Dark Angels Den

Dark Angel FAQ's

If you have any questions please e-mail us and we will try to answer it, if possible.

What is the year?

The year is 2019, ten years since Max's escape.

What is EMP?

EMP (electro magnetic pulse), or Controlled and contained magnetic or electro magnetic energy, used in surges, pulses, cycles per second, usually measured in Hertz values.

This technology has been around for years, radar use it, micro wave technology, radio, or just about anything that uses electricity today and over the past century and a 1/2 releases some EMF (electro magnetic frequency) value.

Michael Faraday: Law of the proven connections and interaction between electrical current and magnetism.

This technology called The Pulse does exist today, just not as powerful as they have it on the show. It could at best effect a few city blocks and would require a great deal of power. In the future who can say, hypothetical speaking a nuclear device exploding may create enough energy to power for such a device to Pulse the U.S. but that kind of technology may be several decades away, if at all possible.

What is the Goddess Bast?

Egyptian cat goddess. A goddess of the home and of the domestic cat, although she sometimes took on the war-like aspect of a lioness. Bast was also associated with the 'Eye of Ra', acting as the instrument of the sun god's vengeance. She was depicted as a cat or in human form with the head of a cat, often holding the sacred rattle known as the sistrum.

Where is the story set?

The story is set in Seattle, Washington.

Where is the show filmed?

The show is filmed in Canada, Vancouver.

What is the make and model of Max's Bike?

Max' motorcycle is a Ninja 450 imported from Taiwan with dual shocks and single disc brakes on the front and back. The bike has also had some minor body modifications to make it look like a 250 like the tail end has been extended 3 inches and the tail lights have been changed. Max's bike also looks like the newer model Ninja 600EX made by Kawasaki. Jessica Alba in an interview claims she rides a 350 model.

What is the name of Theo's son?

Theo's son is named Omar.

How old is Jessica Alba?

Jessica Alba is now 19. If you want further information on Jessica visit my links area.

What is the name of the laundry the PI works out of?

The name of the laundry is Sublime.

What floor does Max live on?

Max lives on the seventh floor.

How old is Max?

Max is 19 the same age as Jessica Alba the star who plays her.

What is the name of those things that fly around spying?

Those spy things are called police hover drones.

What was the name of the area where Max lived called and the designation for her group from the lab?

Max lived in block 12 and she belonged to group 5.

What is Max's room mate's name?

Max's roommate is named Kendra Maibaum

What is the name of the messenger service Max works for?

Max works for Jam Pony X-press.

How many others escaped besides Max?

Max and eleven others escaped from Project Manticore.

When did Max and the others escape?

Max and her group escaped february 2009.

What is the name of the drug that Max takes?

Drug used to control her seizures: Tryptophan. The following info is provided by Flavio Ribeiro.

Tryptophan is actually an essential aminoacid. Essential aminoacids must be ingested because our bodies can't produce them or produce them too slowly. Non-essential aminoacids don't need to be ingested because we can manufacture all we need. Tryptophan metabolism is extremely important and it has been found that tryptophan is directly connected to problems like depression, obsession and insomnia. Prozac and similar drugs actually increase the efficiency of tryptophan metabolism. Tryptophan is also the least common essential aminoacid (which doesn't make it any less essential, BTW). Serotonin is a neurotransmitter. Its molecule is basically tryptophan with 2 changes (the addition of a carboxyl (COOH) group and the removal of a hydroxyl (OH) group) and it has a big part in issues like depression, obsession, insomnia, excessive weight and others. These are actually caused by the lack of serotonin, which is caused by the lack of tryptophan. As an example, some people eat a lot when they're depressed because they end up ingesting tryptophan/serotonin, which makes them happy. Serotonin is naturally broken down by the body at a specific rate. Prozac and friends slow down that breakdown rate so people stay happy for a much longer period. Interesting fact: In DA1x03, Max asks for a glass of milk, which is a good source of tryptophan. Some girls eat icecream when they're depressed. Icecream has lots of milk and fat, so you now know why. I'm sorry to say that Max's descriptions of tryptophane and her uses of it are illogical. According to her, she must take tryptophan to increase her serotonin levels, and I quote: "which my brain's supposed to make but doesn't". If her body doesn't synthesize serotonin it doesn't matter HOW MUCH tryptophan she takes. She should take serotonin instead. Drinking milk _does_ help because milk has serotonin.

