Sunday, October 21 on PPV

Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. RVD vs. Kurt Angle [WWF Championship - Triple Threat Match]

- Kurt Angle's music hit in the arena and he made his way to the ring for the Triple Threat Match for the World Wrestling Federation Title! In this match, there is No Disqualification, and there's a lot of unanswered questions going into this match. Rob Van Dam came out, and then Stone Cold came out. Kurt Angle got Austin from behind with a German suplex to start it off, and then he gave Kurt one as well, and then he gave Austin another. Kurt gave Rob an over the head belly to belly suplex and then RVD and Austin stomped Kurt Angle down against the ropes. Austin choked Kurt with his jacket and then the two knocked Kurt to the outside of the ring. Austin then got ready for a fight with Rob Van Dam. Kurt got back on the apron and RVD and Austin knocked him down and then they got ready to fight each other, once again. Austin flipped the bird to RVD, and RVD did it as well, and then he did the RVD finger point, and the fans were well behind RVD. Kurt then got in the ring and took RVD down with a Russian leg sweep and then Austin stomped away on Kurt, and then he stomped Rob Van Dam as he was down.

Austin stomped both men back and forth as they were down and then he backed Kurt into the corner and kicked him down in the corner. Austin kicked away on Rob and Kurt went over and nailed Austin. Austin went for the stunner, but Kurt caught his ankle and went for the ankle lock, and he got it on, but RVD broke it up. RVD then mounted Kurt and gave him a number of right hands. Austin broke it up and then RVD whipped Austin off the ropes and he knocked Austin down with a heel kick and then he hopped off the second rope and knocked Austin down with a kick. RVD then knocked Kurt down and then RVD nailed Kurt with the rolling thunder. RVD pinned Kurt, but Austin broke up the pin and then he tossed Kurt to the outside of the ring. Austin whipped RVD off the ropes and he gave him a spinebuster, and then he knocked Kurt down from the apron. Austin then pinned Rob Van Dam, but he only got a two count. Austin hammered away on Rob Van Dam and he worked on the leg, and then he knocked Kurt down from the apron. Austin got a half crab on RVD but Kurt Angle got in the ring and knocked Austin down from behind.

Kurt gave Austin a couple of right hands and then Austin dumped Kurt to the outside of the ring. Austin then put an STF on Rob and Kurt once again broke it up. Kurt tossed Austin to the outside of the ring and then Kurt chopped Austin, and Austin raked the eyes of Kurt. Austin then gave Kurt a sling shot into the steel ring post to knock him down. RVD went after Austin, but Austin grabbed him and slammed him into ring post. Kurt chopped away on Austin and then the two battled into the crowd. Kurt tossed Austin back into the ringside area and then he gave him a right hand and went to slam him into the announcer's table and then Rob Van Dam came off the top rope with a cannon ball on Austin and Kurt Angle! Rob rolled Kurt back into the ring and then he knocked Austin down with a kick. RVD leaped onto the announcer's table and then he came off with a leg drop on Austin. RVD got in the ring with Kurt, and Kurt gave RVD a Tazz-like suplex. Kurt Angle then went to the top rope and he came off with a moonsault on Rob Van Dam and then Austin got in the ring and pinned Rob for a two count as Kurt Angle nailed Austin in the ribs.

Kurt got Austin in a sleeper hold and Austin whipped Kurt into Rob and then Austin went for the stunner, but Angle got out of it. Angle went for the stunner, but he got out of it. Kurt and Austin then knocked each other down with a double clothesline. Rob Van Dam then went to the top rope and he came off with the Five Star Frog Splash, but both Angle and Austin were able to move out of the way. Angle got a German suplex pin on RVD, but Austin broke it up. Austin then gave Kurt Angle the stunner, and then he pinned him for a two count as RVD kicked Austin right in the head. Rob slammed Austin and then he hit the split legged moonsault and then a pin for a two count as Kurt broke it up. Kurt then gave Rob Van Dam the Angle Slam and then he pinned him for a two count as Austin broke it up. Austin knocked Kurt to the outside of the ring with a knee and then he went after Kurt and chopped him on the outside of the ring. Kurt battled back with some chops of his own and then Austin slammed Kurt Angle's head into the announcer's table a couple of times. Austin took the top off of the table and then he and Kurt got up on the table and Austin went for a piledriver, but Kurt gave Austin a back body drop onto the table, but the table didn't break.

Rob went down on the outside and Vince McMahon started walking to the ringside area as all three men were down on the outside of the ring. Kurt chopped Rob across the chest and then he rolled him into the ring. Kurt gave Rob some right hands and chops across the chest and then Rob whipped Kurt off the ropes, and Rob got a heel kick on Kurt to knock him down. Rob then went to the top rope for the Frog Splash, but Kurt quickly got up to his feet and hopped to the top rope and he took Rob down with an arm drag! Austin then crawled and got in the ring and he gave Angle the stunner and Kurt fell to the outside of the ring! Austin then turned his attention on Rob Van Dam and he waited for Rob to get up and Vince got in the ring and he nailed Austin with a steel chair, and there's no disqualification! RVD then went to the top rope and he came off with the Five Star Frog Splash as Vince told Kurt to come on and get in the ring. Rob then pinned Austin, but he was only able to get a two count. Kurt grabbed hold of Rob and he gave him a German suplex and then he went for another and he got it on and he gave him a third, a fourth and then the Angle Slam!

