Sunday, September 23rd on PPV



Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. Kurt Angle

Kurt Angle's music hit in the arena and the fans went nuts for Kurt Angle as he made his way to the ring as the challenger for the WWF Heavyweight Title! Stone Cold came out and Kurt Angle went right after him and the two brawled on the ramp and Kurt gave Austin a clothesline to knock him down. Kurt gave Austin some right hands and then Kurt gave Austin a hip toss on the outside of the ring. Kurt slammed Austin into the steel steps and then he kicked away on him on the outside of the ring. Kurt rolled Austin into the ring to officially start it off and Kurt kicked away on Austin as he was down on the mat. Kurt picked Austin up and gave him a right hand and then he whipped him off the ropes and Austin kicked Kurt in the chest. Austin went to kick Kurt but he changed his mind, three times. Kurt Angle got Austin in a Lou Thesz Press and then he gave him a number of right hands and then a clothesline to knock him down. Kurt perched Austin on the top rope and then he gave him some hard right hands and chops. Kurt Angle knocked Stone Cold down from the top rope to the outside of the ring and then he slammed his head into the Spanish announcer's table a number of times.

Kurt then rolled Austin into the ring and Austin crawled to the corner and Kurt picked him up and gave him a number of right hands. Kurt perched Stone Cold on the top rope once again and he gave him a chop. Kurt then hooked Austin in a super plex but Austin battled out of it. Kurt gave Austin some more right hands and then he gave Stone Cold Steve Austin a super plex. Kurt looked to have hurt his neck on the way down as he held onto it and then he pinned Austin for a two count. Kurt Angle kicked away on Stone Cold as he was down on the mat and then he gave him some right hands. Austin whipped Kurt off the ropes and he caught him in a sleeper hold and Kurt got out of it with a chin breaker. Austin and Kurt got up and Kurt knocked Austin to the outside of the ring with a clothesline and then Austin grabbed the WWF Championship and he started to leave with it. The referee restrained Kurt angle in the ring for a moment and the fans booed the hell out of Austin as he started to leave. Kurt Angle then got out of the ring and he knocked Austin down on the ramp and he stomped away on him on the stage. Kurt Angle then tossed Stone Cold Steve Austin off of the side of the stage onto the concrete floor!

Kurt Angle went down after Stone Cold and he stomped away on him on the outside of the ring as Austin held onto his neck. Kurt Angle gave Austin the fingers and then he gave him a number of right hands and chops against the barricade. The referee tried to restrain Kurt but he was unable to do so. Kurt picked Austin up and he carried him to the ring and then he placed him in the ring. Austin crawled back out of the ring and Kurt met him on the other side and slammed his head into the steel ring post a number of times, shades of Austin to Kurt at Summer Slam! Kurt thought for a moment and then he exposed the concrete floor in front of the announcer's table and Austin got up and gave Kurt Angle a knee to the back to knock him down. Austin then slammed Kurt Angle's head into the announcer's table a couple of times and then he went for a piledriver but Kurt countered it into a back body drop. Kurt Angle then talked trash to Stone Cold and then he slammed his head into the announcer's table as Austin was busted opened right above his eye. (What's with the busted opened eyes, tonight?!) Kurt chopped and hammered away on Stone Cold and then he went to piledriver Austin, but Austin got out of it with a back body drop onto the concrete floor.

Austin chopped Kurt and then Kurt went for a suplex on the concrete but Austin countered it into a slam onto the Spanish announcer's table. Austin then picked Kurt up and gave him another front faced suplex onto the announcer's table. Stone Cold stomped away on Kurt Angle behind the table and then Austin grabbed Kurt and brought him back to the concrete. Austin gave Kurt another front suplex onto the announcer's table and then Austin got back in the ring to break the count that wasn't being counted. Austin threw the camera man down and then he gave Kurt Angle a hard shot to the chest. Austin grabbed Kurt Angle and he brought him back into the ring and Kurt Angle and Austin exchanged right hands. Austin whipped Kurt off the ropes and he gave him a knee to the mid section and then he gave Kurt Angle an elbow drop. Kurt Angle was holding the neck and Austin gave Kurt Angle some knee drops to the back of the neck. Austin slammed Kurt into the corner and he hammered him down in the corner and then he stood on Kurt's neck as he was against the bottom ropes. Austin then got out of the ring and taunted Angle's family and then he got back in the ring and went back to work on Angle.

