Max's Journal

Project Manticore

Max's Entries

Entry 31

Some day's it's not worth getting up and other's you just try to survive and yesterday was one of those days. I wonder what mother would think if she knew her daughter spent time in lock up? If I ever get the chance to ask her it be worth it no matter what her opinion of me is.

I guess it really started around the time I finished my last delivery downtown some little trick started a shop down here thinking it would be fashionable to hang with the poor folk. I got there just in time to see some kids smash her window open and run off with the display. I didn't really care much for the blouses and skirts but that leather jacket seemed awfully nice. "Please help they're stealing my stuff, it's all I got." pleaded the twentish petite blonde, wearing a designer white silk shirt that was three month's rent for me. "Sorry, I'm just a messenger. I don't do hero stuff except on weekend's" I stated. She looked at me with venom in her eyes, like I was the one who took her stuff. I held out her package and my board for her to sign, which she promptly tried to throw at me. I ducked her package and thrust my board underneath her chin and asked her sweetly to sign it before those kids come back, she quickly reached for a pen that I held in my other hand and signed.

"Hey! Max, wait up will you." screamed a voice behind me. I turned and what do I see but Sketchy trying to keep up, I slowed down so he would catch up. "Sketchy could you do me a favor and drop this off for me?" I asked holding out my run sheets. "Sure Max, once I catch my breath but you know Normal's not going to like this." he said hesitantly. "He doesn't like anything but money but don't worry if it's a big deal I'll do it myself" I said with anger in my voice as the headaches started. Sketchy stopped his bike and looked at me with surprise on his face. "What's got you so upset Max?" he asked worried. I stopped and closed my eyes and gritted my teeth trying to wish the pain away. "You don't look so hot Max, maybe you should see someone." Sketchy said "I'll take your sheets in you go home now". I looked up and told Sketchy "Thank's." as he took my sheets and placed it into his pack. He made sure I was fine before he left at least able to bike without falling off.

The alley I ducked into seemed empty so I reached into my pack and took out my Triptophane but the pill bottle was empty, I needed more but the next delivery wasn't supposed to be for another week. I had to hope Sung had the Triptophane or it was going to be a long night. Strange really, here I am a genetically engineered improved model of a human except for one small flaw. The inability to produce the needed chemical inhibitor to stop my brain from frying it self. I envy the fact that most people can go about their daily lives and not have to worry about such things.

I gathered myself and headed for Sung's medicinal stand at the street market. Biking my way through I noticed that there were an large amount of Seattle's Finest hanging around with a weary look on most of their faces, must be PR time for the mayor a raid here a few photo's for the press, good thing for him I can't vote. "You, stop!" I heard, my heart nearly stopped, this wasn't the time for a fight I thought as a officer in full riot uniform walked towards me. "Let's see some I.D. mister!" whew ... that was close, a beggar by the looks of him with dark hair and a peppered beard, shuffled forth and promptly urinated on the nice cop's shoes. I think he should have been more specific about the kind of I.D. he wanted. I decided it was best to go before the real action started. I slowly walked over to Sung's stand trying not to attract any attention. She told me that I was a little earlier than expected but I was in luck because she just got my pills for me. I popped a pill in front of her and she said I looked like a junkie scoring a fix "Girl's need their amino acids" I said smiling. I guess in a way I was a junkie but she was getting too nosy for her own good. I intended to make up an excuse when my pager went off, I checked to see who it was, Logan. I excused myself and left before she asked anything else.

Entry 32

The pills must have started to kick in because when I got to Logan's I actually felt almost human. Why is it that almost every time I see Logan there's a candlelight dinner behind him? He gives me a smile and proceeds to tell me that he went through no trouble at all and this was a spur of the moment thing and proceeded to tell me about the culinary delight he had prepared. I came around to help him layout the meal but then the lights went out. I was beginning to feel like this was one of those cheesy romance movies, so I started to leave before the cheap elevator music kicked in the background. He asked me to stay because he wouldn't let anyone go outside in a brownout, I looked at him and saw the look of loneliness in his eyes, so I decided to stay for a little while. I went around lighting candles when a surge of pain raced across my head nearly dropping me to my knee's but luckily I recovered quickly and was able to hide it from Logan.

