1996-1999 Tape Listing

NOTE: Sometimes I give a listing as being in two years - for example, 1994-95 - because the event took place in one year and was aired on TV in the next, or it is something like a tour which begins toward the end of one year and continues through into the next calendar year. I give the music listing beside a skater whenever it is known - there are several I'm not sure of or haven't had a chance to cross-check, and have left blank. If anyone does know a particular piece of music which isn't listed by a skater I would really like to have that information to help make this site more complete. Thanks!

Key to Abbreviations: SP = Short Program; FS = Free Skating; CD = Compulsory Dance; OD = Original Dance; FD = Free Dance; TP = Technical Program; AP = Artistic Program, IF = Interpretive Free skate

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