Austin went for a chop but Kurt ducked it and gave Austin some right hands and then a whip into the corner but Austin kicked Kurt in the face. Austin then came off the second rope with a double ax handle and then he pinned Kurt Angle for a two count as he was holding his neck. Austin got Kurt Angle in a reverse chin lock down on the mat to wear him down and the referee was there to check on Angle. Kurt angle battled out of it with some elbows and right hands and then Austin whipped Kurt off the ropes and Kurt rolled Austin up in a pin for a two count. Austin pinned Kurt Angle and he got a two count as well. Austin slammed Kurt Angle into the corner and then he turned him around and hammered away on the back of his neck. Kurt got out of it and he gave Austin some shots to the neck of his own. Kurt Angle then gave Austin a German suplex and then he held onto it and gave him another one and another! Kurt Angle was holding his head and neck after the third one and it looked to have got to Kurt. Kurt stood up and he went to the top rope and Austin quickly got up and knocked him down and it looked like Kurt was going for a moonsault. Austin hooked Kurt on the turnbuckle and he gave him a super back suplex but Kurt countered it into a cross body pin for a two count!

Austin then whipped Kurt off the ropes and he gave him a nasty spinebuster and Austin went down as well as Angle. Austin got up and he grabbed Kurt by the legs and he kicked him in the mid section. Kurt Angle rolled to the outside of the ring, holding his groin as Austin argued with the referee. Austin went after Kurt and he gave him a hard chop across the chest and then he rolled him into the ring. Austin got Angle in the corner and he gave him a number of right hands in the corner and then some stomps as the referee tried to get Austin out of the corner. Austin tossed the referee and then Kurt Angle gave Stone Cold a low blow! Both men were down and the referee started the ten count. Both men got up and Kurt kicked Austin in the mid section and gave him a DDT and then Austin fell to the outside of the ring as Kurt was holding his head and neck in the ring. The referee started the ten count on Austin as he was down and out on the outside of the ring and Austin got back up and in the ring and Kurt met him with a kick to the mid section and then the Stunner! Kurt Angle gave Stone Cold his own Stunner! Kurt Angle then pinned Stone Cold for a two count. Kurt got up and he took his straps down and he told Austin to look into his eyes.

Austin got up and he went for a clothesline but Kurt ducked it and Kurt went for the Angle Slam but Austin countered it into the Angle Slam on Kurt Angle! Austin then pinned Kurt Angle, but he only got a two count. Austin then pulled Kurt to the middle of the ring and he went for a piledriver but Kurt held onto his legs. Austin hammered away on Kurt's back and Kurt continued to hold onto his legs to avoid the piledriver. Austin eventually hooked Kurt Angle in the piledriver and then he pinned him for a two count! Somehow, somehow Kurt Angle kicked out! Austin got on Kurt Angle's back and he hammered away on the back of his neck and the fans chanted "USA, USA!" Austin told Kurt Angle to get up and Kurt got up and Austin gave him the fingers and he went for the stunner but Kurt caught his foot and he got the ankle lock on Stone Cold in the middle of the ring and you could hear Stone Cold say "Oh shit!" Stone Cold Steve Austin tapped out and Kurt Angle got the win with the ankle lock! Kurt Angle is the new World Wrestling Federation Heavyweight Champion! Yes! YES!


After the match, Kurt Angle's family got into the ring and celebrated his win with him and this is a HUGE win for Kurt Angle! It's been a long time coming...A number of WWF Superstars, including The Rock, the Undertaker, The Big Show, Bradshaw, the Hardys and MANY others entered the ring to celebrate with Kurt Angle. (Old school. Reminds me of Bret Hart winning the WWF Championship at Wrestlemania 10. It's nice to see that in today's world of wrestling.)

Pleaes credit Kevin Gregg and Rajah's Rumors and News for the WWF Championship Match coverage.

Note from Eddie: That was big! I still can't believe Kurt won it!!! WOW! He'll be a big part of No Mercy for sure... That was really really really cool how all the WWF Superstars ran in the ring to celebrate with him. People like Rock, and Undertaker suspended their egos, that was big! EXPECT RUMORS AND NEWS TOMORROW AND A REPORT SOME TIME NEXT WEEK!

