Laguna Loire
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Laguna is a galbadian soldier who fights a war against the forces of Timber, seventeen years prior to the story. He is caring, though dopey, and has aspirations of leaving the army and becoming a journalist. His bad luck always lands him in trouble, but he and his best friends, Kiros and Ward, always manage to get out alive.
Age: 27, Height: 5'9", Blood type: Unknown, Birthdate: Unknown
A passionate man whose pen is truly mightier than the sword. An ex-soldier turned journalist, Laguna is a strong willed man with amazing energy. His compassion for the unfortunate drives him to help the weak and bring down their oppressors. Using his writing as a mighty instrument of justice, he stands strong against the evils of the world.
Weapon: Machine Gun
Best Weapon: Unknown
Personal Opinion: You don't get a choice whether you use him or not so quit yer yappin'! He's pretty good, anyway.

Limit Break: Desperado-Damage enemies with machine gun fire and a grenade explosion
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LightSoul: Hey Laguna. You think you can write, huh? Write what I dictate to you. "Laguna is a big fat..."
Laguna: Hold on, hold on! Let me get a pen. FOR CRYING OUT LOUD! There's never one around when you need one. Look, we're gonna have to take a raincheck on this one, okay?
LightSoul: Rats, I was just about to get to the bad words. Party pooper.
Laguna: JUST KIDDING! I've got one! Ha ha! Had you going there!
LightSoul: Okay. Laguna is a big fat...
Laguna: Oh wait, I don't have any paper. I'm serious this time.
LightSoul: Party...sniff...pooper...
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