Shane McMahon then stormed to the ring and broke up the pin as Kurt pinned Rob. Shane tossed Kurt Angle to the outside of the ring and then Shane rammed Kurt Angle into the steel ring post and Vince charged at Shane and knocked him onto the announcer's table! Vince and Shane battled behind the announcer's table, and then Austin got up and he gave Rob Van Dam the Stone Cold Stunner and then a pin for a three count to get the win!

WINNER: still WWF Heavyweight Champion, Stone Cold Steve Austin

The Aftermath:
Vince McMahon couldn't believe that Austin retained the title, and he got on the announcer's table with an angry look on his face.

The Rock vs. Chris Jericho [WCW Championship Match]

Chris Jericho's music hit and he made his way to the ring for his big match against The Rock for the WCW Heavyweight Championship! The Rock's music hit next and he made his way out to defend the WCW Championship, and both men mean business in this match! The fans chanted "Rocky, Rocky!" and The match started off with a tie up in the center of the ring and both men shoved each other and then they locked it up once again. The Rock got a side headlock on Chris Jericho and then he went behind Chris with a hammerlock and Chris got out of it and got The Rock in a side headlock of his own. The Rock whipped Chris off the ropes, and Chris came back with a shoulder block on The Rock. The Rock then took Chris down with an arm drag and then he held onto his arm and The Rock gave Chris a shot to the arm and then The Rock twisted Jericho's arm and then he got him in another side headlock. Chris whipped The Rock off the ropes, and The Rock came back with a shoulder block and then Chris took The Rock down with two arm drags and then he held onto his arm and rammed his knee into the arm of The Rock.

The Rock battled out of it and then Chris yanked the arm of The Rock a couple of times. The Rock gave Chris a reverse elbow and then Chris slapped The Rock across the face and then he gave The Rock a number of right hands to take him down to the mat. Chris chopped away on The Rock, and you could hear the fans chanting "Y2J, Y2J!" Chris whipped The Rock off the ropes and The Rock ducked a clothesline and then The Rock knocked Chris down with a hard right hand and then he gave him a number of right hands down on the mat. Chris kicked The Rock in the chest and then The Rock went for the Rock Bottom, but Chris was able to get out of it. Chris went for the Walls of Jericho and The Rock got to the ropes to avoid it. The Rock got on the apron and Chris knocked him down with a springboard drop kick to knock him down from the apron. Chris Jericho then kicked away on The Rock as he was down on the mat and then he picked him up and dropped him onto the security wall. The Rock got back in the ring and Chris went to the top rope and came off with a reverse elbow and then a pin for a two count.

Chris gave The Rock some right hands on the mat and then Chris kicked away on The Rock as he was down. The Rock got up and he gave Chris some right hands and then Chris came off the ropes with the flying forearm and then he pinned him for a two count. Chris slapped The Rock across the face and then he backed him into the corner and chopped away on him. The Rock countered Chris and gave him some right hands and then Chris was able to knock The Rock down with a heel kick. Chris pinned The Rock for a two count and then Chris hooked The Rock in a side back breaker and then he jumped on him, back first. Chris then pinned The Rock for a two count and then Chris gave The Rock a drop kick as he was on the mat and then Chris nailed The Rock with a hard forearm to knock him down. Chris chopped The Rock across the chest and then he whipped him off the ropes and The Rock came back with a jumping clothesline. Chris hung The Rock up on the top rope and then he stomped away on him as he was down on the mat. Chris gave The Rock a body slam and then he went to the top rope, but The Rock hit the ropes to slow him down.

The Rock then gave Chris a number of hard right hands and then he chopped him as he was on the top rope. The Rock got Chris in a super plex from the top rope and both men were down on the mat. The Rock then gave Chris a number of right hands and then an over the head throw and then a Samoan drop and then a pin for a two count. Chris knocked The Rock down with a clothesline and The Rock nipped up and gave Chris a number of right hands and then he knocked him to the outside of the ring. The Rock slammed Chris Jericho's head into the announcer's table and then The Rock got Chris back in the ring. The Rock kicked away on Chris as he was down on the mat and then Chris got up and punched and chopped away on The Rock. Chris went off the ropes and The Rock caught him in a clothesline and then a pin for a two count. The Rock gave Chris Jericho a suplex and then he pinned him for a two count. Chris Jericho went off the ropes and The Rock tossed him over the top rope to the outside of the ring. The Rock then got out of the ring and he rolled Chris back into the ring and he pinned him for a two count.

The Rock got Chris in a reverse chin lock and he held onto it. The referee was there to check on Chris Jericho and Chris battled back to his feet and he went for a drop kick but The Rock avoided it and then The Rock gave Chris a sling shot into the top turnbuckle. The Rock then nailed Chris Jericho with a hard clothesline and then he slammed his head into the turnbuckle. The Rock perched Chris Jericho on the top rope and then he hooked him in a front face lock, but Chris was able to fight out of it to shove The Rock down to the mat. Chris Jericho then came off the top rope with a missile drop kick on The Rock! The referee started the ten count and The Rock got up to break the count. Chris then got up and the two exchanged blows. The Rock whipped Chris off the ropes, and Chris knocked The Rock down with a reverse elbow and then a swinging neck breaker. Chris then took The Rock down with a hurricanrana and a pin for a two count. Chris then gave The Rock a knee to the head and then he chopped him across the chest. The Rock whipped Chris into the corner and then The Rock went for a back suplex, but Chris landed on his feet.

