Atherea Atherea



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About the Site

The Name: Atherea (Pronounced A-fair-e-a) is really just a word I made up for the site. It doesn't mean anything.

Current Layout: Version 5
Comments: After a semester of learning about html and css, I've wanted to redo the layout of this site for quite some time after seeing the horror that is pagebuilder html. I finally got round to deciding on an idea for the layout and rewriting the whole site over the semester break. I have to say that I'm happy with how its turned out and I'll probably keep this layout, with possible tweaking here and there, for some time.

Previous Layouts

Version 4
Version 4

Version 3
Version 3


If you take any of my pictures, want to do a link exchange or email about broken links, questions etc. Then email me at:
[email protected]

This is also my msn messager address so if you rather talk to me through msn then feel free to add me.

Websites I am a member of

DeviantART - Good for when you're just starting out
GFXartist - For artists who are at a pretty good standard and would like more critique on their works. You will get critiqued by, what I believe, are some of the best digital artists out there.
Flickr - For all you photography enthusists out there. Haven't spent a lot of time on here yet, but there seems to be quite a strong online community here.

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