Rhyno vs. Tajiri

Oops, a little screw-up! I forgot all about the Rhyno match! The Japanese Buzzsaw and The Manbeast battled it out big time. Tajiri used his kicks to get through Rhyno, but Rhyno's great size and his strength let him go on. Really, a good match. Just a message, before that match, Stacy Kiebler was shown in WWF New York. They saw a clip of her shaving her legs :) Anyway, back to the match... Tajiri and Rhyno got even more faster and better in what they "were doing." Tajiri kept trying to lock his kicks in as Rhyno started doing his impact moves and splashes. Pretty short match to be honest. It was a get-ready for the WWF Championship main event. Tajiri went for the Tarantula. Reversed by Rhyno as Tajiri goes down. Rhyno signals for the Gore. As Tajiri stands up he gets the "GORE GORE GORE!" Rhyno wins.


The Rock vs. Shane McMahan vs. Booker T

Shane McMahon's music hit and he made his way to the ring for this WCW Heavyweight Championship Match with Shane and Booker T against The Rock! Booker T's music then hit and he made his way out, the former five time, five time, five time WCW Heavyweight Champion! The Rock came out as the WCW Champion and the fans went nuts! The match started off with The Rock against Booker T and the two exchanged words and Booker T went for a right hand but The Rock blocked it and gave Booker T a number of right hands. The Rock whipped Booker T off the ropes and Booker T came back with a kick to the chest and then The Rock knocked Booker T down. The Rock went off the ropes and he gave Booker T a neck breaker and a pin for a two count as Shane broke up the pin. Booker T stomped away on The Rock as he was down on the mat and then he picked him up and gave him a hard right hand. The fans chanted 'Shane's a pussy!' as The Rock gave Booker T a back suplex and a pin for another two count, and another break up by Shane McMahon. Booker T then went over and he made the tag to Shane McMahon and The Rock got up and Shane ran and The Rock went right after him! The Rock and Shane ran right into the ring and The Rock met him with some right hands and a reverse elbow to knock him down.

The Rock slammed Shane McMahon's head into the turnbuckle and then The Rock went off the ropes and Booker T kicked The Rock in the head to knock him down. Shane hammered away on The Rock with some right hands and elbow drops and then he made the tag to Booker T. Booker T kicked away on The Rock and then he picked him up and gave him a sidewalk slam and a pin for a two count. Booker T tagged Shane back into the match and the two double teamed The Rock. Shane gave The Rock some shots to the mid section and then he whipped The Rock but The Rock countered it and tossed Shane across the ring and then he nailed Booker T. Shane got up and gave The Rock a hard clothesline and then he started dancing around the ring and he gave The Rock some left hands. Shane went for the right but The Rock blocked it and knocked Shane down and got him in the Sharpshooter but Booker T got in the ring. Shane and Booker T knocked The Rock to the outside of the ring and as Booker T distracted the referee, Shane McMahon hammered away on The Rock. Shane got on the security wall and he jumped off with a jumping clothesline on The Rock. Shane rolled The Rock into the ring and Booker T gave The Rock a hard right hand in the ring. Shane then pulled The Rock to the ring post, groin first.

Booker T picked The Rock up and The Rock gave Booker T a number of right hands and then Booker T took The Rock down with a snap mare and then he pinned him for a one count. Booker T gave The Rock some right hands and then he went off the ropes and The Rock side stepped him and tossed him to the outside of the ring. Shane McMahon got in the ring and he knocked The Rock right to the outside of the ring. Booker T went after The Rock and he grabbed a steel chair and went to hit him with it but The Rock ducked it. The Rock then gave Booker T a number of right hands and Shane once again attacked The Rock from behind. Booker T knocked The Rock down with a hard right hand and then he gave him a sling shot into the ring post. Booker T got The Rock back in the ring and he took him down with another snap mare and then he went off the ropes and he gave The Rock a knee drop and then he signaled for the spinaroonie! The fans booed the hell out of Booker T and then he did it and the fans cheered?! The Rock rolled Booker T up in a pin for a two count and then Booker T knocked The Rock down with a hard right hand. Booker T tossed The Rock to the outside of the ring and then he took the top off of the Spanish announcer's table and then he took out their monitors. Booker T put The Rock on the table and Shane went to the top rope but The Rock battled out of it.

