smile, I remember the love of my life. Oh I know everyone thinks we were enemies who barely tolerated each other. And after he dumped me for Blade's mom, maybe I did hate him for a little while. But I love him too much to ever hate him for good if that makes any sense.

I wonder what Blade would think of Cam. Would they be friends? Would they even speak to each other?

I sigh and head downstairs. I know Rebecca's probably in our bedroom wearing some sexy piece of lingerie but quite frankly I don't think I can get it up for her right now. I settle onto the couch and reach for the bottle of water I had left there earlier in the evening. I wonder what Bret's doing right now. He's probably putting Blade to bed, tucking him in and kissing him goodnight. Blade'll talk him into reading a story or three and he'll do it eagerly because if there's one person Bret loves more than anything, it's his son.

With a grin I remember Hunter's reaction when he found out about Bret and I. He freaked out. He was completely floored because he, like everyone else, thought we couldn't stand each other. Which when I think about it is weird because although we were never affectionate with each other in front of the guys, we were friends. Kevin was the least shocked. Of course he and I have always had a strange bond where he usually knew what I was thinking before I thought it. Bret and Owen were like that. I guess that stands to reason though. I don't have a real brother but the Kliq are my brothers.

I laugh and climb to my feet and head out on the back porch with the cordless. I dial a number I know by heart and then hang up before it can even ring on the other end. I can't do it. As much as I want to talk to Bret, I can't. We haven't seen each other in years and he probably still wants my ass buried for Montreal. I wish I would've known before hand. I'm sure I could've found a way to fuck with the ending. I watched afterwards as he went ballistic with such a feeling of remorse. I was the reason he was so angry. He thought I had betrayed him. It had nothing to do with McMahon because everyone knows Vince does what he wants and doesn't give a damn about anything but the bottom line. He could've cared less if Vince had betrayed him. I was the one he thought fucked him over.

I sigh and settle onto the only lawn chair left out. I look up at the stars and remember the first time he made love to me. We were hanging out on the top of the hotel in New York. We'd gotten the key from the desk clerk after promising not to jump. He led me up the stairs and once we were there he laid out a soft flannel blanket. He laid me down on top of it and I've never since received such gentle loving. We made love until the sun came up. He looked so stunning with the red hues washing over his naked body as he slid in and out of me. I was breathless. After the sun had risen he held me in his arms and we stayed up there for a good three hours afterwards just holding each other. Two weeks later he told me he was getting married and she was pregnant. I was devastated. But I've never forgotten his words that night. He said he loved me, that he could never love anyone as much as he loved me. I believed him then and part of me still believes those words uttered so softly on a night I'll never forget.

The phone rings making me jump. I grab it from where it lays on the deck and hold it to my ear. "Hello?" I figure it's probably one of the Kliq because they're the only ones who have ever called this late at night. When no one says anything on the other end, I sigh and again mutter hello. No answer and I frown. "Listen. Whoever the fuck this is if you got the wrong number just say so and we'll both be on our merry little ways. In other words say something you fuck or I'm hanging up." I wait a few more seconds before groaning. "Fuck this. I'm hanging up."

"No don't." Fuck me.


"I know I shouldn�t be calling Shawn. I know you probably don't want to hear from me and I don't know what in the hell possessed me to call but� I miss you."

I smile. I cannot believe I'm on the phone with Bret. And he misses me. I feel like squealing like a giddy school girl but manage, just barely to stop myself. "I miss you too Bret."

"I've been thinking about you lately. I don't know why."

I nod my head and reply. "Same here. Bret?"


"I'm sorry."

"Me too. I reacted badly, to say the least. I know deep down you didn't know."

I smile and lean back against the chair. "So what have you been up to lately?"

Bret's POV

Well I did it. I called him last night. We talked until the sun came up. In fact we just hung up a few seconds ago. Right before we both got off the phone he said something that shocked me to my core. He said he loves me still. I mean part of me was hoping to hear him say it when I called him but I didn't hold out any real hope of hearing those words utter from that beautiful mouth. I said it back but I don't know if he heard me. I think he may have already been off the line by the time I said it.