Chris Jericho then gave The Rock the Rock Bottom and then he got up and hit the lionsault and he pinned him, but he only got a two count! The Rock slowly got up and Chris gave The Rock a bulldog down to the mat and then Chris set The Rock up for the people's elbow, and The Rock was able to get out of the way in time to avoid it! The Rock then took Chris down with a leg drag and then he put the Sharpshooter on Chris Jericho! After a few moments, Chris Jericho was able to get to the ropes, and some fans were booing, and some fans were cheering. Chris fell to the outside of the ring and The Rock went after him and then he took the top off of the Spanish announcer's table. Chris tried to get back in the ring, but The Rock dragged him to the outside of the ring. The Rock then got on the announcer's table with Chris Jericho and he set him up for the Rock Bottom and he gave it to him on the announcer's table, and the fans went nuts! The Rock then got back in the ring to break the referee's count and then he went back to the outside of the ring and grabbed hold of Chris Jericho.

The Rock nailed Chris with a right hand and then he rolled him back into the ring. The Rock picked up Chris Jericho's elbow pad and he tossed it out of the ring. The Rock set himself up for the Rock Bottom, and the fans booed him! Chris Jericho then got up and walked into The Rock and Chris gave The Rock some shots to the head and then Chris ran into a spinebuster from The Rock. The Rock then set Chris Jericho up for the people's elbow, but Chris got up and he got The Rock in the Walls of Jericho and The Rock did all he could to get to the ropes and then Chris dragged The Rock to the center of the ring and the fans went nuts in favor of Y2J! Stephanie then came out and tossed a chair into the ring and Jericho went after Stephanie, but she avoided it and then The Rock gave Chris Jericho a DDT. Stephanie got on the ring apron, and it looked like she was cheering for The Rock. The Rock dragged Stephanie into the ring and then he gave her the Rock Bottom! Chris Jericho then gave The Rock a reverse Russian leg sweep onto the steel chair and then he shoved the chair out of the ring and he pinned him for a three count to get the win!

WINNER: new WCW Heavyweight Champion, Chris Jericho

The Aftermath:
Chris Jericho celebrated his win in the ring, and The Rock got up and he picked up the steel chair and he waited for Chris Jericho to turn around, and he got face to face with The Rock. The Rock couldn't believe that Jericho used the chair to win the match and then The Rock handed the chair to Chris Jericho. The Rock then left the ring as Chris held the belt

NOTE: The WCW an WWF Championship matches' reports are from Kevin Gregg and Rajah's WWF Rumors and News.


- Jericho told The Coach that it's time to put up or shut the hell up.

Undertaker vs. Booker T [WWF vs. Alliance]

- Can you dig it suckaaaaaa? Booker T comes out first. Taker comes out on his bike as the crowd goes wild. Both men start it up on the outside as Booker T attacks Undertaker. He throws him in the security wall. Taker comes back with some clotheslines and right hands of his own which make Booker T to get back in the ring. The bell rings and the match officail has began. Undertaker is working on Booker T's arm throughout the first part. Arm breakers, shoulder "shots", and an "Old School" type move from the ropes on Booker T. Undertaker got a 2 count out of thatmove. Undertaker stops his assault as Booker T is back on his feet and is giving him some big right hands and some kicks to his chest and stomach. Both men are now outside. Booker T goes for the ring-bell but referee Tim White stops him and grabs the bell. Takers goes back to work on Booker T as the 2 are now going into the audience. They ballte it out in the crowd for a little as they exchange right hands with Taker dominating. They are back ringside as Taker is still getting the better out of Booker T. Right hands on the 5 time WCW Champion. They are now back in the ring. Booker T gets the advantage againt hanks to a side kick which got him a 2 count, but the main point is that he got the Undertaker down. Booker T goes for a neck breaker and again gets a 2 count. He throws more right hands in as he goes to the corner. Where he goes ahead to charge at the Undertaker, he gets a boot to the face from the dead man! Undertaker got a 2 count. They are both up now and they exchange shots. Taker is thrown to the ropes but then he comes back with a big DDT! Another 2 count! Taker gives The Book Man more body shots as he throws him from one end of the ring to the other. Clothesline from Taker. Leg Drop from the Dead Man which got him yet another 2 count. Booker T comes back yet again, with yet another side kick to the Undertaker which cost him to roll down from the ring. Booker T got up on the inside with the Spinaroonie! As taker rolled back in the ring and tried to get back on his feet, The Book Man gave him the scissors kick bringing him back to his feet! It seems that Booker T is about to win that one! 1-2-3.. what the? Taker gets his foot on the rope at the last minute! He, then stands up... He goes for a chokeslam, but Booker T gets out of it with a low blow. Booker T gets the Undertaker in the corner with some strong shots. He then starts working on it with right hands. Out of nowhere, undertaker comes back with the Last Ride.



- Rhyno was shown walking backstage after what he did to the Big Show. William Regal crossed his way and told him "good job." rhyno said he's doing it so they finally show the alliance some respect. He'll make sure they do on his own.