I told him that I had a wicked headache that's all. He didn't seem to believe me but he continued with the conservation anyway. "You know, there was a time when this city actually worked" he said in a nostalgic tone. The headache was getting worse I hoped it didn't show on my face, it wouldn't be good for him to see me so weak, instead I asked him what was he doing when the pulse hit?, "On my uncle's yacht motoring into Friday Harbor on Orca's Island with a lady friend." he said with fondness. Why didn't that surprise me? What else would he be doing when the world was falling apart and I told him as much? "How about you?" he asked a little embarrassed.

It was then that I had a flashback to a time I regretted, if only I could have...., I remember my foster dad, he was looking for me and Lucy to beat on. Apparently the drunk had been watching his game when the pulse hit and of course it went out and he blamed us. I can still hear his voice screaming "Hey! You kids out here?!, Where the hell are you? ", luckily we were hiding under the stairs at the time. "It's hard to imagine a genetically enhanced killing machine like yourself putting up with that." he stated, as if he would know what real life was about, glancing down at him now I thought maybe he's starting to.

I told him I was trying to fit in, I was tired of everyone wanting me to be special, I just wanted to act like a normal kid for once. Aggh..the pain was becoming unbearable, I had to sit down soon or I would collapse. "You feeling okay Max?" Logan asked. I told him that I wasn't feeling too hot actually that wasn't true I was feeling too hot my brain was frying itself. I popped some Tryptophane into my mouth and washed it down with some water. He asked if the Trytophane helped, sure it did it's help keep me alive this long but it seems my brain must be building a resistance to it Supplements the serotonin that my brain's supposed to make but doesn't. I explained to him "When the levels are low, I have a seizure. I'm supposed to be a revved-up girl but the truth is, I'm a lemon." trying to smile. The pain was too much and the Trytophane wouldn't help for another few minutes, I needed something to concentrate on to get me through this. Logan asked what he could do, I asked him to stay just for awhile.

Why does everyone leave me I thought in my delirious state? Zack, Johnny and even Darrien. Would Logan leave me too like the other's. "I'm right here, I'm not going anywhere." said Logan softly. Of course he wouldn't leave he lives here I thought with a moment of clarity.

I came home the next day. Kendra seemed hysterical when I arrived talking about how we were robbed, that's when I noticed Walter was there, he must have been shaking down Kendra for the money. I tried to calm her down by explaining that I took the money, after all some of it was mine, "Excuse me I'm waiting" asked Walter in a surly tone. I should really help revise is dental plan a few teeth moved here here a couple there.....Oh, well maybe another time when I was feeling a little better. I told Walter that I didn't have it but I would get it to him by tomorrow morning and anyway he was a few days early. "Time are tough" Walter said without much conviction, yeah, I bet especially by looking at you I thought. Walter beat a hasty retreat after seeing he wouldn't get his money today

Kendra and I spent the next few minutes arguing about the money, I told her I used the money to buy something, hoping she would know better and just drop it but as usual she kept plugging away until she was satisfied, I guess that what I most admire about her. Kendra may seem a real girlie, girl but deep down she was a pit bull for what she believed in. Unfortunately for me, this time it was the money I used. "So you just helped yourself to the money that I collected from everyone on the floor?" she asked with anger in her voice, "It was an emergency, Walter will get his money!" I said trying to calm myself before this got out of hand. "Just...what is wrong with you?" Kendra asked with some concern in her voice it almost sounded like Logan's. I went to my room and sulked for a few hours trying to figure out how to get the money. When I had time I would apologize to Kendra, I knew she meant well.

Entry 33

I arrived late for work, not like this was the first time but it seems to get harder and harder to recover from the seizures each time. I headed over to the cage to get my dose of Normal's rantings about being late but Sketchy intercepted me "Where have you been?" he asked. This was going to be a bad day when even Sketchy was going to give me a lecture about punctuality. "None of your business" I told him. "Yo, it ain't like I care, but we've all been covering for you. Normal's on the warpath" said Sketckty with a little backbone that's when I heard someone approaching. "Well, well, far, your moron colleagues have come up with the following excuses for why you're strolling in here at the crack of noon - you had a dental emergency, your aunt died...again, and my personal favorite from this idiot - you were detained by the sector police for practicing witchcraft. Now, would you care to further insult my intelligence?" said Normal in his usual sarcastic tone, standing there in his righteous anger.

