AREA: leopard geckos come from north-western India , Pakistan ,and other close countries .
HOUSING: 1 leo will live fine in a ten gallon tank if you are interested in keeping more than 1 then you should go up 10 gallons per gecko , don't take my word for it since currently i only have 1 leo.
SUBSTRATE: This a very controversal matter , some people say sand is the only natural substrate , others say that newspaper is the only acceptable substrate because they can swallow the sand and this slowly over time impacts their digestive system causing an early death , others say to use a calcium based sand that is supposed to be digestable , but an interesting suggestion is that if the gecko starts with calcium and moves to real sand he will eat this sand thinking that it is nutritional( this is just a theory) and then get impacted .There is also special reptile-carpet that you buy at the pet store thta looks nicer than sand but i would think causes a lot of stress being taken out once or twice a week.My best advice is go to the pet store , ask the people there if they have or had a leo and what substrate they used ,but keep asking around.
DIET:Lots of people have luck with mealworms , I don't. I gave my leo afew once and the resulting catastrophe was terrible ,it cause him constipation for at least a week or two .Ha,ha constipation I know but it was serious and i was pretty scared.Don't get me wrong the leopard geckos that lived the longest were fed a diet mainly of mealworms (lots of people like to keep a shallow bowl of those terrible things around the whole time,me I think that really would tame the gecko, I like seeing my leo hunt down his crickets,but that is just a matter of opinion!

NUTRITION:The preferred way of delivering vitamins is to dust the crickets with a fine powder, myself though use a drip into his water. Always remember to gut load your crickets.

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John's leopard gecko site
CRICKETS: I included a whole section for crickets because if you want a leopard gecko you have to care for the crickets , sometimes it seems that you have to care more for the crickets more than  the gecko!! I feed the crickets oatmeal and stuff the pet store sells as  'cricket food '; but from the smell of it all it really is dog food. I find that orange slices are point less, the crickets really dont eat them all they do is pick at them.( the same thing with apple slices)
I have  had luck with lettuce not the hard part but the dark green part that we like to eat. especially if you have more than 48 crickets they will devour the lettuce. I have problems with water crickets are suicidal and love to drown in a shallow water dish, Christmas is coming up and I will try to buy some cricket quencher stuff and see how it works. Keep crickets in a critter keeper.
Change the carton between every batch and wash it out.
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