There's an easy way to fix this, though. We can say her body can't synthesize _tryptophan_ out of proteins. That's highly unlikely to be the only problem this causes, of course [in real life, a fetus which such a genetic disfunction would be aborted], but Max's also a very unlikely girl. In any case, if the tryptophan thing were true and she did live enough to be born and grow to be 19, Max would be a very sad girl.

How old is Zack

Zack's birtday is 9.13.1997 so that should put him at 23.

Can you tell me about the pilot?

Okay some of you missed the pilot episode, or you just started watching and wanted to know what happened and who are all these people? I'll try to answer some of these question.

Well there was a Pulse bomb that went off and wiped out most of the digital information and transmission sometime around 2009. Max was 9 when escaped Project "Manticore" a few months before the bomb went off. She is a genetic experiment that didn't work out perfectly, she has a flaw, needs a drug called triptophan to control her sizures. Ten years have passed and it's now 2019 and the country is still recovering from the Pulse. Max lives with her roomate Kendra who teaches Japanese to kids. Max's other best friend is Original Cindy who is into girls.

Why did terrorist set off the bomb you ask. No one really knows, some speculate it's an Mac thing knocks off most of the pc's....or a quaker thing but highly unlikely since they would be using tech to wipe it out. Your guess is as good as anyone's at this point. Logan is a rich guy who's a underground news journalist known as eyes only. He hacks into broadcasts and informs the people about whats he's discovered. He and Max (the central charaters) are working together because he has promised to supply her with info on her other siblings that escaped for her assistace in punishing the criminals. Max and Logan met when she tried to steal his cat goddess statue of "baste". Many speculate they are developing a "romantic interest" in one another, who knows (james cameron). As to the free and democratic society that exsisted in our time, it went the way of the dodo bird. Who knows maybe it wasn't the pulse that did this on the show, maybe we can blame this election....The world is genereally the same, just less amenities and higher poverty. If you think this is a safe world then good for you, but I live in the "Max" kinda world, only disneyfied. "It's a kicked or be kicked a%$ world out there." quote from Logan. The man who's chasing them is lydecker, who is or was on project manticore the same genetic research program that Max came from. Lydecker's job is to recover or elimminate the escapee's before their exsistence becomes public knowledge. Oh and one more bit of info "Don't touch her bike". lol... :)

If you want more indepth summaries of the show go to Max's Journal, I should warn you the show is told in the perspective of Max.

This sounds like any easy question but it's not. Max's Barcode No. 332960013452 or so it says on the offical site. On the show Max's barcode # 332960073452. If I had to choose I'd go with the one on the TV show # 332960073452 unless Dark Angel says otherwise offically.

Logans drives a Pontiac Aztek.

I think Zach was riding a Ducati 750sport but you can check at Kawasaki.com .

Max is a UNIVERSAL donor so she must be type O-

Logan is type AB- the rarest of blood types. Types A-, B-, and O- blood can be used to give a AB- person a transfusion.

Logan and Max danced to Jean Sibelius's "Valse Triste" Waltz in "Blah, Blah, Woof, Woof".

The name of the artist is Nina Gordon and the song is called "Tonight and the Rest of my Life." The album is titled the same by the way if you are interest in purchasing it at your local music store.

How Old is Logan

On the episode Female Trouble his medical chart showed Logan to be born on 11/11/88 which puts him at 31-32. Thanks for the info PJ.

How can Logan drive his car in his condition?

Paraplegics can drive. The gas and brake are modified into hand controls. In "flushed" you will clearly see the modifacations that were made to equip the aztec with hand controls that allow one to acclerate/decelerate, etc....

What is the name of the song from the motorcycle scene in "411 on the DL"?Music from the motorcycle scene in "411 on the DL" Missy Elliot's "Smooth Chick"

What is the music played at the casino in "Cream"?

The music in the casino for "Cream" was by Trina and the song is called "Pull Over".

What are the names of the escaped X-5 members?

Max, Zack, Brin, Tinga, Jondy, Zane, Crit, Syl, Ben.

What is the modle of Bicycle Max rides?

Cannobdale Bad Boy Ultra

What is the name of Madame X?

Her name is Renfro.

Where can I get info on the actors?

If you want information on actors for an episode check out Cast credits page.

Question 36

Coming soon....

Question 37

Coming soon....

Question 38

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Question 39

Coming soon....

Question 40

Coming soon....

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