Left of the Edge
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Left of the Edge is currently closed to submissions, but will be re-opening at the end of April.  To receive email notification when the submissions process re-opens, please email [email protected], including 'Newsletter Request' in the subject line of your email.
The struggle of literature is in fact a struggle to escape from the confines of language.
- Italo Calvino, �The Literature Machine�

All submissions should be emailed to
[email protected].  Material should be sent as .doc or .rtf attachments, not contained in the body of the email.

Fiction should ideally be between 1,000 and 4,000 words, in the form of short stories or novel extracts.  Please query in advance before submitting work outside of these guidelines.  We welcome well-written, thought provoking fiction in a variety of styles but as a general rule do not publish genre fiction unless of a high quality.

Articles concerning contemporary fiction are welcome and should be between 500 and 2,000 words.  We are interested in articles ranging from reviews to literary criticism, but not articles dealing specifically with the craft of writing.  All articles should be queried in advance.

We do not publish poetry or artwork.

We welcome simultaneous submissions, where the work has not already been submitted to a publication in Ireland or the UK.  Previously published work is also welcome on the same basis.

It is the responsibility of the contributor to ensure that they are the holder of all rights to a submission.  We will not publish libellous material.

Any stories or articles accepted by Left of the Edge will be on a one-time publication basis; copyright for individual pieces will remain with the respective authors.  Payment is on publication and consists of a contributor copy, unless agreed otherwise in writing.
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