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Welcome to my Hill side. This web site is mostly about Genealogy with a few other things that I like thrown in.

I am the youngest of 6 children born to Jack and Loretta Walker Hill. My father was born at Possum Creek, Arkansas a small community that is located in Madison County, Arkansas.  My mother was first generation  American born and raised in North Dakota.  My brothers and sisters and I were born and raised in Fayetteville, Arkansas. Rosann & Lynnette are my  oldest sisters from my dad�s first marriage. Their mother passed away when they were 1 and 2 years old.  After my dad married my mom 4 more kids were born in this order, Jack Jr., Euletta (Tootsie), Bill, & Lenora.

Before meeting my husband Tim I worked for the operations director of a small chain of drug & department stores in Missouri, Oklahoma and Kansas. I worked mostly in advertising and the buying department for sporting goods and Electronics. I worked for this company for 7 years then went to work for Wal-Mart. This is where I met my husband Tim. Because of Tim�s job we have moved several times living in 5 different states (Arkansas, Kentucky, Oklahoma,New Mexico and Missouri (2 different times)
I stopped working after the birth of our first son Dustin and have been a stay at home mom since. I love staying at home and being there for the kids when they need me. Dustin is now 16 and the twins Cody & Ryan are 13.  We now live Missouri and the boys are involved in sports and church activities. As a family we love to snow ski, water ski, camp, fish, hike and martial arts.

Please don't forget to sign my guest book!!!!!!

William P. Hill
William P Hill
Generation 1
Generation 2
William Henry         Hill
Generation 3
Jack Hill
Generation 4
My Dad
E-mail me
I started this web site January 2002. Little did I know that in 8 short months I would loose  one of the 3 most precious things in my life my beloved son Cody. Our world had been turned upside down and it will never be the same. Click here to go to his memoral page. After you see it give your child an extra kiss tonight and tell them everyday how much you love them because you are never promised another tomarrow.
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