LightSoul: Are you ready for more BATTLES!? Here is BATTLE! number four! Koh (Azure Dreams) versus Levant (Jade Cocoon)
The hero of Azure Dreams! Journeys to the monster tower to make money and rebuild his town!
A monster trainer and son of the last cocoon master! Has a sword. Just kidding.
Round 1: Weapons

Like, what am I doing here? I know, I'm hanging out with a bunch of losers, talking about characters that don't even exist! Ch'yah, that's like, SO something I would do. Right.

Can we just talk about weapons?

Like, WHAT-EVERRR! You could seriously break a nail using those pikes that Levant uses. I like his hairstyle, though. Like, THAT'S IT!!! We should totally have a hairstyle round! Like, what do you think?

Are we dating now?

LightSoul: Tiffani and Roger deem Koh the winner of the first round!
Round 2: Special Moves

Like, special moves, like what? I don't like either of these two. They're both too scrawny for me. Like, where's the football team?


Like, you just, like, insulted, me didn't you? Like, take it back or I'll throw this monster egg on you!

Gross! Unfertilised Pulunpa egg! Embryo...! Getitoffgetitoffgetitoff!

LightSoul: Tiffani and Roger deem Koh the winner of the second round!
Round 3: Back Story

Like, if you would write an otto-by-ogg-raffy or something of these guys, the books, like, wouldn't be fat, or something? You get what I'm saying?

I get it. You're saying you're a stupid bimbo! (But you're're so hot...pant...pant...)

Like, shut up! Levant, is like, so cool, because he has to become to Cocoon Master to like, save his village! But like, Koh just does it for the money. It's all about the money...dum dum dum dum diddy dum dum!

Dumb dumb is right, you bimbo! (Sigh...pant...pant...)

LightSoul: Tiffani and Roger deem Levant the winner of the third round!
Round 4: Name

Like, why isn't there a fashion round? Because Levant would totally win for that tea cosy he wears on his head. Totally!

This is the name round, you stupid cheerleader. Gimme a B! I! M! B! O!

Like, Levant's name is cooler...because it's harder to say! Like, foreign names are harder to say, and they are like, so much sexier. Like Jean-Paul Liessens-Par Jansenn. Levant's name has like, twice the number of syllables as Koh, or something!

...Kill me.

LightSoul: Tiffani and Roger deem Levant the winner of the fourth round!
Round 5: Chicks they hang out with

Like, even though the chicks that Koh hangs out with are total sluts, they're all kind of cool, in a way. I can totally relate to them! Like, totally. All Levant hangs around with is that bimbo Mahbu, so like, there's no competition, or something!

What about Jibara? She's hot!

What? That hundred-year-old skankosaur? I don't think so! Place an L on your forehead, you loser!

...Yes ma'am...

LightSoul: Tiffani and Roger deem Koh the winner of the fifth round! Congratulations! How do you feel, Koh, you won!!!

Koh: Why'd you have to drag me away from my horde of girlfriends?

LightSoul: Wanna know why?

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