Shane went after The Rock but The Rock knocked him down with a hard right hand. Booker T then slammed The Rock into the table and then he gave him a right hand and rolled him into the ring. Booker T gave The Rock a hard right hand and then a hard chop across the chest. The Rock whipped Booker T off the ropes and he gave him a Samoan drop and Shane grabbed the WCW Title belt and he carried it with him as he slowly got in the ring. Shane went to hit The Rock with the belt but The Rock ducked and he nailed Booker T! Both men were down in the ring and the referee got Shane out of the ring and Booker T placed his arm over The Rock and he pinned him for a two count! Booker T made the tag to Shane and The Rock was down and out in the center of the ring and Shane came off the top rope with an elbow drop but The Rock was able to move out of the way. Shane crawled over and he made the tag to Booker T and Booker T got in the ring with some right hands on The Rock. The Rock battled back with some right hands of his own and Shane got in the ring and The Rock hammered away on him as well. Booker T and Shane double teamed The Rock but The Rock took them both down with a double clothesline. The Rock gave Shane some right hands in the corner and then Booker T charged at him and he nailed Shane.

The Rock then gave Booker T a DDT and a pin for a two count. Shane McMahon charged at The Rock to knock him down and then he did a nip up, shades of The Rock! Shane McMahon then set The Rock up for the people's elbow and The Rock nipped up and gave Shane a number of right hands. The Rock then gave Shane the Rock Bottom and then he got ready for Booker T and he gave him the spinebuster and then he set him up for the people's elbow! Test stormed to the ring and he nailed The Rock right in front of the referee and the referee did nothing about it. The Rock fell to the outside of the ring and Test gave him a big boot on the outside. Bradshaw stormed to the ringside area with a weapon and he chased Test right out of the arena! The referee then picked The Rock up and put him back in the ring and Michael Chiota stormed to the ringside area and argued with Nick Patrick. Shane pinned The Rock for a one count and Michael Chiota pulled Shane out of the ring! Mike Chiota and Nick Patrick then argued on the outside of the ring and then Booker T pinned The Rock and Nick shoved Mike down and The Rock kicked out at two. Michael Chiota then stormed into the ring and he knocked Nick Patrick out of the ring and then Booker T nailed Chiota to knock him out of the ring.

Booker T then set The Rock up for the Book End but The Rock battled out of it with some elbows and then The Rock gave Booker T the Rock Bottom and then he pinned him, but there's no referee to count! Referee Earl Hebner came out and he counted the three count, in favor of The Rock!


Pleaes credit Kevin Gregg and Rajah's Rumors and News for the WCW Championship Match coverage.

My comment: That was a hell of a match. It was pretty good. Rock had advantage and Booker T and Shane did mess up things together. RAW tomorrow will be great, so watch out for that. I am not feeling well to call that match and the WWF Title one, so I hope you are satisfied with that coverage... Austin vs. Angle up next!!!

Rob Van Damn vs. Chris Jericho

The whole "thing" starts backstage. Steph asks the Coach for RVD's lockerroom, as Coach tells her #5. She goes there and starts talking through the door, but she doesn't realize that Y2J is right behind as we later on found out. He tells RVD that tomorrow is her b-day and there will be nothing better than having RVD not only beat and destroy Chris Jericho but also humiliate him, and humiliate him good! As Steph keeps on talking, Y2J shows up from where he was standing and he asks Stephanie how old she's going to be. He says: "37? 38?" With an angry face she says "25." Chris Jericho: "I asked for your age not for the # of men you have been with!" Jericho has an advice for Steph. He tells her that they should buy balloons for her b-day. Then he says "Oh, wait, you already have that covered! (he looks at her breasts)!" As Y2J backs off, he wishes Stephanie McMahan-Helmsley "the 'breast' of luck."