"I overslept." I told him casually hoping this would end soon I was already tired and the day had just started. :I thought you didn't sleep." stated Normal trying to maintain his anger but something in my appearance must have stopped him "I usually don't. My body probably needed to catch up". "Yes, well catch up on your own time, girlie. Get out of here. Go!" he said a little uncertain. I guess even Normal has a heart, albeit a small one.

Now all I needed was to get the money before Walter showed. I walked over to the locker's looking for Original Cindy, she was the only one I could think of to help me with the money and of course there's Logan but that would be another problem that I didn't want to deal with now. "Hey, I need to borrow some money just until tomorrow." I asked pleasantly as possible. "I shouldn't even be speaking to you after last night. You stood me up." OC said a bit angry. This day was getting worse and worse, we danced around the topic of me borrowing money but she was fresh out and not all that inclined after last night. I had to find the money from somewhere else.

After work I headed for to the market place to kill sometime until I could think of something. Why does everyone seem so happy with there lives, well not everyone I thought noticing a street vendor getting the once over for not handing over the "protection" money. Why do I fell like I should help, it's Logan's influence, him and his crusade. I can't save everyone, so I let it go. I was walking past this really nice SUV when the driver started hitting on me, then I noticed that his friend who was shaking down the vendor was heading over this way. There are time's to be a hero and this was such an occasion. I gave the driver a quick head but and threw him out his nice ride, well mine now. I took his car over to the auto shop to see what I could get for it. All I got out of it was a lousy grand from the mechanic and he would give it to me the next morning. Unless I could come up with more Walter's gonna have to settle for a grand and the headaches were coming back. I decided to head back and take a few more pills before going out to find more money. I had my eye on this painting nearby the office building I delivered a few months back and it was an easy score, I guess this would be as good as a time as any to do it.

Original Cindy and Kendra were waiting for me at the apartment when I got back, whatever they were up to couldn't be good. "Hey guy's." I said trying to sound cheerful. "Max, we need to talk." spoke Kendra, the pain was beginning to get worse, I needed my pills. I told Kendra that I would have the money by tommorow morning all I had to do was get my pills and head to that building to get the painting. I went to the medicine cabinet to get my pills, it was gone. I searched and searched but I couldn't find it.."You're not going to find it." yelled out Kendra. "You got a problem, boo, but Kendra and me got your back." said OC, Oh! no I thought what did they do?. "Where are my pills?" I asked already knowing I wasn't gonna like the answer. They started to babble something about my temper, mood swings, being late and stealing money from my friends. I was too tired to deal with this so I tried to tell them that I needed the money for medicine 'cause I'm not feeling well' but they were on some righteous kick and wouldn't stop. I pleaded with them to let me have them "You guys don't understand! I'll die without that medicine! Now, tell me where you put it!" I demanded so frustrated with all their talk of a twelve step program. "We Flushed it down the toilet, which is where your life is headed if you don't clean up. ." said Original Cindy with finality. All I could hear through the pain, while leaving was that someday I would thank them for this.

I needed the Triptophane and badly this time, I went to Sung's stand hoping she would have more. I explained to her that I didn't have the money on me and that she would have to wait until tomorrow to be paid. "I know you're good for the money, but I don't have any." Sung said. I had to scare her into telling me where she got her supply's from "A doctor over at Metro Medical gives it to some of his patients. I know an orderly there." Sung said afraid. I headed over to Metro Medical and then broke into the pharmacy storeroom, finding the Triptophane and popping a few to ease the pain but not before an orderly passing by noticed me and alertly called for help. I was about to escape down the stairwell when the backup showed up and subdued me.

