Sexual Aggression - Part 1 (*Slash*)
Tue Jul 2 09:27:30 2002

TITLE: Sexual Aggression
CONTENT: Slash m/m, non-consensual, language, drug use
DISCLAIMER: Don't own the characters, WWE does. *pouts* Don't know the characters true sexuality, this is just fiction.
DISTRIBUTION: Darkflame, Kriket, Lirpa, and Lissa if they want it.
SPOILERS: King of the Ring 6-23 and Raw 6-24-02
SUMMARY: The next "Big Thing" decides that he wants RVD, and he pursues him with extreme sexual aggression. Don't shoot, Vince and his "pep" speech actually gave me the idea for this story.

Note: This is for my friend Lisa, who begged relentlessly until I finally gave up and wrote this. It's my first Brock fic, so please be gentle. Also be warned that in my opinion, underneath that rough and tough exterior, beats the heart of a gentle beast.


Paul smiled as he watched Brock warm up for his match. He glanced to the wall where Brock had taped a poster of RVD up so that he good look at it. Rob had made a bad mistake by interrupting us earlier. It was Brock's spotlight. He, after all, had actually won the title of King of the Ring. J.R. and King were right, Rob had pissed all over Brock's coronation ceremony and he would have to pay. Hell, it had upset Brock so much that he snapped at him during an interview. Nope. Rob would pay dearly.

"You want him, don't you?" Paul asked as he inched closer, rubbing his sweaty palms together, sensing the lust in Brock's eyes as they glared at the poster. Paul could sense that Brock wanted to hurt Rob, but he also wanted a more personal revenge....he sexually wanted him.

Brock snorted and merely replied with a grunt and a slight nod of his head as his huge torso muscles flexed rapidly.

Paul grinned as an idea popped into his head. "You've been very good Brock, and I think you deserve a little reward," he whispered as he pointed to Rob's poster. "You need to release a little of your "sexual" aggression, don't you? All this ruthless aggression, intense training and climbing the ladder to the top has made Brock very horny, am I right?"

Brock grunted and grinned as he started to get excited by what Paul was saying.

Paul grinned as he saw the bulge in Brock's tight wrestling trunks grow larger. "You can own him. Beat him down tonight, take his precious title away, then afterwards.....we'll hunt him down and you can have your fun with him. After all, no one know Rob better than I do," Paul whispered, holding up a syringe and a small bag of white powder. "We'll inject him with this and he'll do anything you want."

Brock smiled as every muscle in his body flexed. He licked his lips as he imagined how good the beautiful young man would feel underneath him as he took him over and over again.


Rob stretched in the hallway as he got ready for his match with Brock. He was still pissed that Paul had interfered in the King of the Ring match. At one time, he had once been Paul's most prized possession, but with time everything changes. He really couldn't say that he missed Paul's obnoxious personality or his sex and drug-hazed parties.

Rob shook his head. He still couldn't believe that he had actually slept with Paul to get ahead in ECW. Of all the stupid things that he had done, that was the stupidest. Not only did he sleep with the man, he let him supply him with a bountiful array of wonderful mind-altering drugs that he eagerly accepted. It had taken him a long time to beat the habit, but he had.

Every time he saw Paul, he was reminded of those days. Waking up with Paul and some of his strange friends. It wasn't until later that Rob had discovered that Paul had let some of his friends sleep with him for money while he was drugged out of his mind. He, in a sense, was pimping him.

Rob shivered as he remembered how Paul had called him a slut when he confronted him. He never went to another party given by Paul, and it took him months to get over his newly formed addiction, and find a new job. But he did......he had survived.

Tonight was his night. He'd be damn if he lost his title to Brock and give Paul the pleasure of advancing his "next big thing" further. He simply wished that Paul would crawl back to the cesspool where he came from and leave him alone.

Tonight, no matter how much pain Brock inflicted on him......he wouldn't give up.