RVD and Y2J make their way to the ring. Stephanie is not with RVD!!! She's backstage for now. The match statrs off pretty good. The crowd goes while as they go at it big time. It's hardcore rules, remember folks! You can hear mixed "RVD, Y2J" chants, just like Jericho said on Smackdown!, they might be chantind "Y2D, or RVJ" It's kind of like that tonight. They fight off pretty good as they really really go at it. Y2J gets knocked outside the ring. He goes for a LADDER from under the ring. HARDCORE RULES, everything goes! Jericho slams RVD on the ladder then he puts it in the corner and bashes RVD right into it! Y2J locks the Walls of Jericho on RVD as RVD is going out of his mind. RVD reverses somehow!!!! He jumps to the ropes and comes back with a splash!!! THE AUDIENCE: "Holly Shit! Holly Shit!" RVD gets a 2 count. He waits for Jericho to get back on his feet. Jericho does so and just when he's up, RVD gives him the spinning heel kick which results with Jericho getting busted and starting to bleed! While the ref checks on the Ayatolla of Rock-n-Rolla, RVD goes outside the ring and gets a steel chair! He then goes for the 5-star frog splash, but jericho moves out of the way!!! Jericho then crawls on top of RVD but gets a 2-count pin only. Jericho grabbed RVD and he gave him a BODY SLAM on the CHAIR!!!! The crowd starts the "holly shit!" chant again! Great body slam by Y2J (kinda fake though.) They climb on the ladder as Y2J has the advantage. He locks the Tarantula on top of the ladder! Not exactly the tarantula but a submission move working on the legs/knees on RVD! Both men go down after a while. Y2J is outside the ring yet again. RVD goes from one rope to the other and he then runs down and jumps through the ropes to charge Jericho! Jericho however has taken a chair from under the mat and slashes RVD on the head with it while he's flying! Is it just me or that match is a total copy of the Y2J vs. Benoit ladder match at Survivor Series this year??????? Y2J is back on his feet and is about to hit RVD big time with a chair as RVD is slowly rising to his feet as well. Stephanie comes down the ramp running! She climbs up on the apron and she takes the chair away from Jericho! Jericho gets it back and is about to hit stephanie! RVD grabs the chair and throws it away as Jericho turns around. Jericho turns, and bam! THE VAN DAMINATOR!!!!! "Holly Shit! Holly Shit!" After one of the greatest kicks - the vandaminator, RVD climbs on the top rope and gives Jericho the 5-star frog splash! He crawls on top of Y2J after selling his move as he usually does and gets the pin!!!! Stephanie is happy that Y2J has lost the match!

WINNER: Rob Van Dam

Kronik vs. Undertaker and Kane

Hell of a match!!! 4 big men battled it out good and nice! Most men got their moves in. Kronik of course is with Steven Richards at ringside. Steven stairs at the action. Kane is very strong and is dominating all over the place. Undertaker kicks Adams in the chest. They do most of their moves, including DDTs as Taker does his flying DDT. It's kinda hard to follow!!! Kane grabs Clark...Bryan Clark dominates on Kane for quite a while now. He whips him off to the ropes, works on his elbw, and then a little on his back, works his way on his feet, he's doing good... Clark got a pin in, 1-2-Kane kicks out. A lot of 2-counts in this math. Though the wrestlers are now supposed to make 1-counts at the beginning and 2 at the end. Hmm, bet there will be a word on that tomorrow... another cover, kick out. Neckbreaker by Kane. Then a shoulder-rotation by Kane again. He tags in Taker. Taker grabs Clark, goes for the shuolder again. He locks the shoulder-breaker in. Taker gets up and is on the ropes and goes for the shoulder yet again. Taker is in trouble as Clark gets back on his feet. Kane comes in to assist but Adams and Clark beat on Kane badly. Taker is in more trouble as he's headlocked. He's worn out... Coudln't follow that part cuz something happened with my TV. Damn it! I missed about 3 minutes of action... the match continues as Kane and Taker slowly start to take advantage. ChokeSlam on Clark by the Undertaker! Kane jumps off the top rope with a clothesline to Adams. Meanwhile, Taker pins Clark for the 3 count. After the match, Steven Richards grabs a chair and goes in the ring. He's in front of Undertaker and is about to hit him as Taker is staring back. Uh-Oh Steven, KANE is right behind you... he turns around... CHOKESLAM TO HELL from the Big Red Machine.


- Edge vs. Christian

The 2 brothers are about to get it on!!! Christian comes out first to his awesome music, only it's changed a little (this musix sux but i like it... if someone got that, e-mail me) bit but it still has the opera part in it. Edge and Christian fight like 2 animals going at it big time. Edge is very angry but then again he has the support of all the fans in Pittsburgh, PA. A lot of Kurt Angle signs, it's his hometown after all... Anyway, Christian and Edge get it on big time, as they lock in a lot of moves and DDTs. Christian goes for the reverse DDT but Edge reverses that into the Edge-o-Matic (whoever came up with that also came out with the Spin-a-rooney). They keep on hammering on each other. Christian gets Edge down. Edge is obivously in pain. Christian grabs 2 chairs. He puts one of them right under Edge's head. He then scares the ref with the other chair as the referee moves out of the way. Christian looks down and is about to give Edge the one-man Conchairto, but Edge gets up and reverses it as he gets Christian DOWN! He then puts Christian's head on the chair and STEPS ON IT!!!! The crowd goes nuts as Edge is going out of his mind! Edge goes for the chair to give his "brother" the one-man conchairto but the ref grabs the chair from behind. Christian gets the other chair and gives Edge a LOW BLOW WITH A CHAIR!!! He gets him on the ground and gets the pin.


