In Which I Cover the...er...Legalities.
Disclaimer fun!

I do not own, and do not claim to own:
Pokemon, Giovanni, Officer Jenny, Team Rocket, Butch, Cassidy, Jessie, James, Jessiebell, Delia, and/or anyone else that may not have made it onto this list. I own nothing on this site except my own opinions.

I do not own, and do not claim to own, the images and likenesses of anyone/thing represented on this site. Chances are, neither do you. If I have taken an image from your site, you need to keep in mind that you posted it for the taking on the Internet, and unless you happen to be the original creators of the series, you have no right to the images and liknesses either. No right, no fight.


All fanworks are (c) their original creaors, who in turn do not and do not claim to own Pokemon and/or any of the characters and situations contained therein.

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