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and ponder the claim that is made...
By Their Own Words�

Indian Hemp Drugs Commission,  1894

�The commission has come to the conclusion that the moderate use of cannabis drugs is practically attended by no evil result, at all.   Moderate use of cannabis, appears to cause no appreciable physical injury of any kind, no injurious effects on the mind, and no moral injury, whatever.�

La Guardia Commission Report,   1944

�Cannabis smoking does not lead directly to mental or physical deterioration.  Those who have consumed cannabis [marijuana] for a period of years, showed no mental or physical deterioration which could be attributed to the drug.�

The Wooten Report; U.K. Royal Commission,   1968

�Having reviewed all material available to us;  We find ourselves in agreement with the conclusion reached by the Indian Hemp Drugs Commission appointed by the government of India (1893 -  94)  and the New York Mayors Committee (LaGuardia, 1944) that the long-term consumption of cannabis in moderate doses has NO harmful effects.  The long-asserted dangers of cannabis are exaggerated; and, that the related law is socially damaging; if not �unworkable�.�

Employer Losses(Drug-related);  Scientific American, March 1990

According to a report published by NIDA last year, Utah Power and Light actually 'spent $215 per employee per year less on the drug abusers in health insurance benefits than on the control group.' Those who tested positive at Georgia Power had a higher promotion rate than the company average. Moreover, Georgia workers testing positive only for marijuana (about 35 percent of all positives) exhibited absenteeism some 30 percent lower than average.

�Marijuana and Actual Driving Performance�

National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Nov. 1993

Not only is cannabis one of the safest known drugs, and, as we have just observed, is correlated to better employee performance, but there is no established correlation between cannabis and motor-skill impairment; thus, unlike legal alcohol, it cannot even be said to impair driving skills, which is a major drug testing pretext.

Observing the safety of cannabis use, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration said:

�No clear relationship has ever been demonstrated between marijuana smoking and either seriously impaired driving performance or the risk of accident involvement... There is little if any evidence to indicate that drivers who have used marijuana alone are any more likely to cause serious accidents than drug free drivers.�

In Conclusion�

We can see that by their own words, the very people that seek to deny us our freedom of choice in medication, as well as recreation, have themselves stated that cannabis poses no real, or theorized threats to the health of  its users.  While there is a great deal of evidence to support the current laws concerning drinking and driving;   A driver �high� on cannabis/marijuana is of no greater danger to themselves or others around them than a driver that has consumed no drugs at all, as is evidenced by this quote from their own statement;

�There is little if any evidence to indicate that drivers who have used marijuana alone are any more likely to cause serious accidents than drug free drivers.�

This whole thing stinks people, just plain stinks.  Not like good bud;  but like the diseased, rotting, fecis that this policy has oozed forth from: the United States Government & all the little �bitch� governments that have adopted similar policies in order to be �favored� by the �Madam Whore� that is that government.  The governments that had enough spine to tell the U.S. to go get fucked, are now well embroiled in war of one type or another, with (you guessed it!!!)
United States of AmeriKKKa !!! 

Hmmmmmmmmmm, ��  ever wonder why?
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Cost of the War in Iraq
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