Perry Saturn vs. Raven w/ Terri

Another ok match. The two battle it out as Terri is pretty excited ringside. She cheers for Raven. Perry Saturs is acting as if Moppy is with him. He's angered and pretty mad. Crappy match... It gets boring. They battle it out on all sides of the ring. Perry slams Raven. Raven tried the Raven Effect. Perry sets Raven up for the Fisherman Suplex! He acts as if Moppy's there (sling shot in corner) and he does the suxplex! 1-2-3, Perry Saturn wins.


Hardy Boyz vs. Dudley Boyz vs. Spike/Big Show vs. Lance Storm/Hurricane

It's an ok match. We've seen better. The Big Show and Spike seem to dominate. Choke Slam on Lance Storm. Lance Storm and The Hurricane are eliminated. Matt Hardy is in. So are the dudelyz. Numerous tags between the 3 remaining teams. Big Show tags in Spike. Twist of Fate on
Spike Dudley. The Big Show and Spike are out. Bubba and D-Von and the Hardyz are both battling it out. The fans want a table. It's a good old Dudleys vs. hardys match. Matt goes for the Twist of Fate but D-Von reverses it into a 3-D!!! They go for the cover but Jeff saves it with a Swanton from the top rope. They battle it out. Bubba Ray Dudley gives the Bubba Bomb to Matt Hardy. D-Von rolls him over and pins Matt - 1-2-3, The Dudleyz win.


Sunday Night Heat

- Nothing interesting happened on the show. Here are the main points:

- UNFORGIVEN was hyped up the whole time.

- William Regal said he had an important announcement to make. It was that Kurt
Angle is not 100% helathy but Regal takes full responsibility of what happens because "tonight is the night."

- Stephanie was interviewed with Tazz and she said that tonight "Finally, the WCW Championship is coming home!" Also, that "RVD will shut Y2J up forever!" We heard "If ya smell what the Steph is cooking."

- Billy Gunn defeated Tommy Dreamer via pinfall after he got the fame-asser in.

Saturday, Sept. 22

Unforgiven Card:

- WWF Championship Match:

Stone Cold Steve Austin (c) vs. Kurt Angle

- WCW Championship Triple-Threat Match:

The Rock (c) vs. Shane McMahan vs. Booker T

- WWF Intercontinental Championship Match:

Edge (c) vs. Christian

- WCW U.S. Championship Match:

Tajiri (c) w/ Torrie Wilson vs. Rhyno

- WCW Tag Team Championship Match:

Undertaker and Kane (c) vs. Kronik w/ Steven Richards

- WWF Tag Team Championship Match:

Dudleyz (c) vs. Hardyz vs. Big Show/Spike vs. Hurricane/Storm

- WWF Hardcore Championship Match:

Rob Van Dam vs. Chris Jericho

- One-on-One Straight Wrestling Match:

Perry Saturn vs. Raven w/ Terrie

Unforgiven Thoughts + Predictions:

Tomorrow night, the WWF will present their annual Unforgiven PPV. This particular PPV doesn't have the history of a WreslteMania or a King Of The Ring one, but it does have some interesting moments in its past. Last year, Stone Cold Steve Austin made his very awaited appearance on this PPV trying to find who ran him over in an attempt to get rid of the RattleSnake. This year, a ragin' redneck, a full-time heal in the WWF will face Kurt Angle to defend the WWF Championship. Can Stone Cold survive the attacks of the American Hero? Will Kurt Angle be able to materialize after his "injury" on Smackdown? The Answers and possibilities are numerous, but there can be only one true answer. Which one it is? The world we'll find out tomorrow, on UNFORGIVEN. Will Christian's new music help him defeated Edge and his own new entrance? Will the 2 brothers try to destroy themselves? The answer and end of this long planned feud comes tomorrow as well. You can also expect interesting things to happen, having in mind the Triple Threat Match for the WCW Championship. Don't forget that you never know who might pop up and that people like Test, and the APA don't have a match but always like to make their presence felt... It all goes down tomorrow on PPV!

If you are not ordering Unforgiven, but would still like to be a part of the action, check on this site (this section, right here) for updates throughout the night, as WWF Recap and Thoughts will make everything possible to bring you live action from PA.