- Test and Booker T are celebrating Test's win over Kane. Test is pumping The Book Man up for his match with The Undertaker tonight. Shane-O-Mac comes in and tells Booker T he has to win and that he's the better man. Both men hype the match and Booker T. Booker T says that after tonight, Undertaker will be one dead sucka walking. Now can you dig that, sucka?

Dudleyz vs. Tajiri and The Big Show [WWF Tag Team Championship Match]

- Before the match starts, we cut to WWF New York, where we find lil SPike Dudley. He says he's great and hopes Tajiri and The Big Show beat up the Dudleyz tonight. Paul Heymann asks him about Molly and Spike says "What Molly?" as a girl approaches him and stands next to him.

- The Dudleyz came out first for that one to defend their WWF tag team titles. The Big Show and Tajiri followed. Tajiri started off the match against D-Von but it fastly became a 1 on 2 predicament as Bubba Ray made sure the dudleyz have the advantage. Bubba tagged and gave Tajiri some chopps across the chest as he worked on him. He then gave him a har right hand and tagged D-Von in. Double Team shoulder block before Bubba is out of the tag. D-Von went for a clotheseline on the Japanese Buzzsaw, but Tajiri ducked and gave D-von a beautiful kick, follwed by the moonsault which got him a 2 count pin. The Big Show was tagged! Bubba Ray and Tajiri are battling it out at ringside as the big show is dominating over D-Von. Side walk slam from the gian for the 2 count. Tajiri is up in the ring but eventually so is Bubba, who grabs the Japanese Buzzsaw for a Bubba Bomb! Several tags are made between the Dudleyz as they are now "officially" working on Tajiri who tagged in earlier. Right hands from both D-Von and Bubba Ray. D-Von is now left to work on Tajiri. He goes for a clothesline but misses. Tajiri climbs to the 2nd rope and jumps with a flying kick! Bubba Ray interferes and since the ref is not looking, the dudleyz give Tajiri a double headbutt. However, Tajiri gets up! He gives Bubba a DDT to remember, and then he tags into the Big Show. Show gets in and cleans the whole ring as he takes care of both Dudleyz. Tajiri gets the blind tag and locks the Tarantula on D-Von. He then goes for the green mist on Bubba Ray but the dudley ducks and the mist hits the ref's face! Big Show sees the opportunity and gets back in the ring. He gives a ChokeSlam to Bubby Ray Dudley!!!! 1-2-3-4-5... no referee to count... Here comes RHYNO! Gore! Gore! Gore! Rhyno hit the Gore on the Big Show, who is down! Tajiri gets in the ring and kicks D-Von, then Bubba Ray not intiminated at all. He then doesn't pay good attention however, as the Dudley Boyz get the 3D in. D-Von gets the pin.


Edge vs. Christian [WWF Intercontinental Championship Ladder Match]

Christian's music hit in the arena and he made his way to the ring as the Intercontinental Champion, ready to meet his brother, Edge! Christian didn't get much of a reaction as he made his way to the ring and the fans cheered for Edge as he made his way out. Edge and Christian battled on the ramp and they exchanged right hands. Edge beat Christian down and then he gave him some right hands at ringside to knock him down. Edge slammed Christian's head into the steel steps and then he slammed him into the security wall. Edge rolled Christian into the ring and Christian stomped away on Edge as he got in the ring and then Edge whipped Christian off the ropes and gave him a high back body drop. Edge slammed Christian's head on the mat a number of times and then he kicked his leg right out of his leg. (©Owen Hart @ Royal Rumble 1994.) Edge whipped Christian off the ropes and then Christian slid to the outside of the ring. Christian pulled Edge onto the top rope and then he went after the ladder and brought it into the ring. Edge kicked the ladder right into Christian and then Edge tossed Christian into the crowd.

Edge followed him and the two exchanged right hands in front of the crowd. Edge knocked Christian onto a chair and then he picked him up and tossed him into a mini wall. Christian gave Edge some right hands and then he charged at Edge, and Edge gave him a back body drop, back into the ringside area. Edge then set the ladder up at ringside and then he gave him a sling shot into the ladder. Edge then grabbed another ladder and he set it up on the security wall and the steel steps and then Christian raked the yes of Edge. Christian then tossed Edge onto the ladder and then Edge fell to the floor. Christian got on the ladder and he grabbed Edge and the two walked the ladder and Christian went for a suplex but Edge countered with some right hands and then Christian fell in the ladder and straddled the rungs of the ladder! Edge then rolled Christian back into the ring and he gave him a number of right hands and then he went to the outside of the ring and he grabbed the ladder and started to put it in the ring, but Christian jumped on it, and the ladder went right into Edge's face!

Christian then grabbed the ladder and pulled it into the ring and then he set it up in the middle of the ring and started climbing the ladder and Edge got in the ring and shoved the ladder down and Christian landed on his feet and he knocked Edge down with a hard clothesline. Christian grabbed the ladder and he rammed it into Edge's mid section and then he trapped Edge in the corner with the ladder and then he slammed Edge's head into the ladder a couple of times. The fans started chanting "Christian sucks!" as he went under the ring for a chair. Christian came up from behind of Edge with the chair, but Edge pulled Christian down onto the ladder! Edge set the ladder up against the ropes and then he got Christian on his back and then he tossed Christian into the ladder against the ropes and both men went down! After a few moments, both men got up and Edge set up a ladder in the corner, and then Christian whipped Edge right into the ladder! Christian stomped away on Edge as he was down on the mat and then he gave Edge a nasty sling shot into the ladder.

