Hola me to my New webpage. You won't believe me but this is maybe my fifth or sixth webby-heim. All of the others are of course treated with the same dedication as this web-thing is basically not really my strength. But since we are now on the third millenium (are we still here on the fourth? perhaps...) so I decided to learn a bit of this and that of this thing called computer.This page is not near done yet as I don't have much time to get my hands on to the 'puter. I have put extra effort to motivate myself (HAH motivate me); in doing some creative stuffs. Mostly, I'm taking a break whenever I'm not online, and that means, I'm either sleeping, or at the parties or eating at the mensa (refectory?/ commissary?... na, it's just a canteen).

Anyway, lately I have been deeply engrossed on my sketches. It's fun to do this as what I've always wanted. I'm not a profi on this area but i'm exerting much effort to make my art good at least, if not the best. Poetry is another passion of mine. It's my so-called "therapy" whenever I'm feeling down.

I'm not really trying to put a fancy webpage here, (but would be good of course if I have learned all those stuffs about web designing,) Well, I'm still learning this webby thing so better watch out when I did the right job, okay?
I wouldn't bore you with the same old stuff like introduction of myself, where I'm from etc. Better look at what I've got here 'coz it would be my online window to the world. From the bits and pieces that I will be able to afford here, you would know what kind of person I am... klaro?

MA World Heritage Studies
The Palawan Sun
World Heritage Center
Patatong Webworx 
Knights of Rizal 


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