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Bienvenue sur le Livre d'Or des L�gions d'Augias!! Vous trouverez ici les commentaires faits par d'autres sur notre Page Web, et nous vous invitons � faire de m�me. A propos, certaines personnes ont pris l'habitude d'utiliser les Livres d'Or comme support de publicit� pour des produits, voire simplement pour leur propres Pages Web. Comme le Livre d'Or est r�guli�rement v�rifi�, nous �tons ce genres de ''commentaires'' du Livre d'Or. Donc, si ce genre d'id�es vous venait � l'esprit, n'usez pas votre (et notre) clavier...

Signez le Livre d'Or des LdA Signez le Livre d'Or des LdA

Kityom - 12/21/00 10:36:30
My Email:[email protected]

F�licitation, c'est un gros travail. Tout est bien, sauf pour les Tremeres, parce que vous ne parlez ni de Goratrix, qui est un personnage primordiale du Monde de t�n�bre, et qui fut longtemps responsable de la France et qui r�sida � Paris, ni de son successeur Grimgroth, qui poursuit au sein du clan Tremere, la mission des Quaesori de l'Antique Ordre d'Herm�s. Je trouve tr�s dommage que vous ayez occult� ces deux personnages.

canard - 12/16/00 12:33:59

bravo pour votre site il est reellement impressionant,tellement meme que j'aimerai le tirer sur papier pour pouvoir le lire a mon aise. Aussi avez vous fait un format word? Merci d'avance, et encore bravo.

Sethmes - 10/01/00 15:03:44
My Email:[email protected]

Bien s�r et �videmment, f�licitations. J'esp�re qu'on gardera contact pour le zoom sur la p�riode m�di�vale de Paris que je propose.

Harfang - 09/23/00 09:03:09

Bien, que dire d'un tant soit peu intelligent... Difficile quand on est r�ellement impressionn� par la qualit� et la richesse de ce suppl�ment, je devrais dire de ces suppl�ments. Votre Paris ...la nuit est certainement l'une des deux meilleures versions de Paris que j'ai eu l'occasion de parcourir tou type de publications confondues. F�licitations

judge - 09/20/00 14:50:47
My Email:[email protected]

salut, raoul, et tous les autres qui ont boss�s pour r�aliser ce superbe site. Il est splendide, d�taill�, fouill� et pas fouillis. j'aime bien la d�co, et il est tellement �volutif, on se demande si il finira un jours, mais c'est �a les chef d'oeuvres, non ? continue si tu peux, moi je m'appuis a fond dessus. je bosse avec bouill' � une moindre mesure, et j'entre appercois la masse de boullot. sinc�res f�licitations. Bye, Judge

Steven MacTaggart - 07/17/00 09:14:56
My Email:[email protected]

I was incredibly impressed by your page and the amount of time and work you put into it... I really was stumped on a place to run, but now that I have found this place it is rich in intrigue and my players are already scared as they have all the books pre ty much, but not this... *chuckle*

Dionisio - 05/21/00 16:08:17
My Email:[email protected]

Hi, I must say your site is one the best, i've come across yet. I was looking for a site with good links and complete books. I congratulate you!!! Dionisio

Angel - 04/27/00 05:07:49
My Email:[email protected]

Nice site! Been running a WOD campaign for 3 years now. Info on another city/country is going to be useful.

Laurent Duhamel - 04/18/00 17:14:23
My Email:[email protected]

Your site is just incredible!

Yorgu�s - 04/08/00 12:49:09
My Email:[email protected]

Eh bien que puis je dire en voyant cette nouvelle bouture du PbN � part qu'elle est vraiment magnifique. Bravo les gars, un travail pareil est impressionnant et je dois avouer que je suis fier de voir mes perso. tr�ner tels des poseurs dans ce magnifique site. Bon courage pour la suite. A+ Yorgu�s Degauss

legrand olivier - 04/06/00 10:44:30

Salut ! Ici Olivier Legrand, un des deux auteurs de la partie "VAMPIRE" du suppl�ment FRANCE jadis publi� par Ludis. Je viens de d�couvrir votre site, et je dois dire qu'il a l'air d'excellente qualit�... ce qui n'est pas forc�ment le cas de tous les "Pa is by Night" publi�s �a et l�, Web compris. En fait, de nombreux �l�ments de votre Paris la Nuit me rappellent certaines id�es que David Osmont et moi avions int�gr�es dans notre premi�re mouture de "Paris by Night", projet malheureusement avort� � cause du d�p�t de bilan de Ludis (entre autres). Si cela vous int�resse, j'ai encore en m�moire sur mon vieux PC un certain nombre de cha itres, articles et autres �l�ments de background qui auraient du faire partie du "Paris" de Ludis. A bient�t peut-�tre. Keep up the good work !

