"Why is everyone always picking on me?!"
"Uhhh...Dal, they just wanna ask you some questions." *thunk*
Heya, this is my FAQ section, feel free to ask me practically anything!!!

* Exactly which Officer Jenny are you talking about? One of 'em? All of 'em?

Uhhhh...one of them would be plenty, don't you think? Seskay as Gio is... *cough* I mean, I really think more than one would be kinda hard to handle. I'm indicating the one in Viridian ((THE one. You know which one I mean, right?)), but if you insist on making it suit your needs, you go on ahead.

* You...are a massive Giovanni fan, aren't you?

Whatever gave you that idea? Nope, not me. Never. Uh-unh. *rolls her eyes* I have no idea as to where THAT came from.

* What got you started on all this madness?

I'm a person with no life and Internet access. Ta-daaaa!
Actually, it was more of me watching the second Butch and Cassidy ep (("Pikachu Re-volts" or something)) with my friend Jo and then it just hit me. She was giving me the most BIZARRE look when I told her my idea...

* That pic on your site looks AWFULLY familiar...I think you got it from ME!

Um. No. Unless you are the original creator of this show, FROM JAPAN, none of these pics are yours. No right, no fight! And if, in case you ARE the creator of this show from Japan, I have a lovely little
Disclaimers page to save my sorry butt from being sued.

* You do know that you have a bizarre taste in music, right?

Nice to know that you think so. If you don't like it, might I suggest, oh, I don't know...turning off your freaking speakers?! Just a suggestion, of course...And YES, I do realise that putting "Iris" on Giovanni's page was a tad bit, uh, uninspired, considering the lyrics to that song. So sue me. But if you do sue me, I'm warning you: you'll get $3.50 and a stick of gum. Wait...add a nailfile onto that. So if being about $4.00 richer means that much to you...

* Dal, you have deserted me! I thought you were a Diamondshipper, hard-core. What happened to that?

Well, I still am. In a way. I'm going to try to explain myself without using twenty-odd pages to do it in.
I fully believe that Giovanni and and Delia might have had a relationship in the past. I also fully believe that they don't
anymore. There is just too much against it. ((Go here for my ideas on Diamondshipping.)) I can't see it happening now, sorry. But in the past, who's to say? I seriously think that Ash is probably Giovanni's son; the resemblence is clear as day, at least to me. Delia is probably dating Professor Oak right now, because come on they're two of the most obvious people in the show! They don't try to hide it. And as for Giovanni...hehe, you know what I think about that. That's why you're here.
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