I'm frowning over the breakfast table when Blade walks in still in his pj's. I force myself to smile at him but he sinks into the chair next to me and wraps a small arm around my shoulder. "Are you thinking about Uncle Owen again Dad?"

"What makes you think that?"

"You look sad. Normally you only look sad when you think about Uncle O."

"Nah buddy. I was thinking about an old friend of mine."


That's my son. Nosy up to the last second. "Aren't you supposed to be getting ready for school or something?"

"Nope. It's Saturday. You're taking me to the zoo remember?"

I nod my head thankful he's off the subject of Shawn. I don't know exactly how to explain to my thirteen year old son that I'm thinking about my ex-lover whom I happen to love with all my heart still who just happens to be a man who just happens to be Shawn Michaels of all people. "So you'd better go get ready. We'll go out to breakfast because we both know I can't cook. And you can't cook. So it's either go out for breakfast or eat cereal, which if I'm not mistaken you ate the last of for dinner last night."

He giggles softly before hopping to his feet. Minutes later I hear the shower running and I sink with relief onto the couch. Fuck. I don�t know how I'm going to get through today thinking about Shawn but trying to keep Blade from finding out who and what I'm thinking about.

I get to my feet and head up the stairs into my bathroom. I hop in and out of the shower quickly and laugh when I hear Blade singing along to some hip hop song. He's still in the shower and his singing is so off key I'd swear I can hear the dogs down the block howling along with him. I'm halfway down the stairs to make myself a pot of coffee when the doorbell peals. Fucking thing. It's been broken for a month but I'll be fucked if I can figure out how to fix it. I've tried everything I know of. I swing open the door and find myself face to face with a smiling Chris Benoit.

"Chris? Damn. What are you doing here?"

"Show tomorrow night. I thought I'd swing by and see my favourite best friend."

I can't help the laugh that bubbles out of me. "Lance's wife kicked you guys out huh?"

"Hell she kicked her own husband out of the house. I'm not at all surprised the rest of us got booted."

"What did he do now?" I say as I make my way towards the kitchen. He follows but then I knew he would.

"Not much. Just down on his knees."


"Who else? Jericho. I swear if those two could pull their mouths off each other's cock for five seconds they'd realize how fucked their lives are."

I laugh again as he sits down. "What's up with you Bret?" He pauses and frowns. "And what the hell is that noise?"

"Last question first, Blade's singing. Well, trying to."

"Fuck Bret. His singing's worse than yours."

"I know. Poor kid. As for the first question�" I trail off thinking of my eight-hour conversation with Shawn. "Nothing. Just the same as always."

He smiles. "How's the family?"

"Same as always. I swear that if we could actually stand each other I'd love to be a part of my family. As it is, I see them when I have to."

He nods his head and looks up smiling when Blade walks in to the room. "Hey kid. Was there a drowning animal in the shower with you?"

I watch with a smile as my son and best friend joke around. Blade has always been comfortable around Benoit. He's not comfortable around a lot of the wrestlers but Benoit, Lance, Jericho and Shawn are the ones he likes.

I turn and pour Chris and myself a cup of coffee and make my way to the refrigerator and pull out the milk setting it before my son. He starts to drink from the carton, which makes both Chris and I laugh before stopping. He turns to me and smiles sheepishly before walking over and grabbing a glass off the counter. He pours his milk and sits down next to Benoit.

I set Chris's coffee on the counter and settle myself next to Blade. "Hey man. We're going to the zoo. Would you like to join us before your show?"

Chris nods and winks at Blade. "What do you think kiddo? Think we can drive your dad insane today?"

I laugh as my son nods his head enthusiastically. Chris is such a bad influence on my boy. But I wouldn't have him any other way.

Shawn's POV

I jump from my makeshift bed when I hear the doorbell ding. Fucking thing. It's been broken for a month and I keep trying to fix but I'll be fucked if I know what the hell I'm doing. I groan when I realize I'd slept on the lawn chair all night. Way to fuck up your back Michaels. I shake my head with a laugh and make my way to the door as it dings again. On the back of the front door is a note from my wife saying she's gone out and doesn't know when she'll be back. It also says that she knows I have a show to fly to and that I should take Cam with me.