Entry 34

It's funny really if you think about it, here's Lydecker running all around trying to catch me and what happens, I winds up in prison in Langford. I wonder what Logan was doing now. "Are you okay?" asks another prisoner, I can't believe even in here! What is it with everyone? Do I have a sign on my back that say's Tritophane patient? I told him to mind his own business. Apparently with his oversized body he must have lack space for ears because he ignored me, "Here, clean yourself up. You want to look good when they take your picture don't you?, It's show time" he said with enthusiasim, I guess he must have been an actor or something.

"Hands, Let's go, Come on, Put your hands on the desk, and, uh...feet apart, huh? What do you got here, huh? A set of keys, lip balm...cherry flavor, pack of chewing gum...also cherry flavor, and some small bills totaling...21 dollars." counted off the guard while palming my money into his pocket. I was feeling a bit P.O.'d "Try $75, if you can count." I corrected him. "I told you to keep your hands on the desk. See, I bet you're used to this, aren't you? Let me ask you how much does a strung-out little skeeze bag tramp like you go for these days?" said the guard. "Ask your wife." spoke up the other prisoner, I was beginning to like him. "What was that you said" asked the guard ready to beat him. "20 to life. That's what she ought to get, if you ask me." piped in another inmate. If nothing else one could count on the animosity to the guards, well at least this one.

They spent the next few minutes finger printing, photographing and searching me. It kinda felt like home (Manticore) with all the poking and proding going on. When it was all over I was put in a waiting room with the other prisoner, to be escorted into our new home. "Hi, my name's Hank by the way." spoke the giant while extending his handcuffed hand. I couldn't figure out what this guy's angle was and he was sorta okay, "Mine's Max". "Oh, you the strong silent type. That's great for a female lead." he stated smiling. "If I could lead we'd be out of here" I countered. We both ended up smiling until the my pain came back. I think hank to it as a sign that I was withdrawing from our conversation and let it go.

Entry 35

Come on. Maybe there's an open cell in the back. Just stay close to me and no matter what anybody says" spoke Hank with authority. I decided to play along and he asked what I was in for, I told him robbery with took him by surprise. "Oh, a real criminal." he said unsure if I was telling the truth, I asked him why he was in this hole they called a prison. He joked that he ate his parent but actually he ran a little shop on Melbourne Avenue. Selling vintage clothes, pre-pulse stuff. He had hung a poster in his window that commented on police brutality. I told him that wasn't a wise move, he smiled and nodded in agreement, we decided to camp out on the floor and then everything almost went black.

The seizure was starting and me with no Tritophane. "You okay?" asked a worried Hank. "Yeah, it's just a nerve thing." I told him, he asked if he do anything for me, sure you can give me a case of extra strength Tritophane I thought, instead I asked if he could somehow get me some milk. He said he would see what he could do and mentioned that he and a guard here had a relationship of some kind. I didn't care how he got the milk at this point as long as he got it. I wondered if I was going to die, in this .... it kinda looked like Manticore in some ways, I remember one time when another one of X-5 had a seizure and then they took him away, Lydecker was there, he was always there or so it seemed.

It seemed like forever since Hank left to get the milk and I was getting worse. Hank finally returned with a warm glass of milk, I wondered how he got them to warm it up, Hank told me that it came that way. He explained that another inmate next do had a goat of all things and that's where my milk came from, at this point I thought it didn't matter where it came from as long as it had Tritophane in it. Even with the milk I knew that if I didn't get out soon and obtain more Tritophane I'd be dead. I had to find some way out of here.

I came up with a quick plan to escape and I needed Hank's help. "Hey, do you think there's a way out to the yard?" I asked, " Yeah, but they don't let anyone out after curfew." Hank replied back. My mind started to go and I told Hank that I thought there were too many rules here and that it was time to go home, Hank seemed skeptical in my ability to escape and climb some measley fences. If he only knew what I did at night for money. I asked him if he wanted to come with me, he shouldn't be here and I owed him. Hank declined apparently he had plans with the guard that was passing by at the time.

Later that night I tried to escape with Hank's help but I was caught at the fence. Poor Hank even sang for me to distract the guards but I was too weak to get a good jump over the fence. Instead I ended up getting a beating and so did Hank. The worst part was that the warden got a good look at my barcode as the guards had my arm pinned behind my back. I was knocked unconscious and dragged away.

