University of Singapore -> Falculty of Science -> Department of Biological Sciences -> Protein Science Laboratory

Welcome to Minh's website


Contact information:

Le Thi Nguyet Minh

Protein Science Lab, S3-03-17

Department of Biological Sciences

Science Drive 4, Singapore 117543

Tel: 6874 1210; Email: [email protected];

Major: Life Sciences

Concentration: Molecular and Cell Biology

Research Interest:

Molecular Biology, Cell Biology and Protein Sciences


Second prize at Hanoi biology contest - Vietnam (1998)

Third prize at Hanoi biology contest - Vietnam (2000)

Third prize at the National biology contest - Vietnam (2000)

Second prize for the best poster at the Eight Biological Sciences Graduate Congress - Singapore (2003)

Lee Foundation Study Grant - Transport award (2004)

Second Prize for Outstanding Poster of the Third International Conference on Structural Biology and Functional Genomics - Singapore (2004)

NUS Alumni Bursary Award - Singapore (2004)


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