I'd jump for joy if that fucking doorbell didn't ding again. I yank open the door ready to yell at whoever is standing there but anything I could've said is cut off by Sean wrapping his arms around me and hugging me. "Hey old man. Ready to go?"

I smile as he makes his way into the house before he turns and looks at me. "You look like hell Shawn."

"Thanks kid. Where's the rest of the asylum?"

"Kevin is debating the intelligence of all of us coming in while the shrew is here and Scott and Hunt are trying to figure out who's turn it is to drag him into the house."

I laugh and walk to the door stepping outside and yelling, "Hey morons! Becca's not here. She's out doing god knows what with god knows who."

I've no sooner finished my sentence then my friends are crowding into my house hugging and laughing. I love these guys. Cameron comes down and smiles shyly at my friends until he spots Kevin. Without saying a word he launches himself at the blonde who catches him easily. Soon Cam has found his way onto my best friend's shoulders and is sitting there grinning happily. "Hey Cam. Guess what?"

"What Daddy?"

"Mommy said you can come with me to Canada for my show."

"Really?" He's as excited about it as I am as he scrambles down Kevin and jumps into my arms.

"Yeah really. So we have to go get a shower and get dressed and packed up. Can we do that?"

He nods his head while my friends make themselves at home. I notice Sean head into the kitchen and I grin. He's probably going to make coffee and breakfast since he's the only one who actually knows how to do those things. I take Cam with me into the shower just to make things quicker and we step out a few minutes later. I wrap a towel around him and shoo him towards his bedroom to find some clothes and his suitcase. A few minutes later I'm walking into his room my bag having been dropped by his door. I smile as he's still standing there in his towel. "Daddy? I don�t know what to wear."

I grin and step into his closet. With a shrug I grab a pair of his jeans and one of his t-shirts. I don't know why Becca insists on hanging all of his clothes. I grab his little cowboy boots that Hunter had bought him as a joke but which are pretty much the only shoes he'll voluntarily wear and turn to him telling him to get his underwear and socks on.

A few hours later and we're on a plane heading to Calgary. It's then that it hits me. We're going to Calgary. To Bret's home. Where Bret lives. The man I love. Oh fuck. It's been so long since I've seen him in person that I don't know what to do.

I'm literally shaking by the time we land at the airport. I just hope none of the guy's notices. We step into the airport and I glance around. I know he won't be there but I'm not entirely sure of it. I grin as Kevin is embraced almost immediately by his boys. The Thrillers are more than excited about being here and they have been waiting since early this morning for Kevin to show up. Since he's rooming with one of them, I'm not entirely sure of their names, I guess it kind of makes sense.

Sean laughs and ropes Hunter and Scott into following him to the car rental desk. I smile and pick my son up before heading over to the baggage claim area. As a group everyone shows up within seconds. Sean hands me the keys to one of the rentals and whispers in my ear that he got Cameron and me a car to ourselves. I grin my thanks at him. He obviously doesn't know about he reasons I was going to get a separate car for Cam and myself. I'm just glad he doesn't ask questions. I'm not entirely sure I can tell the Kliq about my conversation with Bret.

We climb into our various rentals and head for the hotel. I stop short at the sight in the lobby.

Bret's POV

I'm standing in Chris's hotel lobby with Blade, Jericho and Storm when I get a prickly feeling along the back of my neck. I try to shake it off but I can't help feeling like someone is watching me. I turn around and freeze. I suppose some part of me knew he'd be here. I've known for weeks that he was back in the WWF. He's staring at me in shock. I guess he wasn't expecting to see me anymore than I was expecting to see him.

I have no clue what possesses either of us to approach the other but we do. It feels like I'm moving in slow motion as we meet in the middle. I mutely hear Blade asking Benoit where I'm going and I hear who has to be Cameron asking Kevin where his daddy is going. Without a word, Shawn and I embrace. It takes all my control not to just shove my tongue down his throat and from the tenseness in his body he's having the same trouble.

We stare at one another wordlessly until our silence is broken by Blade throwing himself between us and into Shawn's arms. I wince for him as he picks up my son. "Hey Blade. Long time buddy."