Entry 36

I woke and found myself in a bed in a small room. A small blonde girl entered the room, I asked her where I was and she told me that I was in the warden house inside the prison. I was so weak from last night and the pain would only get much worse until I got more Tritophane. I Introduced myself to her, she told me her name was Maria and that I was probably here for trying to escape last night. I asked her if she worked here, maybe she could help me escape I thought. "I was living in the jail with my mom when the riot happened. She got killed. The warden and his wife took me in." said Maria in a sad voice, I told her I was sorry. " I'm glad you're here. When you're feeling better you can help me with the housework. It's not a lot...just the warden and his wife. The food's way better here, and you can have as much as you want. That's where I sleep. So at night, you and me can stay up late and talk. And with you here, maybe he..." she said trying to sound cheerful changing the subject. I wondered what she meant about the warden ... Just too tired to care right now. I heard a female scream "Maria!", it must have been the wardens wife. Maria told me she had better get back to work and that she would come back later to check on me.

It felt so good ... I thought as I was barely able to open my eyes. I saw that Maria had returned and was wiping my forehead with a towel, she reminded me of someone but tired. It ironic isn't it, that I can't sleep when I'm healthy and want to but when I'm dying I want to stay awake. " You don't look too good. How you feeling Maxie, or he'll start with you, too.?" asked Maria or was it ... Lucy, so tired but she's so much like....."I'm sorry, Lucy. I shouldn't have gone without you." I cried out. The memories...they are all so....Our foster father he was..was a bad man....should've killed him.....why?..why?.....yes, I remember now....Lucy..and I was next...couldn't kill him yet, tac leader says we should engage an adversary only...if it is consistent with the overall strategic objective. Failing that, you will initiate a tactical withdrawal. I was just so alone and tired of running...just wanted to be normal..ha..funny..I'll never be normal....I knew what was happening...but I didn't stop him. I should've stayed but I ran, I left you there with him....should've killed him first.

Head feels cooler, open my eyes and I see the warden "Maria" he say's softly but it's not the same, it's like "father" and ...... must stop him he can't hurt Lucy now..... I must remember I'm Max... super something.... I'll stand up to him.."No! Leave her alone!" came a scream from my throat. I'll get up and kill you and Lucy. Maria will be safe and I can sleeppp..I thought as I knocked over a vase. Lucy .... no, Maria was leaving with him you "sick bastard" I said in a weaken voice " I was tired of her anyway. Why do you think you're here?" said the warden. "To kill you" I thought, I needed to close my eyes, rest and when I'm better. When I woke I felt barely alive but it was better than before, Maria was there "I made you some tea." she said. I told her I would get her out of here, but she seemed reluctant saying that it wasn't so bad and it would have been much worse if she was outside. What had he been telling her about the outside? maybe she just remembered how it was when she was little and the people were rioting. It would do no good to try to get through her now but I had to try. I spent time trying to tell her about the world outside of this prison but she seemed unconvinced but the look on my face must have put doubt in her mind as she stopped trying to defend the warden. Maria got up to leave, I told her to think about what I said and she said she would.

The next thing I remember was someone craddling my head and putting a pill in my mouth. I looked up after drinking the glass of water held out by was...I must be dreaming..."Original Cindy" I barely croaked out. "What did you just me?" I asked, OC smiled "Only what you've been dying to get" she said mischievously, where did she get the Tritophane I wondered. Maria looked back and forth at us hesitant but then began to smile. "I see you meet Maria" I said a little more animated, "Oh! sure, me and home girl here go way back..." she said smiling at both me and Maria. "You both should go before he comes back!" spoke Maria with concern in her voice, she seemed scared and resigned to her fate. "Come on boo we got go!, the little munchkin is right." said Original Cindy, peeking out into the hallway. I couldn't leave Maria here and I wanted to pay that warden back for what he did, sometimes I like getting rid of the garbage myself. I gave Original Cindy a quick brief on what was happening. To say she looked angry would be an understatement, when OC goes off even I don't want to be around. "Where is he" yelled OC. I told her I would handle him but I needed her to get Maria to a car and wait for me when we did go. I asked Maria if the warden had a car, I told them that we would take the warden prisoner and have him escort us outside and that they should hide out of site. "Girl you look like a wreck, how you gonna handle the sleaze bag when you can barely get up?" she asked concerned. I told OC that if she could beat me at arm wrestling I would go now, no questions asked. She looked at me and said "okay it's your show". Do you need any more tritop...whatever she asked, I took some more and lay down to rest until the warden showed.