- Stone Cold vs. Kurt Angle

There have been a lot of speculations lately on who's going to win, and has the WWF alrready decided who to give the title to? Jim Ross says in his conference call that the decision will be a last-minute one. However, most sites speculate that it is already known who will win this match. We can't really know or say anything, because we don't know who's right and who's not. Here is my view on the match. The WWF has a hard decision to make because it is hard to just allow one man to get a clear pin over the other. There has to be some kind of interference, or a ref decision, or cheating, just like in their last time. Most likely we will not see a ref screw-job like we did with Nick Patrick, simply because the WWF wouldn't repeat itself on that. What we can see is interference from other people. It could be Shane, Stephanie, The Rock, maybe even Vince McMahan himself. It really depends on what the WWF is planning on doing with their future storylines. The WWF No Mercy (next PPV) poster have been posted, and I have posted it on this site before as well, and it is the flag of the USA and Kurt Angle standing in front of it? Does that mean we will see Kurt as the WWF Champion at No Mercy? Or he will yet again challenge someone for a title shot? Here is a fast fact to consider... Kurt Angle has been a WWF Champion once, and he won the WWF Title at No Mercy 2000 from The Rock. Another interesting fact to consider.. Stone Cold Steve Austin has had the best championship rang in the past few years. He has been a champion ever since WrestleMania, or 6 months including September, to be exact. We'll have to wait on and see what goes down. As far as predicting the match, I am just guessing.

My Prediction: Stone Cold Steve Austin

- The Rock vs. Shane McMahan vs. Booker T

An interesting match to see. Ever since The Rock came back to wrestling, a lot has changed. A LOT. The whole Invasion angle certainly changed around a lot of things in the world of pro wrestling. The Rock was out for quite a while, but it didn't take him much to get back in action. He won the WCW Championship and has been blahbing around how much it means to him. Is that a hint that it will be taken from the Brahma Bull? Who knows... Another thing we have to consider about this match is that it is a Triple Threat Match. Remember, the Champion doesn't need to be pinned. For example, Booker T can pin Shane McMahan and still win the WCW Title. We have seen the Alliance have its own problems (RVD - Austin, Tazz - Austin, RVD - Raven) and if a break-up between ECW and WCW is happening sooner or later, then we might see a strong beginning of that tomorrow night with Shane and Booker T fighting over who will pin Rock. Will it be that way or will be The Rock kicking both their candy asses? Again, I am not Vince McMahan, so I don't know the answer to anything, that's just a prediction. Just thought of somthing else. APA, and Test are without a match for the PPV. If one is not made on Sunday Night Heat, then it will be pretty much obvious that we might see an interference. Don't forget that Smackdown! ended with Bradhsaw going after Shane McMahan. Internet rumors have been stating that Bradhsaw will indeed interfere in the match. Then again, where the APA and Shane is, there is always Test. Will all that work out?

My Prediction: The Rock

- Edge vs. Christian

For about a year the WWF has been teasing its viewers with a possible break up betwee Edge and Christian. The young Canadian team has sure made impact in the WWF and it shouldn't be forgotten then they are 7-time WWF Tag Team Champions. Something that should be respected no matter how they won their titles. Another thing Edge and Christian should be VERY VERY respected for is winning both TLC matches. Tables, Ladders, and Chairs didn't just make an impact in the WWF. It changed it for what it was. It brought that new meaning to "extreme." Don't forget that Edge and Chrisitan put all they had in those matches and came out on top in both. Their break up was supposed to happen right after King of the Ring, but the Invasion angle messed it up. For a whole year now every time a break up is planned to happen, always something changed at the last moment and the 2 remain a team in the federation. It is not time to find out who the better man is. Edge has proved himself in the past and by giving him all the titles (IC, King of the Ring), the WWF showed that they have more monety invested in him. But did they do all that just so Chrisitan can take over? A lot of sites say "no" and I have to aree. Edge seems like the better man and the crowd is really into him. The possibility of a DQ in this match is big! Ugh, I love Chrisitan's music, damn it! Anycrap, the end of this match will prove a lot and it promises to change the situation of E & C in the future. The funniest guys in the WWF will go head to head this Sunday night. I am just sorry that their Grandma Edna is not going to be the special-guess ref. Man...

My Prediction: Edge via DQ

- Tajiri vs. Rhyno

Could it be more obvious this match was put together in the last minute? Come on! Anyway, I believe it will be a great match. I am a big Tajiri fan and Rhyno is one of my favorites. I believe that Paul Heymann will have the reason to yell "Gore! Gore! Gore!" but then again, Tajiri's kicks and moves are from a whole different planet. He is just special and we all know that! Torrie Wilson will be ringside and people will be paying attention to her ti... um.... puppies (PG-13). Anywho, I expect a lot from this match and I think that Rhyno will be a much better WCW US Champion than Tajiri simpley because he's in the Alliance and likes to make impact. Will William Regal help out his "brother" Tajiri? We'll all know tomorrow.