Christian then grabbed the ladder and pulled it into the ring and then he set it up in the middle of the ring and started climbing the ladder and Edge got in the ring and shoved the ladder down and Christian landed on his feet and he knocked Edge down with a hard clothesline. Christian grabbed the ladder and he rammed it into Edge's mid section and then he trapped Edge in the corner with the ladder and then he slammed Edge's head into the ladder a couple of times. The fans started chanting "Christian sucks!" as he went under the ring for a chair. Christian came up from behind of Edge with the chair, but Edge pulled Christian down onto the ladder! Edge set the ladder up against the ropes and then he got Christian on his back and then he tossed Christian into the ladder against the ropes and both men went down! After a few moments, both men got up and Edge set up a ladder in the corner, and then Christian whipped Edge right into the ladder! Christian stomped away on Edge as he was down on the mat and then he gave Edge a nasty sling shot into the ladder.

Christian then grabbed hold of another ladder and he pulled it into the ring. Christian and Edge set up both of the ladders in the center of the ring and Christian started to go up and Edge went up with him and then Edge gave Christian some shots to the back of the head and then he hooked him in the Edge-o-Matic from the ladders! Edge looked like he hurt his back on the way down and he started to climb up the ladder, in a lot of pain. The fans went nuts as Edge was on his way up and Christian got up and he nailed Edge in the back as he was on the ladder. Christian then returned the favor by giving Edge a reverse DDT from the ladders! Christian then got out of the ring and he pulled two steel chairs out from under the ring and he brought them into the ring. Christian went for the Conchairto, but Edge was able to shove the chair into Christian's face and the he brought a third ladder into the ring! Edge set the ladder up on two chairs and then he slammed Christian's head into the ladder and he gave him a number of right hands as he was on the ladder. Edge then went to the top rope and he came off with a big splash onto Christian on the ladder!

Edge slowly got up and he started to climb the ladder and Christian crawled to the other side of the ring and he picked the ladder up and he knocked Edge down from the ladder and Edge spilled down to the mat. Christian then started climbing the ladder and Edge went to the top rope and he took Christian down with a spear! Edge and Christian then got up and they started climbing the same ladder, which is the third ladder in the ring, and Christian reached for the belt, but then Edge gave him some right hands. Edge and Christian then exchanged right hands and then the ladder fell over and both men spilled to the arena floor and the fans chanted "Holy shit!" Christian then got back in the ring and he started climbing the ladder and Edge got in the ring with a steel chair and he nailed Christian in the groin as he reached for the ladder and then Edge climbed up the ladders with chairs and he put one of the chairs in a ladder and then he put Christian's head on a ladder on the top of two ladders and then Edge grabbed the other chair and he gave Christian the one man Conchairto on the top of the ladder! Christian fell down and then Edge grabbed the belt to get the win!


Note: My picture was messed up, so I had to post this report instead.

The coverage of the WWF Intercotinental Title Match is from Kevin Gregg and Rajah's WWF Rumors and News.


- We cut to Lillian Garcia and Christian who talks about how in the past they always used to say "Edge is good! He'll have a big future one day!" Christian says that there are some better people than his brother and he'll prove that tonight!

- Michael Cole is interviewing Kurt Angle. Cole talks to him about Vince and how he supports RVD. Kurt agrees but then Vince McMahan shows up! He tells Kurt "long time no see." He wishes Kurt Angle the best of luck tonight! Kurt says he doesn't need luck, cuz tonight he's leaving as the WWF Champion. Oh It's True! Hell Yeah It's True. Van Damn It's True!

Stacy Kiebler vs. Torrie Wilson [Lingerie Match]

- We first saw Stacy backstage talking to Matt asking him where the Dudleyz are. He wouldn't know. She then asked him what does he think of her lingerie. Matt says it's nice. Stacy leaves as Matt can't take his eyes off of her. Lita shows up and asks him what he's looking at. Matt: "Nothing." he then added that Lita looks great tonight, just like always.

- Good match, a lot of skin! yeah! no wrestling skills at all, not that we expected somethign else. Torrie got the springboard elbow on Stacy for the win. After that she spanked her.



- The Coach is shown in front of Austin's lockerrooom. Debra says Austin doesn't wanna talk to him. We hear Austin yell out that Kurt Angle is a sorry son of a bitch, and that RVD is a big piece of trash. As far as McMahan is concerned, he's an even bigger piece of trash! Austin thanked the Coach and told him to get his ass out of there.

