Lincoln Farm Camp

1970's Photos - Compliments of Mike Sirowitz

1976 Trainees – To the best of my recollection, the names are…L to R, Front: Mike Sirowitz, Sue Brown, Christine O’Rourke, Patty ?, Liz ? . Middle: Eric Hassen, Ray Jackson, Ben ? , Anne ? , Andy Zuch, Claudia ?. Back: Ben Paschkes, Jim ? , Phil Jackson

1974 Weekend Trucks – Not a very good picture but very much a part of Lincoln Farm in “the old days.” Up until a court order banned their use in the middle of 1975, this is how we traveled on weekend trips (actually a 2-day trip every 6 days then a 4-day trip at the end of the summer).

1979 Taffy the Nurse

1981 Reunion – I organized a small reunion in Central Park and about 15-20 people showed up. I have seen a few people over the years and am still very close with one, but otherwise this was the last time I saw many of my LF friends. I apologize to the people I don’t remember but the ones I do remember are…L to R: Jason Lapin, Lisa Goldin, Charlie Chessler, ? , Jill Gross, Mike Sirowitz, Mike Gartner, Peter Stoller, ? , Christine O’Rourke, ? , Steven Lasker, Ben Map, ? .

1978 Main Lawn & House

PHOTOS: Check them out!
(Due to the large number of photos submitted, and the long loading times, I've now created a bunch of different pages, but all of the photos are here)


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