8 - 15 - 04

School starts soon, and hence, less will be done here on the website. Got a few things up, though. Updated the
profile page, as well as the main page. Added links to both of my livejournals and one to my page of choice tunes. Also, there have been uploads of massive roleplay, not to this site, but to jinglehopper.com. Go read the HPRP!

Ever since I got my real website of www.jinglehopper.com, this one has been quite neglected. Unfortunately, it's nearly IMPOSSIBLE to update that site, so anything new I have get puts here.

I've been writing some lately, inventing my own world to accompany
Paradise City, and so far there's the story Princes of Destiny, which can be found on my originals and fanfiction pages. Also new and being worked on is Slyth Hunt!, a Harry Potter fanfic.

Once I pop, I just can't stop. Oh, yeah.
Lovers in Madness, the chronicle of Dwyn and Kieran, has been edited for posting and put up right here on my very own website! Yee-haw! So we have the first five chapters of a character interaction that -promises- to be an epic in its own right. If I had all the stuff, could FIND it all, I'd -so- fix up the entirety of Cross and Yuka's association and post it. But alas, those IMs are long lost, and I don't think I can dig that deeply for them... nor go through a good thousand pages' worth of roleplay and edit it all. ^.^'

You would not BELIEVE the sheer amount of crap that I've added in the last month. The entire
Heroes Inc! section was created and redone half a dozen times, and there's at LEAST five new profiles and more on the way. The front page has been redone for Yule and Solstice and Christmas and all that happy crap, so there's something new to look at there. The gallery's slacking, but I -do- have plenty of pics for my characters up, so it's not a total loss. Plenty of new additions to the originals section - I got bored and actually TYPED some of what I wrote in - so go check it all out! Yeah! More on the way!

Well, I've been doing some massive additions the last few days. I redid the
links page, which is now supplemented by most of my favourites list on its very own page, and I spent at -least- three hours Saturday editing and posting Draugt and Kanil's newest adventure, "Why We Don't Set 'Lor Loose In Manhattan". I also spent a fat lot of time writing up profiles for most of my main pets, which will be gradually expanding over the next few weeks. The gallery has been fattened somewhat, mostly with uploaded pictures of my characters. Nothing like a revamp. Still chuggin' away!

I tried doing some major updating for the
poetry section a few days ago, but just as I was saving the two hours of work I'd done, it crashed. Needless to say, I was PISSED. But now, I'm still prodding away at this stupid lil chunk of cyberspace. Got my scanner hooked up, yay, so now I can flesh out the gallery with my truly horridigible drawings and stuff. Will do more work on poetry soon! And I think I'm going to go and do some more, but I'm not sure what. Maybe update the gallery... Oh! And there's LOTS of way cool new links! ^.^ \m/

Been doing lots of random updates recently. Put up some stuff in the gallery. Figured out how to cut-n-paste, so the original works section is now -loaded- with freshly added poetry. Got half the
Dragon/Fae book up. Also fixed up the Links page.

Anyway, things are flowing well enough. Don't expect miracles, but parts of the website are slowly coming to life. I'm running out of space... *sheepish grin*

Yes! I am alive. Gallery up and running; some poetry from the blue book now up. More coming soon! I'm a lazy bum, so don't expect much. The need to retype everything is a definite negative. Unless I just upload it as a picture, ne? *sighs* Oh, well. I'm working on it.

Long time, no make web page.  Well I've been working a bit; website being up will take much longer than I thought - I have to transfer all my files to this computer... *sighs* I'm working on the Poetry section but it sucks cause I can't cut and paste stuff into text boxes, so I have to type it all in again. Shitty, I know.

I'm getting the site up! Yippie! I've got the roleplay rooms linked an' stuff, and I'll be fleshing the site out a lot as it I work on it. I expect to have the Gallery be the last thing I get up, and there's several thousand pictures that I can put on here. I should have the links up by tomorrow at the latest and I'll be posting fic after fic once I get them up right. Got the Warning up, got the RPGs & LARPs up, and I'll be doing a lot more.
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