Frequently asked questions

What is required to place an order?

In order to place an order simply be sure that you know the year, make, and model of your vehicle. Furthermore, click on our seat styles link above in order to identify your seat style number, and your price code which is located on the left hand corner of the square. Once identified call one of our friendly sales representative for further assistance at (602) 242-1358.

Will you charge me extra to two-tone my seat covers?

No, we will not charge you extra to two-tone your seat covers. It is up to the discretion of the customer onto which colors they choose.

What is the turn around time on your seat covers?

The turn around rate on our seat covers is usually 1-2 weeks from the time they are ordered in order to minimize errors.

How do your seat covers fit? Will they twist or slide as I get in and out of the my vehicle?

The fit on our seat covers is beyond perfect, and they won't twist or slide as you get in an out of your vehicle. The reason being is that pattern is made from seam to seam which once installed correctly the seat covers have no where to go.

What if I get my seat covers dirty?

Should your seat covers get dirty simply take them off your seats. Through them in your washer, wash them in cold water, with liquid soap, in a gentle cycle, and let them out to drip dry.

How do you compare to your competition?

While everyone else searches for perfection and only achieve mediocrity. Here at Legacy it is our believe that there is always room for improvement, and perfection is not an option. All of our products must be breath taking and beyond perfect, and we will not settle for less.


copyright © Legacy 2002
All rights reserved Legacy Logo and Beyond Perfect Seat Covers slogan are registered trademarks of Legacy.
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