For years i have wondered, since i was a child, why was Jeremy beadle so
Agressive and horrible to flatten peoples houses to the ground, cover dogs
in concrete and drive over old ladies in army tanks (this didn't happen but if we hadn't of taken
Jeremy off the air it could have).I found it when i noticed his hidiously deformed hand
and it became apparent to me that his hand is the root of all evil in the world. Satan was
to come back.... In the form of Jeremy beadle's hand. This may be a complete load of pants
or maybe, just maybe i have found the truth behind two world wars, several famines and the fact
that phil mitchell was shot. I will post what evidence i get through out my quest and work to find out the truth
...... is this withered hand the overload of all that is evil, or is it just hideously deformed?

The hand of evil, mapped from a distance

The tree that has spawned from evil, or the hands family tree

The speading of the evil hand, for it has multipied

The evil man in action and, not in action

Email me and help to contain the hand of almighty evil.

For the sake of the whole earth, help us with any thing you can.
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