LightSoul: Hello faithful readers and followers of the BATTLING! that takes place right here, in BATTLE! Stadium! Today we have a thievery face off! Zidane Tribal (Final Fantasy IX) and Stinger (Shadow Madness)!
The weird and quirky hero of Final Fantasy IX who has a tail!
Just like Zidane except stupider and less tails. Has a sword.
Round 1: Weapons

Morning, guv'na! Back in Northportquaghampshire, we have a museum where they display lots of weapons! I saw an Ultima Weapon there, and then I saw a sword saying 'Property of Stinger' on it! It was broken.

Golly! I went to that museum when I was just a little kid! My daddy said if I licked the tip of a sword, I would meet the tooth fairy!

The point I'm trying to make, chums, is that when Stinger tried to use his sword to help make origami, it broke!

Gosh! My daddy says I'm not allowed to use scissors! Tooth fairy, where are you?

LightSoul: Gus and Scotty deem Zidane the winner of the first round!
Round 2: Special Moves

Let's see here, mates...
Stinger doesn't have ANY special moves. Except his blimmin' twitch. But everyone has that. Just watch an episode of Japanese seizure robots!

Daddy told me once that to cure my chicken pox, I had to rub my face in a chicken's roost. After that day I got so angry I turned into Trance Scotty! Special attack: Scotty Beam!

That's right! Zidane has abilities, AND Trancing. That blows lock picking right out of the water! Watch the line on my cat hat change when I get angry.

It's a magical hat.

LightSoul: Gus and Scotty deem Zidane the winner of the second round!
Round 3: Back Story

Let's take a look in my great-grandfather's back story analysis book! Crikey! This isn't a book! It's a juice box!

Daddy told me that Stinger used to be a thief who lived in Port Lochane, and now he's a thief who doesn't live in Port Lochane. Cool, huh!?

But he hates his stepfather, chum, like I do! But Zidane's past is much more interesting. He SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER.


LightSoul: Gus and Scotty deem Zidane the winner of the third round!
Round 4: Name

Crikey. If there's one thing that's true, it's that we all have names. Some of us nicknames, too. Like me. My nickname is Mad Cow. That's because I ate some mad cows, mate.

Daddy told me mad cows appear when you swear. DAMN! DAMN! Zi-zi-zidane! That is a cool name!

Stinger, mate? Try to be original. BLIMEY!


LightSoul: Gus and Scotty deem Zidane the winner of the fourth round!
Round 5: Chicks they hang out with

Chicks? You mean like the ones they have on farms? Crikey! I don't think I saw any! OH! Of course!
Here is a photo of Stinger with a very cool chick!

No! Chicks like girls, it means. Girls? YEECHHH!!! I don't like them. They're where cooties come from.

Oh, right. Well, Stinger has that hick, Windleaf and that giant smurf, Jirina. Not very appealing if you ask me. Give me Dagger any day!

My daddy said that daggers give you rabies.

LightSoul: Gus and Scotty deem Zidane the winner of the fifth round! Congratulations! How do you feel, Zidane, you won!!!

Zidane: Hey! Who are you guys!? Why did you bring me here!?

LightSoul: Wanna know why?

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