About Us
Matthew Lieberman (Darkgreen)- Website Administrator, Film Maker
Staff Bios
For nearly a decade now I've been playing with Lego. I got my first ever set when I was four years old. Since then I've been playing with Lego like a maniac. About a year ago, for my brother's 11th birthday he got a Lego Studios camera set. Since then we've been trying to make a decent movie, but everytime we start something we never finished it.

Until, one day we found the best site for brickfilmers ever...... WWW.BRICKFILMS.COM! It inspired us with all the great movies on it to finish a movie and post it there. We then found a contest (Word of Wisdom Contest) and entered it with our first ever completed film "Never Give Up", available in the movies section.

Since then I've made a bunch of movies, built this site and have had a ton of fun. Other than playing with Lego I also like playing video games, playing sports, or chilling with my friends.

If you'd like to email me with any questions, comments, advice, ect. please do so at [email protected].
Cody Lieberman (GinG)- Film Maker
                   *Please note I only wrote this cause Matthew threatened me with smasing all my Lego*
Ever since I could remember I've always been waiting for allowance day to go buy some  Lego at the shop. One day during my weekly browse around the Lego section of the toy store I noticed something rather eye catching. It was a Lego Studios camera kit. Luckly my birthday was near-by and I got it as a gift. Since then I've always made Lego movies, but my real passion still lies in building Lego.

Right now I have about 20 000 pieces, give or take a few, that I've collected over the years. I'm always building some sort of Lego utopia or city. Although it often gets taken apart to film some sort of movie in it, but thats alright cause I love rebuilding it.

When I'm not smashing bricks together I can usually be found playing video games,chilling with friends, watching t.v. and movies, and very rarely sports (golf in particular). However my real passion in life is sleeping.

If you want to drop me a line, then just email me at [email protected]
Dario Camerino (Cheegro)- Voice Man
Thanks to our great friend Dario and his manipulating voice skills, our lego movies are always funnier. An example of this would be watching our first completed film "Never Give Up" and waiting for a good ol' fasion "SAYYYYYYYY WHATTTTTTTTTTTTTT" (If you know what I mean).

~Dario Smacks Matthew takes over computer~

Sorry about that crap. Let's start fresh.
Well, a good way to to tell people what I'm like is I'm the all around jerk (if you know what i mean), ~smashing noice~ sorry, smacked Matthew. Anyway I like food, sushi in particular. I'm an Italian Jew (yeah...Jewish....) but not any Italian Jew....I'm 1\2 Italian, 100% Jewish. HOW SICK IS THAT!!! ITS INSANE!!!!!

Anyway, I speak Japanese, WHATZ UP WIT DAT! I like playing soccer, smacking Matthew (one sec ~SMACK~ ok thanks for your time). I live in a box in my parents' garage. Dude the walls are bubble wrap. ZING! (brb ~pop pop pop~ ok back)

My alternate personality is Raoul the Hyspanic Comedian. My favorite movie is Shaolin Soccer (time to smack matthew again ~SMACK~) Oh and if I didn't mention it, yes my voice changes at my will ..........FEAR ME! My favorite website other than this one is www.NewGrounds.com.

Funniest thing is...I don't even like lego. I'm in it for the money (LOL)

Well that should be all...for now (Evil Laugh). If you wanna know more about me (im a nice guy, if you know what I mean) e-mail me or add me to your msn list at [email protected].

Hey look at the time, gotta go smack Matthew again. 
Ciao for now
Ryan Saxe (the man with the plan)- Voice man, guitarist, and occassional film maker
Well, being the man with the plan, I usually don't ever complete brickfilms. But I can start and plan a million. I've been playing with Lego since I was three and still play with it to this day.

When I'm not playing with Lego or trying to make films I'm usually jamming on my guitar, painting or drawing stuff, playing video games, or beating up my little brother.

My msn is [email protected], so yeah, add me if you want.

Well that's it for now. L8er
Peter Elliott(that guy there, doing that thing) - Filmaker-At-Large, Website co-Administrator
so I called my freind Matthew and I was like "sup" and he was like "nuthin" and I was like "dats cool" *guitar jam*.   oh sorry, wrong window.  So anyways I have to write this bio because I changed one link(see that DivX link on the Movies page? Yeah thats mine.  pretty slick, eh?).  and thus now I am not only a "contributor" I am also a website admin,  and I am therefore TEH L33T!!!11!! W00T!  But I digress.  I'm currently making my own movie "Assault on Precint 27"  details can be had at http://www.vm2000.tk where I decide to get off my lazy butt.  Oh, I have a sizable lego collection, and I can be reached via MSN messenger at vm2000*NOSPAM*@hot*NOSPAM*mail.com.(drop the *NOSPAM* bits) .
*Please note that this site is not associated with Lego, Mega Blocks, Best Lock, or any other cooporate franchise unless noted otherwise. We are simply a humble small website created by brick and stopmotion fans*
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