Blade is still hugging him tightly and doesn't answer. I smile at my ex-lover who grins back. I watch as his son walks up and stares strangely at me before tugging on his shirt. "Daddy?"

Shawn sets my son down and picks his up. "Hey Cam. I want you to meet some friends of mine." He kneels down and introduces Blade and Cameron with a smile. Our two boys shake hands formally until Blade starts grinning. That's all it takes for Cameron to start smiling as well. I watch as Shawn straightens up and steps closer to me. "And this is Bret Hart. He and I were� Really good friends a long, long time ago."

"What happened that you aren't friends anymore?"

"Daddy's boss made a bad decision and I didn't do anything to stop it. Bret here got mad because he though I knew about it, which I don't blame him for. But we're� Well, we're trying to become friends again."

I smile and reach my arms out hoping that Cameron will take the offer. I mean I know he's Shawn's son but with Shawn's back I just don't want him hurting himself. Cam looks at his dad and then back at me before sort of falling into my arms. I gasp and then straighten up. He's heavier than I thought he would be. I know I shouldn't mention our eight-hour conversation in front of our friends but I want Cameron to know that Shawn and I are friends again. I also want Shawn to know that I want more than that but I know he's married and can't offer me anything as a result of that. "Actually your daddy was partially right. You see, just last night we spent close to eight hours on the phone talking about everything. I've gotten past my anger. At your dad at least and I think we've gotten past it. At least I hope we have."

I hear Waltman whispering to Shawn. "Eight hours? You spent eight hours on the phone with him and didn't think you should tell us?"

For some reason I can't help the grin that spreads across my face. It makes me exceptionally happy to know that he didn't tell his friends. I love that he wanted to keep it to himself.

Shawn steps towards us with Blade riding on his back. He smiles softly at me and then leans over kissing his son's head. "Why don't the four of us go out for lunch and these two can get to know each other and you and I can talk some more."

I nod my head as Cameron smiles shyly at Blade who is grinning at the idea. "I think that's a yes."

I nod my head again as Blade takes Cameron's hand and tugs gently. "Come on Cameron. Let's go get in my dad's car."

Cameron nods his head and wiggles out of my grasp. He and Blade take off hand in hand and Shawn and I are left to face our friends without our children as buffers. I turn to the Chris's and Lance and smile. "Before you guys say anything� No I wasn't going to tell you. What's happening or not happening between Shawn and I is none of your business. So just leave it alone."

Jericho grabs Lance's hand and pulls him away leaving me with only Benoit to face. "Okay man. You're right. It's your business. But� I'm here if you need to talk about anything. If you want to discuss what's happening� Well I'll listen."

I nod my head and we embrace quickly before he joins Jericho and Storm across the room.

Shawn's POV

I watch with a smile as my son takes off with Bret's son. I'm glad they're going to be friends. Or at least try to be friends. My smile disappears slowly as I see Bret turns to his friends. I turn to mine and give them a patented HBK smile. They're all frowning at me and I realize I'm not getting off that easily.

"Okay guys. Yes, Bret and I spent eight hours on the phone last night. We talked. About everything." I can't help the smile that flits across my face when I think about us discussing our past together. "We've come to the decision that we need to rekindle our friendship."

"Just your friendship Chico?"

I turn to Scott and shrug. "I don't know Scotty. I know that no matter what else has happened, no matter how long it's been, I still love him. I still want him in my life."

Hunter speaks up softly. "What about the fact that he dumped you for Blade's mom? What about the fact that he broke your heart?"

"It won't happen again Hunt. He won't do that to me again."

Sean frowns and reaches out touching my arm. "Are you sure about that? Are you completely one hundred percent sure he won't hurt you?"

"I� He� We�" Fuck. I hate it when the kid is right. "I don't know for sure. I don't know anything for sure. All I know is I love him. And I want him. And he wants me. And we want our kids to be friends. And� God, you guys are supposed to be happy for me." I know I'm whining but at this point I don't really care.

Kevin reaches out silencing their protests and grabs my arm. "Let's go talk Shawnie."
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