Nous sommes extrement flatt�s du commentaire. Et nous sommes effectivement tr�s int�ress�s par tout ce qui pourrait compl�ter notre site, surtout si cela vient des auteurs de l'excellent France!
N'ayant pas votre Email, nous esp�rons avoir de vos nouvelles tr�s bientot!

Raoul ''Violence'' Borges, et Cie.

Gabriel - 03/30/00 09:20:25
My Email:[email protected]

Hello there!I'm a recent fan of yours thanks to some friends that find your site incredibly well documented. I find it great and think that the official recognition from WW should've come earlier. I'm only sorry that there is no Nosferatu comunity in Fra ce(I know most Toreador are great at auspex but...).In any case being a fan of egyptology and vampires I can tell you you've done a terrific job an the Uraeus campaign.Thanks for everything and long life to LdA...

Rafael Gomez - 03/23/00 19:42:47
My Email:[email protected]

Nice page, you`ve got here.... just once thing... those loose links.. You should try to actualize that... Besides that, its a nice page, hope to finish ours to make a link to yours....

Ignan Doha - 03/14/00 21:26:22
My URL:http://monsite.mageos.com/rennes-night
My Email:[email protected]

Je visite les "by night" pour m'instruire et am�liorer le mien, bravo pour celui ci il est tr�s complet...

Timo - 03/02/00 10:23:28
My Email:[email protected]

fix the broken links, they are making me mad. good site besides that.

RaHaN - 02/28/00 00:51:47
My Email:[email protected]

Hello, et bravo pour ce site. Le Paris By Night m�riterait une �dition papier, cela ne fait aucun doute. Est-ce Pr�vu ? Existe-t-il une version fran�aise ou avez vous tout r�dig� en anglais ? Bon courage pour la suite, et faites marcher vos URLS !!! :p

Arioch - 02/24/00 01:06:16
My URL:http://perso.wanadoo.fr/dreamingimmryr
My Email:[email protected]

It's a well done job, with an interesting point of view about Set, but, more importantly, I found that the project was ambitious and this is very good. However, I have one problem, the site is so big I have difficulties downloading its pages completely ;- If I may suggest one thing, why do not go further in imitating WW's books style, by having the pages of each "book" (clan, sect, place) decorated with a specific background. This would at least help the readers s the connections between the pages and also would make possible, like in most Mage sourcebooks, to have intervening characters or points of view from other subjects of the site. As an exemple, and since I have not yet read everything yet, I may talk about something that has already been done, I can imagine the Uraeus pages punctuated by Paris' characters' opinions (hey, Champollion was French, so, French vampires must have had a very close look to Egypt in the 19th Century) and thus enable the reader to understand more accurately what is actually kn wn by most of the Western vampires about Egypt. I think that's all.

Tonton Saidou - 02/19/00 17:55:26
My URL:http://?

Bonjours les amis (sauf Laurent bien sur :-{)J'ai enfin R�ussi � trouver le site mais je vois pas trop quoi vous �crire � part �a mais je trouverais bien quoi plus tard ... Salut et � Bientot!

Sofia Esperan�a - 02/17/00 02:42:10
My Email:[email protected]

I found your page by change but ended up spending the whole night reading Uraeus- gods of Egypt and Paris- la nuit. It's just great, one of the best, most professional V:tM related pages I've ever seen. Keep on the excellent work!

camarila - 02/14/00 23:44:04
My Email:[email protected]

loved your page and all the info you dispense about the clans..i'll be back to visit and would like to add a link to your page on my own at Camarila's Kindred Pages..let me k ow...thanx.

