Seifer Almasy
I am the badass.
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Squall's rival in Garden, with a rivalry running so deep nobody remembers how and why it started. One of the few people able to use a gunblade, Seifer was badly injured by Squall during a training mission. Seifer later failed to become a SeeD, and then followed his dream of becoming the sorceress' knight, and became one of the biggest thorns in Garden's side. He is always seen with his posse, Fujin and Raijin.
Age: 18, Height: 6'2", Blood type: A, Birthdate: December 22
Squall's rival who causes havoc within Garden. A candidate for SeeD. Although Seifer is a naturally gifted soldier, his inability to take orders and control his temper has earned him the label of problematic. Although recognising and praising Squall's abilities, Seifer regards him as his ultimate rival.
Weapon: Gunblade
Best Weapon: Unknown
Personal Opinion: Boo. You get to use him for a little bit. Bully for you.

Limit Break: Fire Cross-No Mercy-A powerful attack against one enemy
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LightSoul: Hey Seifer. You think you're so bad, don't you? I bet that you've never even CHEWED SOME GUM AND THEN SPAT IT ON THE SIDEWALK!
Seifer: I did one better. I spat it on Headmaster's Cid's head!
LightSoul: Ooh, that's bad.
Seifer: I am the badass.
LightSoul: Wow! The head of the disciplinary committee...a badass! That's like a badass cop!
Seifer: Now let me tell you about my badass dream!
LightSoul: You just talk...I'll read 'Goodbye Pururun' again. Hmm...Hee hee. Pururun is so funny looking.
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