Kane vs. Test [WWF vs. Alliance]

- Test came out for this big match first. Kane followed up and both men started hammering each other in the ring. Test charged and got the better of kane at the beginning. Test gave The Big Red Mahine some visious right hands, and then he charged him yet again into the corner. Then at the middle of the ring. The Alliance member gave Kane some elbow drops aftewards, getting advantage, but always getting a 2-count pin as the big red machine won't stay down. Kane powerslammed Test right in front of the announcers! Wow! They are now ringside where the red monster gets the better out of Test. Battling it out, he hits him in the post, but then Test charges again. Nick Patrick, the ref for this match finally got both men back in the ring. Test dominated yet again once they were inside the squared ring. Test gave the big red machine a delayed suplex follwed by Kane getting back up with some right hands at Test. Test is down. kane went for the top rope and got down for the big elbow drop but Test moved out of the way. Test then went to the 2nd rope and got another elbow drop in on Kane. Both men hammered on each other again with right hands. They are now ringside yet again, but this time with Test dominating. Test goes for the Big Boot at ringside on he gets it!!! BIG BOOT right in kane's face! He rolls Kane in the ring, but gets a 2 count. Test goes for the boot yet again, since he's very angry Kane kicked out, but the big red machine ducked out of it. He then grabbed Test for the throat and the crowd went crazy as KANE ChokeSlammed the hell out of Test! however, the big red machine was down as well, not able to cover his opponent. Pump Handle Power Slam from Test when both men are up. Yet another elbow drop in the Big red machine by Test. After every move, Test goes for the cover, but kane always kicks out! Test is frustrated that he can't get a 3 count! He goes for a chair! He gets in the ring but kane nails him with a kick in the face with the chair in front. Kane then goes for the chair and is about to hit Test with it, when Nick Patrick stops him! Kane gets angry, and goes for a ChokeSlam on Patrick! Test is up however, so kane lets the ref go and goes for a ChokeSlam on Test. Test gives him the low blow as Patrick is down. Kane is down as well. Kane is back up but Test is waiting on him to get the Big Boot in. He goes for it and.. HE gets the boot in Kane's face! Cover... 1-2-3. After the match, when Test left, Kane gave Nick Patrick a chokeslam! He then started to leave, but decided that's not enough, so he got back in the ring and chokeslammed Patrick again! He started leaving again, but yet again came back! He gave Nick Patrick a POWERBOMB as the crowd went nuts!



- RVD is shown walking around. He comes acorss Regal. The Alliance Comish says that RVD is lookign for Austin so he can apologize to him. RVD : "NO!" Regal tells the young man to not do anythign stupid tonight and that he has nothign to do with McMahan. RVD says that he's not on Vince's side, he's just looking for Number 1, and that's him. R-V-D.

- A black limo arrives. It's Vince McMahan!!!! VINCE IS HERE! Michael Cole asks him where he has been, and why has he come back to the WWF? Vince asks Michael to help him with his jacket. Cole helps McMahan out but drops his jacket. Vince tells him that before tonight's over, he'll know the answers to his questions. Vince is here to make an impact! The next time Michael drops his jacket he'll drop the Cole, said Vince.

Hardyz w/ Lita vs. Hurricane w/ Molly and Storm w/ Ivory [WCW Tag Team Championship]

- As predicted, the Hardyz started off the PPV. They came out first, accompanied by Lita. Storm and Hurricane came out next, accompanied by Ivory and Mighty Molly. The match started off with Jeff Hardy and the hurricane. he did his usual posing around and then his usual spots. The two battled it out as The Hurricane had the slight advantage. Tag to Matt Hardy from Jeff. Double neck breaker on Matt from the challangers tonight. Matt Hardy got up on his feet and double clotheslined The Hurricane and Storm. It is now Jeff and Storm in the ring. A couple of chops and right hands. Jeff is tossed in the corner but when Storm comes to hit him, Jeff goes for the Whisper in the Wind and hits it! Matt and the Hurricane are tagged in. Neckbreager on the Hurricane from Hardy. The hardyz are in advantage as they are both in the ring now. Storm is tossed in the corner, Matt gets down and Jeff goes at the other end. POETRY IN MOTION! They go for the same move on Hurricane but he moves out of the way. Both men are down. Matt goes for a leg drop from the top rope and he gets it in. He then goes for the Twist of Fate on the Hurricane but Storm interferes. The Hurricane and Lance Storm give Matt Hardy a double superkick to the face! Ouch... Ivory and Lita are now battling it out as it all began from Molly. Lita takes care of the other 2 ladies and gets on the top rope. Hurricarana on Lance Storm!!! Matt hits The Twist of Fate on the Hurricane. Jeff climbs the ropes and does the Swanton Bomb on the European Champion! Matt pins him. 1-2-3.



- The Show was pretty much used to hype up the big PPV event that is coming up after it. Though some important announcements were made.

- Mick Foley was asked by Lillian Garcia what does he think about Vince coming back and how can that affect the main event? Mick cut her off and said that today's main event will be a NO DISQUALIFICATION MATCH, just to make it interesting...

- The APA defeated Hugh Morrus and Chris Kanyon in a fair match, after Bradhsaw got the Cltohesline from Hell on Kanyon.

- Packages of tonight's matches were shown, as well as packages of the Dudleyz from earlier today.

- WCW Cruiseweight Championship:

* Billy Kidman defeated Scotty 2 Hotty after a roll up. The important thing is that he had his feet on the ropes, and won by cheating (heel way of winning). After the match Billy celebrated, but Scotty got up, gave him the Bulldog and got the W-O-R-M in.


View the NO MERCY poster. Need a recap of the last PPV? No problem, check out the UNFORGIVEN 2001 section. To go back to the main page click HERE. Just posted on here are PREDICTIONS FOR THE PPV. Expect LIVE COVERAGE TOMORROW.

Predictions and Thoughts are below the OFFICIAL CARD.