He wouldn't give Paul that satisfaction.


Paul grinned as he watched Brock dominate the much smaller Rob in the match. He'd forgotten how sexy and maneuverable Rob really was. How he agile and flexible his legs were.

He licked at the drool forming at the corner of his mouth, pushing images of Rob stoned out of his mind with his legs spread and bent at impossible angles while he had fucked him hard and fast, over and over again. Rob would be his present to Brock. Brock wanted him and what Brock wanted, he got. Brock was his meal ticket to the top of the food chain of the WWE and he'd do anything to keep him happy. Anything. He knew Rob's weakness. He was vulnerable. He would do whatever was necessary to keep the young man under control and Brock happy.

Paul growled in frustration as Rob simply refused to be pinned. 'He was always a stubborn bastard,' Paul thought to himself as he watched the match intently. He could see frustration on Brock's face as well. He wanted to pin Rob in more ways than one, but Paul saw the look of determination on Rob's face. He wasn't going down....not tonight. Not without a little help.

'Fuck!' Heyman hissed to himself as he crawled into the ring and interfered. There was no way that he'd let Brock accidentally get pinned by Rob. After all, he had a reputation to up hold. Even if it meant getting chased around the ring by a pissed off RVD and being the recipient of that damn five-star splash.

Paul smiled moments later as he raised to up to find Brock pulling RVD to him, forcing his head between his huge muscular, sweaty thighs as he lifted him up easily and slammed him down hard on the announcers table.

Rob laid before him broken and helpless, just like he would be from now on.


Rob hissed in pain as he clutched at his back while he slowly made his way up the ramp. He hadn't hurt this bad since that damn ladder match with Jeff Hardy. The refs tried to help him, but Rob pushed them away. He didn't need anyone. He was R-V-D.

He sighed as he finally made his way to the trainer's room. His back could use a good massage right now.

He sighed in slight annoyance as the trainer wasn't anywhere to be found. He was out probably advising Jeff Hardy to forget about his match with 'Taker. He was a trainer, not a miracle healer.

Rob hissed in pain as he hopped on the examining table and laid down.

Rest. That's all he really needed.

Just a little nap.


Paul grinned inwardly as he slowly and quietly opened the door to the trainer's room. He'd been right. Rob came straight here looking for a massage. He knew Rob all too well.

Paul turned and smiled at Brock, who was following right behind him, grinning as he watched his manager lift the syringe to get out any air as he stealthily approached the beautiful, unsuspecting slumbering man on the table.

Paul grinned as he looked at the visible vein on Rob's forearm. It had always been so easy to inject him.

"Hold him down when I start to inject him," Paul whispered softly as he positioned the needle above the slightly extended vein.

Brock nodded as he stood ready to grab and secure Rob.

Rob jerked awake as the needle of the syringe pierced his skin.

"What the.....?" He gasped just as two huge hands clamped down on his wrists pinning him to the table.

He felt the semi-warm fluid shoot into his veins as he looked at the man behind the needle.

"No!" Rob gasped in horror.

"Oh yes," Paul whispered as the last of the liquid disappeared into the confines of Rob's throbbing vein. "Seems like old times, doesn't it Rob?"

Rob groaned weakly as he tried to free his hands. He was too weak from the match to put up too much resistance. He moaned as he felt the familiar tingle as the drug filtered through his veins and arteries. He glanced up at Brock and for a moment, he thought he could see pity in the monster's eyes, but then he blinked and it was gone, replaced by something darker, something that he of all people was familiar with......lust.

Paul chuckled. "He's all yours, Brock. My truck is right outside waiting for us. I've already bribed the security guard and rented you a motel room across town. There, you can make him scream all you want and no one will ask questions," Paul hissed excitedly.

Brock grinned as he let go of Rob's wrists and scooped him up into his huge arms. "Mine," he growled possessively as he looked down at the helpless man and quietly followed Paul from the room.

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