Sexual Aggression - Part 2 (*Slash*)
Fri Jul 5 19:03:39 2002

Thanks for the feedback on this. I was a little nervous about writing a Brock/RVD fic.

Hopefully, I'll have the conclusion finished by Sunday.

Rob moans softly as his eyelids flutter. He could feel that he was placed between two warm bodies, and that the largest one had his tree-sized arm wrapped around him, holding him close. In a blurry drugged haze, he watched car lights as they filtered by. The hum of the vehicle lulling him into a false pretense of safety.

He jumped nervously as he heard a familiar laugh that sent shivers down his spine. He raised his head up from its resting place and tried to focus in on the driver of the vehicle, but his vision was too blurry and he was having trouble holding his lolling head up. Sighing, he let his head fall back onto the muscular chest of the man that was holding him.

"That's right Rob. Just sit back and enjoy the ride," the annoying voice echoed in his head as the arm around him tightened it's grasp even tighter.

Rob moaned as he shut his eyes and simply laid his head back letting the world continue to spin around him.


Paul smiled as he glanced over at Rob with his head resting against Brock's massive chest. Even now, years later, the young man was still beautiful and desirable. For a brief moment, he felt a pang of jealously surge through him. Rob had once been his, but now he was just giving him to Brock.

Paul jumped as a deep warning growl issued from Brock. Oops. Brock had caught his lustful glances that had been giving Rob.

"Mine," Brock growled possessively as he pulled the drugged young man fully into his lap, letting Rob's legs fall between his as he gently brushed Rob's tousled hair from his face as he once again let the smaller mans face rest against his muscular chest.

Paul quickly returned his eyes back to the road.

Paul marveled at how beautiful Rob looked as he laid helplessly in Brock's massive arms like an exquisite rag doll.

Paul sighed. He was glad that the motel was only another mile or so away, his pants was way too snug. Maybe after Brock fucked him a couple of times and released some of that pent up aggression, he'd be willing to share sweet little Robbie.


A slight contented smile tugged at Brock's lips as he held Rob in his lap. Even though he was hard as a rock, he knew that he could wait until he got into the room to claim this beautiful man.

He didn't, however, like the lustful looks that his manager had been giving "his" intended mate.

He could sense that Paul wanted Rob, but he could forget about that. Rob was his, and he'd eliminate any interloper who tried to touch him.

"We're here," Paul exclaims excitably as he motions for Brock to follow him.

Brock opened the door and slowly got out, cradling Rob tightly in his arms as he kicked the truck door shut.

Paul was grinning from ear to ear as he opened the door for Brock.

Brock growled as Paul started to enter, blocking the door. "I don't want an audience," he growled as he slammed the door in Paul's shocked face.


Paul cursed as he looked around his surroundings.

"Fuck," he growled as he read the "No Vacancy" sign. "Just great," he mumbled as he walked back to his truck.

He had desperately wanted to watch as Brock broke Rob in.

But it didn't matter did it?

Sooner or later, Brock would tire of Rob and he would be fair game once again.

Paul smiled as he laid down on the seat, pulling his jacket tightly around him as he closed his eyes, dreaming of how he would make Rob beg for more. All he needed was a few bags of the powdery drugs and Rob would be his.


Brock smiled at the shocked expression on his managers face. Did he really expect him to share?

He hadn't shared anything since he was ten years old, and he wasn't about to start now.

Rob moaned as he was gently laid placed on the bed.

Brock smiled as he gently started to remove Rob's ring attire. He had been wondering since King of the Ring what Rob would look like naked. Having Rob had become an obsession to him, and he knew that his greedy, eager manager would get anything that he wanted to keep him happy.

Rob didn't resist as Brock spread his legs wide for inspection.

Another smile tugged at Brock's lips. Rob was exquisite. His hand reached down and gently caressed Rob's cheek before sliding down and gently tracing along Rob's luscious, ripe lips.

Brock leaned down and placed a gentle, but firm kiss to Rob's soft, compliant lips. Rob moaned as he shifted half aware underneath him. Brock leaned over and nipped at his ear. "You belong to me now, Rob," he growled as he nipped a little harder, getting his lovers attention.


Rob's eyes flutter open and look up into Brock's eyes. An excited shiver runs down his spine as he realized how huge Brock really was. Rob smiled up at his huge captor, fascinated with the mixture of colors haloing his muscular body.

"Brock?" Rob whispers as the lights from the room whirl around him.

"Yeah?" Brock whispers as he smiles back, while his hands gently explores the body beneath him.

"Ummmm......," Rob moans in appreciation at the size of his hands, temporarily forgetting the question that he was going to ask. "I want you," Rob whispers with a slight giggle.

Brock smiles as he leans up and kisses Rob. "Really?" He asks with a slight frown.

"Yeah....and I know you want me, too," Rob whispers as he watches the color of the room change.

"You're just high," Brock whispers as he pulls away. He wanted Rob, but not like this. He wanted Rob to remember their time together and cherish it, and not just be a drug induced fuck.

"What's wrong?" Rob asks, his speech slightly slurred.

"Nothing," Brock whispers. "Go to sleep."

"I thought we were going to fuck," Rob whispers as he raises up and rubs his body against Brock's.

Brock growls as he shoves Rob down onto the bed. "I want to fuck you so bad that I hurt, but I won't take you like this.....not drugged out of your freaking mind."

Rob blinks in confusion as he starts to pout.

Brock sighs as he pulls Rob to him. "Listen. Either pretend that we fucked or the leach outside the door will have both of our hides," Brock growls.

"Ummm.....okay," Rob mumbles as he snuggles against Brock's chest.

Brock smiled as the smaller man's breathing evened off signaling that he was sound asleep.

He wouldn't rape Rob. He wouldn't become the monster that Paul so desperately wanted him to be. He wanted more out of life than quick fucks and easy conquests. He wanted a mate. Someone to share his life with. Just maybe....Rob was the one, but he'd have to wait until morning to find out.

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