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the Story

Golden Sun takes place in a world of mystery and legend, where there lies a mysterious power known as "psynergy", which grants it's power to those known as Adepts. The power of psynergy can move objects, read minds, and reveal the truth, or hide it. The true source of psynergy is veiled in secrecy, for such knowledge could lead to a thirst for power, or an even greater evil. So the power of psynergy is concentrated in a small villiage known as Vale, and the people there never leave, but remain to guard the Sol Sanctum, home of the Elemental Stars, whose power sleeps inside the towering Mt. Aleph. Little did the people of Vale know that trouble was brewing in the world and was focusing on their own Mt. Aleph. A peaceful life is suddenly interupted when one night a violent storm breaks loose and pours out it's wrath on the town. A boulder threatens to roll it's way right through the village, and it held back only by the faltering power of the Adepts. Two friends, Issac and Garet, rush to help Jenna, a girl of the town, save her brother Felix, whose life is in peril as he is trapped in the middle of a raging current. But suddenly the power of the Adepts falters and the boulder thunders down Mt. Aleph. Jenna's parents and Issac's father were killed as they tried to help Felix, and Felix himself was swept away forever, lost to them all. As Issac and Garet rush to save Felix, they are confronted by two mysterious figures who mention the Sol Sanctum, and the storm that was the result of a trap sprung inside, by them. The boys confront the villians, only to be compleatly thrashed by their power. It seems people of Vale are not the only psynergy users in the world. And so the tragic night ends, and the story picks up three years later, in a Vale still troubled by that fateful storm and it's causes. Garet and Issac, still upset that their powers were no match for those of the mysterious couple, have been training even harder to strengthen their psynergy. Together with Jenna, who still grieves over the loss of her family, they study with Kraden, a wise Adept who has many of his own theories about pysnergy. On the way to visit him for training on Mt. Aleph, the group is suprised to find the mysterious couple from before outside his house, disscusing Sol Sanctum and the danger inside, and how to make Kraden talk. Issac, Garet, and Jenna overhear, but the villians seem to allow them to pass. Troubled by the reappearence of these two, they agree to accompany Kraden up to Sol Sanctum, where few have ever tread. After solving many puzzles and navigating their way past traps, the party stumble into the fabled Inner Chamber, resting place of the Elemental Stars, who, if placed in each of the four lighthouses, would release the powers of Psynergy upon the world, with disasterous results. Issac and Garet manage to collect three of the four Elemental Stars, Venus, Mercury, and Jupiter, the powers of earth, water, and air. But then the couple show up again, with two new companions. Jenna is startled to see that her brother Felix is alive and well, but in the company of the people they are trying to stop. Another addition to the villians is the young man known as Alex. Revealed now to be Satorus and Menardi, the two demand the Elemental Stars in return for Jenna and Kraden. Issac and Garet reluctantly hand the three other, then collect the final star, the Mars star, containing the power of fire. When the star is taken from the statue, though, the chamber starts to rumble and a strange floating eye hovers in the Sol Sanctum. The villinas escape, but warn Issac and Garet that if they survive the eruption and want Jenna and Kraden safe, that they had better turn over the Mars star. The floating eye, now revealed as the fabled Wise One, guardian of the Elemental Stars, teleports Issac and Garet out of danger. The eruption does not reach Vale, but a far more serious danger exists now. Garet and Issac are chosen to journey to stop Menardi, Satorus, Alex, and Felix from lighting the beacons inside the Lighthouses. On their journey, they find allies in Ivan, a lonley young Wind Mage, shunned because of his powers, and Mia, a young healer of the Mercury clan. Both are Adepts. The Psynergy stones, released from Mt.Aleph wreak havoc on the land, causing destrucing and sadness where they fall. And as time slips away, the Adepts must find the power within themselves to save the twin continents of Angara and Gondowan, and themselves, from certian destruction and evil unleashed.
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