Selphie Tilmitt
She can be annoying...but she's pretty cute! Plus, sometimes you can see her panties after battles.
"That's way too much hassle. Heeey! How about this? Let's derail the president's car. Y'know hit him with a big log or something. Then we watch it crash and burn! Ooh...So what do you guys think?"
Selphie is the group's spunky joker. But under her carefree exterior is a caring sentimental person and Selphie can sometimes be the most sensitive of the team. She likes to get involved in things, like the Garden Festival.
Age: 17, Height: 5'1 1/2", Blood type: B, Birthdate: July 16
A spunky young woman with a carefree spirit. Selphie seems out of place in a military academy because of her innocent appearance and light-hearted personality. Her happy-go-lucky disposition and laid-back attitude tend to catch others off guard.
Weapon: Nunchuku
Best Weapon: Strange Vision
Personal Opinion: More of a support character than anything else. I hear that The End attack is the most powerful in the game, even moreso than Lionheart, but I haven't got to see it myself. Whenever it comes up I always skip it by accident and yell NOOOO!!

Limit Break: Slot-Random magic spells will appear and you can choose to try again or cast it. Selphie has unique spells that will appear from time to time.

Full-Cure-Heal all allies completely, remove status ailments
Wall-Cast protect on all allies
Rapture-Remove an enemy from the battle
The End-The Ultimate in melee attacks
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LightSoul: Hey, Selphie. I love you.
Selphie: Hey, aren�t you that guy that Rinoa and Quistis called into court?
LightSoul: Er, no! you heard wrong! I courted Rinoa and Quistis. That�s it.
Selphie: I�ve seen you in my bushes, haven�t I?
LightSoul: Fine! You wanna restraining order, too, don�t you? For the record, my name�s Dave Coulier!
Selphie: Wow, Joey from Full House? I'm your biggest fan! Do the woodchuck voice! Come on! Or Popeye maybe!?
LightSoul: How embarrassing.
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