Nihil - 01/31/00 14:40:49
My Email:[email protected]

Travail beau, excellent, bien pr�sent�, agr�able. Travail titanesque aussi. Quand je suis tomb� sur ce site, j'ai tout � coup recommenc� � croire au P�re No�l. Mais je vous en prie, mettez- le � jour ! Continuez-le ! Vous n'avez moralement pas le droit de nous laisser comme cela !!!

christophe - 01/22/00 14:10:31
My Email:[email protected]

I discovered your site this morning. We are playing vampire for 5 years now. It is the first time in 5 years that I found such a good site on the net. You guys did really formidable work. Thanks, thanks and thanks again for this marvelous site.

livet emmanuelle - 01/18/00 15:22:55
My Email:[email protected]

I'm French and I love your web site. I have decided to play by mail at Paris by night (please, excuse me for my poor english!) and this site will really help me to understand the influences of the diferent clans. Thank you for have made such a beautiful a d complete site, and for have made of Paris one of the most beautiful vampire city. Emmanuelle.

woka - 01/14/00 22:57:52


E. Carletti - 12/29/99 14:13:15
My Email:[email protected]

F�licitation pour votre "Paris la Nuit" (le meilleur qu'il m'ait �t� donn� de consulter). Une version "papier" (.doc, .pdf ou autre) est elle pr�vue ? Personnellement, je pr�f�re compulser des notes sur papier plut�t que de m'�clater les yeux sur un �cran (chose que je fais 10h/jour pour mon boulot), et le format HTML ne se pr�te pas bien aux impresions. Encore une fois, bravo, excelent travail. E. Carletti

Randolph Carter - 12/20/99 17:08:09

unspeakable great... Paris, the city of light turns into the city of darkness. thank you in the name of the noble tremere

gqqrtser - 12/12/99 11:51:10


tim hardin - 12/11/99 07:47:56
My Email:[email protected]


J�r�me - 11/21/99 20:13:04
My Email:[email protected]

Thanks for your s�te. I want to run a chronicle in Paris ( i'm french ) and the city i create was not so good as yours. thanks j�r�me

Peter Perskull - 11/21/99 09:09:59
My URL:http:// Not yet!
My Email:[email protected]

These sites are just great..... One thing though, I'd love a .pdf version of them. Maybe a bit hard to do but that would be really, really wonderful

Mathieu Gaudet-Binet - 10/31/99 22:43:05
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/e_and_e/index.htm

Hey, great page!

Harald - 10/13/99 04:09:25
My Email:[email protected]

Well, this is the best Internet page of V:tM. You surely had a lot of work with it and I realy appreciate that. The Ancient Egypt materials are perfect in both adventure and historical views. One more compliment: your home roles are well-rounded and not overpowered. The staff you published will surely serve as inspiration for my stories. Keep working, please. Harald

Sweet - 09/23/99 14:28:32

Cool page! Continue the good work!

mage1999 - 09/13/99 16:02:11
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ky/rpgworld/
My Email:[email protected]

Hi there. Just doing a little random surfing and thought I would sign your guestbook to say hello. I really liked your site. Please visit my site if you get a chance. It is devoted to creation and promotion of roleplaying games around the world.

Animated gifs, backgrounds and more... - 08/20/99 19:31:46
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Cafe/4690
My Email:[email protected]

Good work, congratulations....

Sirrus McGregor - 08/19/99 15:21:39
My Email:[email protected]

Just thought I'd pop in and say that this whole city
setting looks really good. Although it's a little difficult
to read because some of the English is a bit hard to
understand, the whole thing looks really really
well-thought out and orchastrated. Definite congratulations
and commendations to the authors.


Sirrus McGregor

Jay Brown - 08/17/99 14:02:39
My Email:[email protected]

excellent site, very inspiring... especially your new look on ancient Egypt.

Angelo Nero - 08/14/99 03:05:33
My URL:http://www.vampirlady.mysite.de
My Email:[email protected]

Dark Greetings! ciao Manu

Carlos Checa - 08/13/99 07:22:51
My Email:[email protected]

It's a really great page. I will download all i can and use the best way possible. You had to have worked hard to make this marvelous Web Page. Congratulations. Luck with White Wolf Approval!