My Prediction: Rhyno

- Undertaker and Kane vs. Kronik

Steven Richards made his return to WWF Television about 2 or 3 weeks ago. The leader of the now ended Right To Censor attacked The Undertaker upon his return. The explanation we recieved was really crappy - he did it because Undertaker was one of the people to end the RTC. Anyways, with Kronik joining Steven Richards, and all 3 men joining the Alliance (i didn't get that, Kronik has always been in the WCW, why would they re-join?) this match will be a good one. The WCW Champions are both injured. Undertaker is still working through a separated shoulder kind injury, while Kane was out of action for 2 weeks after his elbow and lower back injuries. However, they are both tough, as they've proven that before. It was obvious that there isn't a team in the WWF/WCW/ECW that can step up to the Brothers of Distructions because of their size and reputation. Well, all that changed, because Kronik are tough, big, and scary. This will be the giants match and I am sure people will be watching closely to find out what happens.

My Prediction: Kronik (with the help of Steven Richards)

- Dudleyz vs. Hardyz vs. Big Show/Spike vs. Hurricane/Lance Storm

I don't expect much out of that WWF Tag Team Titles match. I think the main points here are going to be around Hurricane and Molly Holly. It's obvious that the cute couple of Spike and Molly is coming to an end. Maybe, if the Invasion angle didn't come through they would have better and have more time on TV, but all good things come to and end as one would say. I don't think the break up might happen at the PPV, but who knows. If they do break up, one of them will have to be the heal (kind of an Edge and Christian situation). Molly Holly can not play a heal, that is for sure. It's more likely that Spike turns heal and maybe even join the Alliance, who knows? If he does and it happens on the PPV, he'll most likely help his brothers defend their tag team titles. With the Big Show, the Hardyz, Lance Storm, Lita and Ivory thrown in as well, this math seems to have enough to be entertaining and to show some good skills... But as I said.. don't expect much...

My Prediction: The Dudley Boyz

- Rob Van Dam vs. Chris Jericho

Yes, it should be a good one. As most sites say and I totally agree, it can steal the night if they allow it to and it's well done. Jericho is not in the Hardcore division, but a great entertainer like him will definitely get used to that fast. RVD is the man lately as we all know. R-V-D! The people love him and that's what really matters in the WWF, if you are loved or hated by the people, then you've done your job. If you get no reaction at all (poor Albert) then no matter how big you are or how much skills you have, then you are worth nothing. Anyways, Stephanie McMahan-Helmsley will be ringside for this one so you can bet on it, she'll be interfering sooner or later. I expected that Rhyno would win over Jericho in that weird match at SummerSlam (i haven't seen Y2J miss soo many moves) but it never happened. RVD can't afford to lose... or can he? If he does, his situation in the Alliance will further get worse, since now he'll have heat from Stone Cold and Stephanie!!! Well, it's a weird situation. You can't just expect RVD to win because the WWF will still use the Y2J/Steph angle. It's always funny because they come up with new things/rhymes to it. Also, if Y2J wins, you gotta think that Steph will be looking for a new opponent for him or maybe a solid rematch against RVD. RVD was pretty sexual with Steph when he asked her what else can he do for her... If you haven't gotten it yet, that was a very nice hint for a possible RVD vs. Triple H match. This RVD will be a very big player soon, you just wait... He's big now, but this is nothing compared to what he can be in the future.

My Prediction: RVD (with the help of Stephanie)

- Perry Saturn vs. Raven

yeah ok.... Is this match on the PPV itself anyways? It's more like a Jakked match. I wouldn't be surprised if the WWF shows that on Sunday Night Heat. I used to luv the whole Moppy thing, but they really killed it when it got stolen. Raven and his new g/f are also pretty weird together. I really don't care who wins and quite frankly I don't even wanna waste my time thinking about that match. I think that it should have been a hardcore match since both Perry and Raven are very good in the hardcore division. Ah well... I might use the bathroom while they show that one or get a snack...

My Prediction: Scotty 2 Hotty.. j/k.... Perry Saturn

Well, that's it for the predictions and for today guys. If you are still looking for more, waste no time and head to the Daily Rumors and News. There are some interesting articles today!

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