1) WWF Heavyweight Championship Triple-Threat Match:

* Stone Cold Steve Austin (c) vs. Kurt Angle vs. RVD

2) WCW Heavyweight Championship Match:

* The Rock (c) vs. Chris Jericho

3) WWF Intercontinental Championship Ladder Match:

* Christian (c) vs. Edge

4) WWF Tag Team Championship Match:

* The Hardy Boyz (c) with Lita vs. The Hurricane & L. Storm w/ Ivory

5) WCW Tag Team Championship Match:

* The Dudley Boyz (c) vs. The Big Show & Tajiri

6) WWF vs. Alliance:

* The Undertaker vs. Booker T

7) WWF vs. Alliance:

* Kane vs. Test

8) Lingergie Match:

* Torrie Wilson vs. Stacy Kiebler


- Hey everyone! Tomorrow, the WWF will present their annual No Mercy PPV. As usual, WWF Recap and Thoughts (yours truly's site) will have LIVE COVERAGE of the PPV, in a match-by-match reports updated throughout the night. Below are the predictions and my thoughts for tomorrow.

* Torrie Wilson vs. Stacy Kiebler [Lingergie Match]

- The reason I start with this match is simply becaue it is the last one on the card and I'll be making my way through from the bottom to the top. I really don't need to be getting in deep thoughts about who is going to win or lose. This match is on the card so it can get more people to order the PPV, the kind of people that order it just for some T & A. Both girls will show it off for sure. A possible interference by Trish? or Lita? or Anyone? I don't know.. Does it Matter?


* Kane vs. Test [WWF vs. Alliance]

- This match is certainly important for Test, not so much for Kane. Test was named Alliance MVP and has also been a big player ever since he switched to the Alliance. He finally was given that big push everyone was waiting for, and so far he's been doing good with it. Since he wasn't given a match at Unforgiven, I would expect him to pick the win in this one. However, this match also depends on the bout between Undertaker and Booker T in a way. If Test wins, his "power" would definitely increase and he might be brought up to the big-time players. The Big Red Machine will remain on the same level no matter what happens if you ask me. Even if he wins, Kane will still remain in the shadow of his brother the Undertaker. It's hard to say what will happen because both men are big, and strong and they are definitely going to battle it out. If you are watching the PPV, this one should be good, unless management doesn't mess it up again.


* Undertaker vs. Booker T [WWF vs. Alliance]

- As I stated above, this match and the Kane vs. Test bout are going to be "connected." Though I predicted Test above, the final decision of this match will be an important one. Undertaker did the job for Booker T on Smackdown! which usually means a win for the veteran. However, if there is one person from the Alliance that needs a win, that is Booker T. He lost his WCW Championship at SummerSlam, then he also lost his shot at Unforgiven, even though Shane was in the match as well. Booker T has been taken off the #2 spot in the Alliance from RVD which also got The Book Man mad and led to some confrontation with RVD which was just verbal however. Thinking about it, Undertaker is not a man who will do the job for Booker T, and if Test wins the other match, it wouldn't sound good for the Brothers of Distruction.


* The Dudleyz vs. Big Show and Tajiri [WWF Tag Team Titles]

- With the whole Invasion angle, the Dudley Boyz became top players in the WWF. They were in the main event at Invasion. After that, they kept being a part of the main event on TVs. And they still are sometimes. However, at the PPVs, they remain either midcarders, or the team to fill in for a match so to speak. The Big Show has shown good work lately as he has been on TV for a while, and Tajiri has to get back at the boys from Dudleyville since they put Torrie Wilson through a table. I don't expect the titles to change hands, since the Dudleyz are a good choice for those title and definitely a strong team. Big Show and Tajiri will have the entertaining value in this match and they'll make their presence felt for sure. The Japanese Buzzsaw has showed us a side of him that we've never seen in the WWF. With the power and size of The Big Show, one has to wonder...


* Hardyz w/ Lita vs. Storm/Hurricane w/ Molly & Ivory [WCW Tag Titles]

- The Hardy Boyz were given the WCW Tag Team Titles, having in mind how many fans they have and how many girls can scream out loud when Jeff takes his shirt off during their matches. Having Lita with these 2 men, makes Team Extreme even better than it is and the fans are definitely into it. However, the Hardyz have to defend their not-that-long-ago won titles against the WWF European Champion The Hurricane and probably indeed the man with the most wrestling skills in the Alliance, Lacne Storm. As much as some people hate the Canadian, Storm is a man that is very respected for his in-ring skills, and especially those on the mic. Ever since he came to the WWF, however, Storm can never catch a break. He teamed up with Ivory which didn't really make much sense because of their age difference. Another thing.. Storm got pinned by a midget, then by Molly Holly, then Big Show chokeslammed the crap out of him at Unforgiven, and to top it all off, he's been getting matches on Heat and has been pinned lately. However, Storm has proved before that he's a serious player and he should be considered one. The titles might change hands, but I really doubt it. The APA is also involved with The Hurricane lately, so that might play some kind of a factor as well.


