Copy Right Notice:

'James Cameron's Dark Angel' and all variations on it are all registered trademarks of FOX. No copyright infringement is intended or contained on this site. Legend10013 understands and recognizes the right of FOX and James Cameron to enforce ownership of these trademarks, and does not dispute this. Legend10013 believes that everything on this web site falls within the fair use clause of Trademarks and Copyrights, and pledges full cooperation with FOX to protect its trademarks. Legend10013 is in no way affiliated with or recognized by FOX, James Cameron or Jessica Alba, sad but true.

All original content on Legend10013 is copyrighted by Legend10013, and may not be reproduced without permission. Please contact [email protected] for more info.

Legend10013 also really likes Dark Angel and loves Jessica Alba, if that wasn't clear yet.

"Graphics (or the background for this page, or the photos on this page, etc.) are from the James Cameron's Dark Angel official site and are copyright 2000, FOX."

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