Julien "Geldorf" Debove - 07/21/99 09:09:41
My Email:[email protected]

Il y aurait tellement � dire, tant la qualit� de votre site est impressionnante. Vous avez su faire cohabiter l'image d'un Paris monarchique et les intrigues d'un tr�s bon roman de James Ellroy. Votre travail sur l'Egypte est aussi tr�s soign� quoique manquant pas mal de chapitre pour l'instant. J'attends donc la suite avec impatience! Et j'ai une petite question � vous poser, en esp�rant bien sur que vous y r�pondrez! Est-ce un oubli ou un choix d�lib�r� de ne pas mentionner le conseil des ventrues qui je le rappel est �voqu� dans le suppl�ment France et qui est pr�sid� par un certain De Sens. Je vous souhaite bonne continuation et en esp�rant que White Wolf vous donne leur approbation! Que votre vinculum ne tarisse jamais! Julien"Geldorf"Debove

Bolthra - 07/19/99 14:22:40
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/Bolthra/cll.htm
My Email:[email protected]

Great page & possibly the best one I've seen on the web. I added a link from my page here because I wanted the players in my PbEM to be able to see it too. Keep up the good work.

Ana Marina Wang�emert - 07/12/99 00:02:21
My Email:[email protected]

Nice to met you Raoul, I�m an ICQ friend of your father. I�ve recieved a lot of "blagues" ("chistes" in spanish) from you (indirectly of course), very funny those of LADA and the Pictures of LOGIC sentences. This pages are very interesting, but I have to learn more about this . . . �game? (I feel like a nerd!!!!!). Ok, bye bye.

Steeve"harraken"B. - 06/20/99 13:51:04
My Email:[email protected]

Ho!!!what site!! I am from the LDA and now, thanks to this site, proud to be in it. In addition, thanks to Raoul and Laurent for their ingeniousity and all the time they spent on the construction of this site, I'm proud to know you my friends. Thank you ery much for your hard work and I promiss you to give more and more to help you in your huge work. bye.

YoYo - 06/20/99 09:57:58
My Email:[email protected]

salut, bin je pourrais ecrire en anglais, mais bon j ai la fleme.....je trouve ton site vraiment tres cool, meme si je l aprecierais plus en francais, juste une petite question, ou allez vous cherchez tous ca,dans votre imagination?? elle doit etre immans , a plus

Olivier "Joshua" A - 03/19/99 09:12:39
My URL:http://www.sden.org
My Email:[email protected]

Well, this is a very great site and i'm pleased to visit it. I hope you continue to write on it and I say you good luck See you soon i hope Joshua, Paris France Actually master for Mage "the ascension war"

Arnaud "Farinelli" - 02/02/99 11:44:17

Well, Yes, It looks good...!!! Nooooo, It is really wonderfull, I am sure that anybody will agree of it !!! Enjoy. (Should we update the characters, following their magnificient unlife ???)

ASM - 10/27/98 07:01:58

Raoul, I didn't know your english was so fluent! (Not like mine...). I even didn't know you had such enomous capacities in controling HTML language! In fact, I believe you're like a god for me!!! You really deserve the name of webMASTER! This was a message from a poor doc lost in, Bobigny...

10/16/98 09:51:55
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Cool page Thanks for letting me sign your guestbook

Fabien "[KaBaL]" Chevreux - 10/09/98 08:10:39
My URL:not yet but maybe a Dark Ages Site Later!
My Email:[email protected]

This site is Really Superb! We can see the hard work you've done behind the great number of informations you give and the variety of your imagination ! I hope i could do the same with my Dark Ages site (maybe with your help!) ! If you need a little aid for your site : I'm at your service! ; )

Laurent "Zbaa !" Sinitambirivoutin - 09/25/98 15:00:55
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/1903/
My Email:[email protected]

Enjoy your tour within this site ! Raoul worked hard to get this through, and since he recruited me, oh God I sweat ! :P So, please, let us know if you like it !

Raoul ''Violence'' Borges - 08/12/98 21:47:13
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/1903/
My Email:[email protected]

Welcome to the LdA Guesbook. I hope to read a lot of useful and interesting comments about the official LdA Homepage!!! Bye!

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