* Christian vs. Edge [WWF Intercontinental Championship Ladder Match]

- Edge and Christian are without a shadow of a doubt, one of the best tag teams the WWF has had in recent years. They also have held the WWF Tag Team titles 7 times, which is something that should always be considered when talking about these 2. It should be also said that even though they were heels and won by cheating sometimes, it was clear why the WWF chose them as the winners of TLC and TLC 2. They had a much bigger investment in Edge and Christian when the duo breaks up. After teasing the audience for quite a while, and after Edge won 2001 King of the Ring, the duo finally broke up. Christian captured the IC title from his brother at Unforgiven, and Edge is now given a re-match in the anticipated Ladder Match. History has it, that most ladders match in the WWF have always been successful and the wrestlers always prove in them. Edge and Christian will have the opportunity to do exactly that tomorrow. Christian has now joined the Alliance and we saw that Stone Cold himself showed respect to the young Canadian. His newly-found friends also helped him get the better out of Edge in the past week. This usually means one thing, and in this case it would sound logical - Edge wins. Christian has been getting the better of him a little too much and Edge has to struck back. What will happen after that, we'll have to see...


* The Rock vs. Chris Jericho [WCW Championship]

- Definitely the match that no one knows the ending of. There is a lot to be said about those 2. Let's begin with the most obvious. Jericho has done it all as a face and many people feel that it's time for a change. A heel turn might be the right thing to do, and if that's what the WWF is persuing for Jericho, then definitely Rock is the man to help Y2J out. But here is the big question mark in that mini-feud - WHEN and HOW? If the turn does indeed happen at No Mercy, would that mean a change to the Alliance? Quite honestly, I don't see Jericho teaming up with Stephanie McMahan Helmsley. However, there is always Shane McMahan an Paul Heymann. Still... everything depends on the match with The Rock at No Mercy. The most logical end would be a win for The Rock and Jericho becoming a maniac and beating the crap out of The People's champ after the match with the help of a chair or whatever else. That would definitely get Jericho as a heel, but the question would be what happens next. The possiblities are countless. I don't think a Rock heel turn should be considered because it simply won't make sense and it won't do anything. One thing I do know for sure, this is not the last time these 2 are going to meet, as their feud will continue after No Mercy. What will go down depends from this Sunday and that's the only way to find out. Until then, for those who still believe in Y2J, here is somethign to consider... On Smackdown!, when Jericho did the People's Elbow, he threw his elbowpad right in The Rock's face. Hint: The Rock used to do that when he was a heel. Another hint: Rhyno attacked Rock for RVD, but could it have been for another reason? Just remember that the ManBeast is with no match for the PPV and can make his presence felt at any time... The rest is just question marks...


* Austin vs. Kurt Angle vs. RVD [WWF Chmpionship Triple Threat Match]

- Without a shadow of a doubt, a great main event for No Mercy. I am going to start on that one by saying one thing. It won't be Kurt Angle that wins the WWF Championship again. It's really sucky how Kurt has been taken off the main-event level and probably will not figure on that level for the rest of the year. Of course, everone is now concentrating on RVD and Austin as the 2 are showing the first signs of an Alliance break up. With Vince McMahan added to the mix, the questions are now even more. One other thing to consider... On Smackdown!, Kurt Angle was again bleeding in his match with RVD. Rob Van Dam's "sniff" actions have become dangerous lately as he almost cuts a wrestlers in every match. Anyway... It is for sure that the big battle will be between Mr. Monday Night and Mr. What?. Angle will be the person they'll be fighting over in a way. After all, whoever gets to pin Angle becomes the champion. Mr. McMahan will be most likely supporting RVD which will really change everything. RVD in my view is already a face after Smackdown!, and a possible break from the Alliance and switch to the WWF might happen very soon. However, there is another good angle for him. A possible feud with Austin as a leader of ECW will break ECW from WCW. Again, we really can't say much, all we can do is watch for that one. Consider that... Austin on the belt about 3 weeks ago. Angle had it for 2 weeks... It would make the belt seem like nothing if it changes hands again...


Well there you have it... If you look at the 2 main events, my predictions are no titles to change hands. It sure will be more interesting if one title does change hands. If that happens, i'd say that would be Rock's title. But let's stop predicting and sit back and enjoy a great PPV tomorrow. LIVE COVERAGE begins at 8 PM Eastern Time, as the first updated on this site will most likely be at around 8:30 Eastern. Join us LIVE!



- 2 more matches were added to the card on Smackdown!.

- No Mercy is nearly sold out, seats are still available however.

- Predictions are coming up soon!


- 1 or 2 matches to be announced on Smackdown! for the PPV.

- Smackdown! : RVD vs. Kurt Angle

- The PPV might not be sold out. There are still some seats available.


- Just announced on RAW was that DirecTV won't show No Mercy. I'll keep you updated, please check the newsboard for more.

- DirecTV has made a statement that they will indeed show WWF No Mercy 2001 on their channel 101. To find out more news, including everything on Sunday's House Show in Madison Square Garden, visit the DAILY RUMORS AND NEWS section.


- As you can see above, only 6 matches have been officially announced for the PPV so far. It is expected to have 2 or 3 matches added to the card. Some of them might take place on Sunday Night Heat before the show.

- People like the Dudley Boyz, Hardyz, Rhyno, Tajiri, Big Show, APA, Spike, The Hurricane, Lance Storm, X-Pac, and Billy Kidman are left with nothing to do for the PPV and might be used.

- Here, at WWF Recap and Thoughts, there will be LIVE COVERAGE of the PPV. Several updates on Sunday will be made for a match-by-match reports of No Mercy. The coverage will be on this page. Join us LIVE, on October 21st!

- I'd recommend checking on the Rumors and News section for news, because this section will not be updated as often. Thanks!

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