Here is the sultan of evil, at the evil battery convention is swansea, the center of all evil.
As it is hard to see from this picture, he is holding an evil battery so we had the picture
anylised and magnified by many proffesional woodsmen and the picture below will show
the truth that Jeremy does infact use evil batteries to store any unused evil, and he sells it
at this convention. We believe Cliff Richard ordered 3 cases of it.

Here is the zoom in by our proffesionals

This shows that the evil is taking over, As jeremy spies another stall selling what looks to be another
Evil batteries. After this picture was taken, the whole stall of "Aunty William Hauge's homemade evil
batteries burnt down in a "mystery" fire which was started by "unforseen causes". We know who was behind it.

Here is a very, very smug looking Jeremy. is that matches in his top pocket

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