Entry 37

Get up. You're going back. What you saw never happened. I don't know who these people are or why they're looking for you, but if you tell them anything about what happened here..." he said threatingly. Now I definitely couldn't kill him at least until we got away from whoever was following me. I got up suddenly and grabbed the Warden's throat. I pressed him up against the wall. The idiot tried to pull hidden gun on me, but I knocked it to the floor. I asked him who was looking for me?, Lydecker he croaked out. This would complicate things but I should've known he show up but just not this soon. OC came back and said "Max, that's enough. Max. Damn, girl, what's in those pills?". I told her "Spinach.", by the look on her face she seemed relieved that we didn't arm wrestle. I looked out the window to see if we could escape, instead I see Lydecker and his soldiers approaching. I explained to the warden that he was gonna help to get us out, he seem hesitant at first about the idea but OC grabbed the gun and pointed at his head. He reconsidered. We all left and made it to the warden's ride. Maria and I hide in the trunk as OC and the warden drove us outside.

The car began to swerve and I knew OC was in trouble so I waited until the car stopped and kicked open the trunk. It must be my lucky day as I got out I saw a gun sliding away from him, he must have been holding it. I heard a car coming, I turned to see a barrel full of monkey' I meant a car full of prison guards coming down the road. I didn't have time to play with them, not with Lydecker so close. I got rid of them quickly and took control of their car. I saw that fat toad of a warden firing on OC and Maria. I guess judgment day came early, at least for him; to me it was just road kill but it felt good and he deserved it. It was time to go home. OC filled me in on what Logan did on the way back. Maria looked frightened but relieved. OC and I spent time talking to Maria and calming her fears, I told her she would stay with me until I could find her a good family to take care of her.

After a long shower and cleaning up i called Logan to let him know I was back safe, he sounded so happy to hear I was safe, I owed him for saving me today. I spent some time with Maria, we made some dinner and afterwards I made sure she was asleep, she had a rough day and so did I. In the living room I saw that Kendra was attending to OC's wounds. She was telling Kendra all about her adventure and the warden's early demise. They started to ask questions about my mysterious condition and the guys looking for me at the prison. "What guy's" I asked trying to sound innocent but they wouldn't budge until they got an answer. We've all been friend's for awhile and I guess if I had to trust someone they would be it. "What if I told you I was a genetically revved-up female?" I asked them to believe me. "Like we're not." quipped Kendra back. They wouldn't believe even after telling them the truth but they seemed willing to let it go. I told them I was gonna go over to Logan's and see what he could do for Maria, it was right up Logan alley saving people and all.

I paid a visit to Logan's apartment, he gave me a package with money, I.D., and information detailing the family that Maria would be living with. "How do you put this stuff together, Logan? The father runs a dairy farm. The mom's a local schoolteacher. They've always wanted kids, and to top it all off...she gets her own room" I asked amazed. "And a pony." stated logan smiling."Forget Maria, I'm living with these people." I said still so happy that Maria would finally live a normal life. He explained that they were friends of his and that they were excited a the prospect of having a kid. I told him I would get Maria over there in the morning, she needed to feel safe for tonight.

I always knew that underneath that bioengineered, military-issue armor plating there was a beating heart." said logan jokingly but I wondered if that was true and anyway it sounded more like he was trying to butter me up to do something. "Let's not go overboard here. I'm not signing up to join the Logan Cale brigade for the defense of widows, small children, and lost animals." I told him. He said I could be the field commander, I turned him down. "So what's for dinner? You gonna feed me or you gonna just sit there?" I asked as my stomach started to growl. Logan told me that I was much sweeter when I wasn't feeling well, guess Logan's into those type's of girls. I smiled and told him jokingly that "The bitch is back" and I was.

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